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 1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th)

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Ben Paulet
François Remmen
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Yves Plaçais
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Yves Plaçais

Number of posts : 1981
Age : 63
Location : Angers, France.
Registration date : 2008-12-18

1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th)   1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue 9 Feb 2016 - 10:59

Jason White wrote:

*In this race, one 4-tire change pit stop is required

Je souhaite revenir sur ça : ça voulait dire quoi ? Qu'un changement des 4 pneus étaient obligatoires ?

Dans le doute, je les ai changés (alors qu'ils n'étaient pas usés), mais j'ai passé 81 secondes   Sleep pour pas grand chose  Smile (je n'ai eu besoin de rajouter que 20 litres d'essence)
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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

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Registration date : 2009-07-29

1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th)   1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue 9 Feb 2016 - 11:44

Yves Plaçais wrote:
Jason White wrote:

*In this race, one 4-tire change pit stop is required

Je souhaite revenir sur ça : ça voulait dire quoi ? Qu'un changement des 4 pneus étaient obligatoires ?

Dans le doute, je les ai changés (alors qu'ils n'étaient pas usés), mais j'ai passé 81 secondes   Sleep pour pas grand chose  Smile (je n'ai eu besoin de rajouter que 20 litres d'essence)
C'est exactement ça, le changement de pneus etait obligatoire. HGT est assez hasardeux au niveau des consos et des pneus. Donc pour pas trop creer de desavantages pour certains, on a opté pour cette solution.
D'ailleurs je vois que tu n'avais besoin de refueler que pour 20 litres, quand la capri avait besoin d'un refuel de 70 litres. Heureusement que le patch poussait le reservoir de 65 à 110 litres, sinon je serai encore dans les pits a remettre de l'essence. lol!
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Yves Plaçais
Racing Legend
Yves Plaçais

Number of posts : 1981
Age : 63
Location : Angers, France.
Registration date : 2008-12-18

1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th)   1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue 9 Feb 2016 - 14:14

ok, merci Ben pour ces éclarcissements, je n'étais pas sûr du caractère obligatoire.
Pas toujours facile pour les non-anglophones... si, si, ça existe encore ! 1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fidata.over-blog.com%2F1%2F13%2F06%2F71%2FSmiley-3%2Fje-boude-smiley

En fait, ce doit être 30 litres que j'ai du remettre (le réservoir de la Vette doit faire 110 litres !)
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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Registration date : 2012-12-22

1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th)   1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue 9 Feb 2016 - 16:39

i hope you guys enjoyed the racing at this new daytona

i did now uninstall 4 gig patch
also set the internet speed to 128kbs for both

hope for a re race some other event and mayby its wise to introduce a pre race test
its such a disapointment to live all week to a race and not even get around 1 lap
specialy when you guys pick some other tracks form the pack like the jewels nurburgring or zandvoort Wink Wink

was expecting a rolling pace car line up , cause engines can blow rapid on the banking at a standstill start
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James Knowles
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James Knowles

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1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th)   1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue 9 Feb 2016 - 16:44

Francois I have to ask.

Is the broad white line on the infield section of significance?

What does it represent?

It glared a bit for me during the race, but I am certain it has a 'raison d'etre' :D
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

Number of posts : 880
Age : 44
Location : Netherlands
Registration date : 2012-12-22

1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th)   1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue 9 Feb 2016 - 17:18

dont know what you mean

btw i test it now with group c but get runtime errors now not using the 4 gig patch
scratch sigh..
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James Knowles
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James Knowles

Number of posts : 757
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Registration date : 2012-04-16

1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th)   1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue 9 Feb 2016 - 17:21

François Remmen wrote:
dont know what you mean

btw i test it now with group c but get runtime errors now not using the 4 gig patch
scratch  sigh..

Please look below-it maybe because I had my graphics turned down low.

The white line on the inside of the track.

Maybe it is black with grpahics turned up...

1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 GRAB_003_zpskor2tya7
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François Remmen
Pro Driver
François Remmen

Number of posts : 880
Age : 44
Location : Netherlands
Registration date : 2012-12-22

1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th)   1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue 9 Feb 2016 - 17:32

thats deffo a too low graphic setting
should be very nice black race groove blended in the track

stick to x16 anisotropic and down tune from FUll detailel till youre machine can handle it

this looks very bad
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James Knowles
Pro Driver
James Knowles

Number of posts : 757
Age : 55
Location : USA
Registration date : 2012-04-16

1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th)   1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue 9 Feb 2016 - 17:33

François Remmen wrote:
thats deffo a too low graphic setting
should be very nice black race groove blended in the track

stick to  x16 anisotropic and down tune from FUll detailel till youre machine can handle it

this looks very bad

I race on a laptop so have to be careful or my fps will suffer.

I'll give it another look Francois.

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Gérard Ryon
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Gérard Ryon

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Registration date : 2009-05-25

1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th)   1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue 9 Feb 2016 - 18:09

Mike wrote:
Was that in the race?
Yes, it was during the race battle with Yves.
1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Grab_012
The entrance
1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Grab_013
The exit affraid
1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Grab_014
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James Knowles
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James Knowles

Number of posts : 757
Age : 55
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Registration date : 2012-04-16

1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th)   1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue 9 Feb 2016 - 18:10

I had to do the same Gerard.

The slicks have good grip on the grass, don't you think? lol!
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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

Number of posts : 2000
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Registration date : 2008-12-22

1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th)   1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