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 Round 2 - Interlagos

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Tiago Malafaya
Carl Larrad
Antoine de Mautor
Thomas Gatschnegg
Olivier Philipps
Stefan Maurischat
Luis Garcia
Patrice Gibelin
Alessandro Milano Rossini
Gregory Letellier
David Conan
Carlo Pozzi
François Besançon
Kimmo Kononen
Florkin Marc
Steve Parker
Paul Cooley
Chris Souter
Karel Marciniszyn
Vincent Beretta
Mario Gassner
Frank Labédan
Vincent Rieux
Frank Verplanken
Pierre Labédan
Ludovic Tiengou
Guillaume Siebert
31 posters
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Tiago Malafaya
Racing Legend
Tiago Malafaya

Number of posts : 3384
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Registration date : 2008-10-05

Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Feb 2010 - 13:56

I like challenging tracks, so I cannot say I hate this one Wink
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Frank Labédan
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Frank Labédan

Number of posts : 1043
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Location : france - Landes
Registration date : 2008-10-28

Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Feb 2010 - 15:17

Desole pour hier soir ...une Gastro violente c'est abattue sur moi, et j'espere recuperer un peu avant ce soir What a Face ...
Si je prend le depart je devrais etre plus leger :jp: ...m'enfin meme si je dois installer l'ordi au 'ti coin' je devrai prendre le depart pour faire l'inter à Pierre :aie: ...
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Pierre Labédan
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Pierre Labédan

Number of posts : 651
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Registration date : 2009-04-29

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PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Feb 2010 - 15:42

aux premières loges pour mener la chasse :rigol:
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Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Feb 2010 - 15:54

Frank Labédan wrote:
Desole pour hier soir ...une Gastro violente c'est abattue sur moi, et j'espere recuperer un peu avant ce soir What a Face ...
Si je prend le depart je devrais etre plus leger :jp: ...m'enfin meme si je dois installer l'ordi au 'ti coin' je devrai prendre le depart pour faire l'inter à Pierre :aie: ...
fait gaffe qu'il te mette pas trop la pression avec ta gastro Laughing Laughing imagine la blague à Coluche sur les dragets FUCA pendant ta course Laughing Laughing
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Bernard Jeanmart
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Bernard Jeanmart

Number of posts : 347
Age : 67
Location : Wépion (NAMUR) - Belgique
Registration date : 2009-05-26

Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Feb 2010 - 16:51

David, Guillaume, désolé pour les 2ème qualifs d'hier Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_redface . Je devais être là mais depuis la course de mercredi soir, je n'ai plus su rouler Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_cry . En cause, la grippe que j'avais depuis quelques jours a viré en bronchite Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_pale . Infection aux poumons, fièvre jusqu'à hier et surtout les quintes de toux. J'ai attendu avant de poster Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 837155 car je pensais que ça irait mieux mais il ne se passe pas 10 minutes avant que ça ne me reprenne Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 321163 .Avec ces F1, c'est vraiment impossible à tenir la voiture en piste quand ça arrive Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Fresse Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Affraid . Je ne voudrais pas mettre en péril la course des pilotes qui ont bossé pour ça (raisonnement de gentlemen driver Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 311792 ).
Bonne course à tous Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_cool et à mercredi, d'ici là je pense que ça ira mieux Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Suspect .
Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 371187
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 37
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

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PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Feb 2010 - 17:53

No soucis Bernard, remets toi bien Wink
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David Conan
Club Driver
David Conan

Number of posts : 141
Age : 36
Location : Morbihan, France
Registration date : 2008-12-12

Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Feb 2010 - 20:24

Bon rétablissement Bernard !
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Ludovic Tiengou
Racing Legend
Ludovic Tiengou

Number of posts : 2986
Age : 56
Location : Grenoble far away from Brittany, France
Registration date : 2008-12-12

Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Feb 2010 - 21:31

Pour une fois que je n'avais pas mon bug du départ. T2 devant ca cartonne et je me mange une voiture en perdition. Je laisse passer la nuit pour decider si je largue les 79 qui sont vraiment un mod de merde
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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

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Registration date : 2008-12-22

Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Feb 2010 - 21:38

Sorry to who was on my outside in turn 1,i clipped him going wide and caused an accident,my apoligies to all
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Gianluca Desposito
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Gianluca Desposito

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Registration date : 2009-09-14

Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Feb 2010 - 21:44

Sorry .. Ludovic, fate seems that I must throw you out of the race! :smil20:
F1 is not for me, too slippery car. Suspect
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Vincent Rieux
Experienced Driver
Vincent Rieux

Number of posts : 211
Age : 49
Location : Bruxelles
Registration date : 2008-11-12

Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Feb 2010 - 21:46

Steve Parker wrote:
Sorry to who was on my outside in turn 1,i clipped him going wide and caused an accident,my apoligies to all

It was me Sad
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Mario Gassner
Experienced Driver
Mario Gassner

Number of posts : 306
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Location : Principality of Liechtenstein
Registration date : 2008-11-22

Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Feb 2010 - 21:48

dislike no changes into hate. combined with a really bad setup and really bad driving makes this race a race to forget Crying or Very sad .

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Ludovic Tiengou
Racing Legend
Ludovic Tiengou

Number of posts : 2986
Age : 56
Location : Grenoble far away from Brittany, France
Registration date : 2008-12-12

Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Feb 2010 - 21:48

Gianluca Desposito wrote:
Sorry .. Ludovic, fate seems that I must throw you out of the race! :smil20:
F1 is not for me, too slippery car. Suspect

not your fault Gianluca. You were hit by Steve it seems.
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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

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Registration date : 2008-12-22

Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Feb 2010 - 22:00

Vincent Rieux wrote:
Steve Parker wrote:
Sorry to who was on my outside in turn 1,i clipped him going wide and caused an accident,my apoligies to all

It was me Sad

Sorry Vincent my apoligies also to Gianluca if i hit you as well,
bad understeer on renault,i could not turn in well and drifted wide which made me contact with you Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_sad and then more contact with others, Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 161590
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Gianluca Desposito
Racing Legend
Gianluca Desposito

Number of posts : 1303
Age : 48
Location : Naples Italy
Registration date : 2009-09-14

Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Feb 2010 - 22:34

No problem for me Steve, Wink as well as I would have done just a few more laps, in every case. :D
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Pierre Labédan
Pro Driver
Pierre Labédan

Number of posts : 651
Age : 71
Location : Nogaro gers
Registration date : 2009-04-29

Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Feb 2010 - 22:42

saleté de carte graphique ,blocage de l image toutes les secondes et reprise ,j ai essaye de continuer quelques tours espérant que ca reviendrai mais c était inconduisible pale grosse déception,la victoire semblait trop facile je pensais que ca venait de l alim que j ai changée aujourd'hui mais c'est pire
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Vincent Rieux
Experienced Driver
Vincent Rieux

Number of posts : 211
Age : 49
Location : Bruxelles
Registration date : 2008-11-12

Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Feb 2010 - 22:47

Steve Parker wrote:
Vincent Rieux wrote:
Steve Parker wrote:
Sorry to who was on my outside in turn 1,i clipped him going wide and caused an accident,my apoligies to all

It was me Sad

Sorry Vincent my apoligies also to Gianluca if i hit you as well,
bad understeer on renault,i could not turn in well and drifted wide which made me contact with you Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_sad and then more contact with others, Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 161590

No problem steve: i 'm certainly not mad about you. ! It's just bad luck... I'm just a little bit disapointed to be out of the race so soon... Usually, i start very carefully in order to avoid that kind of incident. May be, it's a little bit my fault too... Neutral
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Kimmo Kononen
Experienced Driver
Kimmo Kononen

Number of posts : 308
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Registration date : 2009-08-08

Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Feb 2010 - 22:57

I am sorry. I shouldn't have guessed what was going to happen in T3. Missed my start, and got overtaken by a few cars, then I don't understand what happened next but all of a sudden going into T3 it seemed there was a wall of cars in front of me? I thought I was early on the brakes. I locked up everything I had but I brushed a Tyrrell that was semi-sideways and then spun off. Sad I am really sorry, whoever it was. Anyway, I was dead last, made up a few spots, battling with a few cars for a bunch of laps, then going into that loooong right hander, I looked too long in to the mirrors to see where the chasing Williams was and that was all she wrote. Game over. I really want to forget about this track.
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 37
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Feb 2010 - 23:09

Lost connexion on lap 10 Sad

1st lap wasn't good guys, there's no point taking so much risks in a 2 hour race. But well, it's fortunaly very rare here at HSO.
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 37
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Feb 2010 - 23:17

=> REPLAY <=
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Vincent Beretta
Racing Legend
Vincent Beretta

Number of posts : 1398
Age : 46
Location : France
Registration date : 2008-12-15

Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Feb 2010 - 23:19

Je m'étais promis de la finir, j'ai réussi à la finir. :conduit: Mais c'est tout ce que j'ai pu faire. Y a quelques leçons à en tirer pour les prochaines courses scratch

Bravo Frank, bravo Franck et Champagne pour carl :champ:
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Frank Labédan
Racing Legend
Frank Labédan

Number of posts : 1043
Age : 57
Location : france - Landes
Registration date : 2008-10-28

Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Feb 2010 - 23:43

Depart un peu fou ou je suis touché a 2 reprises ce qui me casse la carosserie arriere Sad ...je me retrouve 6eme ,puis 4eme rapidement apres le doubleTAQ de Carlos et Mario ...puis je remonte Tiago et le passe pour aller chasser Frank ...
Mais je tourne 1 seconde moins vite avec ce petit defaut de carosserie, meme si la voiture reste saine ...
je ferai une seule faute apres etre revenu a 13 secondes de Frank et j'assurerai tant bien que mal jusqu'a la fin , conservant carl a une dizaine de secondes ...
bravo aux ligiers de Frank et Carl :champ:
pas de chance encore pour Pierre et sa carte graphique, et Gui qui deconnecte :smil20:
Bravo aussi a Greg qui ramene 1 point pour Tyrell .
see you in Kyalami to finish another race on the podium i hope ....
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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon 8 Feb 2010 - 0:11

:banane: :first: :banane: !!!

Elle était pour Pierre ça ne fait pas de doute, tu étais beaucoup plus rapide et il n'y avait rien à faire... Bien content de prendre neuf points quand même :D . Je me suis contenté d'aligner les 2mn29s tout le long et ça a suffit. Je savais que Franck n'était pas au top et qu'il ne forcerait peut-être pas trop. Le bronx du premier tour a fait le reste.

Grats to Carl for his great third, after coming back from way down 15th place ! Ligier now leading the Constructors' Cup Cool ! Grats to Carlo for the points with the ATS too !

See you all in Kyalami !
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Tiago Malafaya
Racing Legend
Tiago Malafaya

Number of posts : 3384
Age : 47
Location : Porto, Portugal
Registration date : 2008-10-05

Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon 8 Feb 2010 - 0:16

Happy with 4th despite feeling that the car is really slow. Went with Hard tyres because I didn't trust the softs enough for this race and after a rumbling start affraid all went well and managed to see the checkered flag. Really exausting race :aie:
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Carl Larrad
Racing Legend
Carl Larrad

Number of posts : 6751
Age : 59
Location : Swindon , UK
Registration date : 2008-12-20

Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Interlagos   Round 2 - Interlagos - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon 8 Feb 2010 - 0:53

That was awesome .......

I Was a little worried about my race pace as i was so much slower than in Qualifying
but after Warmup i realised that i had a good race pace setup and a had a great chance to score
some more points for Ligier ......
I Really need to practice my starts as these let me down badly ......
I thought i would take it easy in the 1st few laps,
I Went wide in T3 and a few cars went through ....
I Was then following Gui and Mario who seemed to be really struggling for grip with his Alfa
i followed them into a slow corner i thought Mario was going to spin so i hit the brakes and
locked up in panic and managed to spin the car of the track i ended up down in 15th place .......

I Could not believe it ...... :doh:

I Then settled down it took me 5/6laps to get back up into 6th place
ive never taken so many cars before I think i was lucky to get the place's from Gui and Tiago's
Arrows ......Into 4th Place .......Could not believe it when Pierre slowed up and realised
i was in with a chance of a podium ...... :slurp:
I Managed to increase the gap from Tiago but could not pressure Franck in the Leading Tyrrell
the gap was maintained until the flag at about 10 seconds ......Everyone was great when being lapped
thx guys .... Wink

Im absolutly Knackered that was a long race but im so chuffed to have got my 1st Poduim
its nice to finally get a taste of the champagne what makes it more special is that Frank won the race
and Team Ligier are indeed leading the constructors title ....... :champ:

I Would like to thank so many people as i have had so much help on HSO
especially with the F179 mod
SO a BIG THX to Frank ,Pierre ,Tiago ,Steve ,Guillaume ,Kimmo hope ive not
missed anyone cheers to everyone ......

Well Done Frank :first: Franck :second: Carl :third: The first round is on me ... :drink:
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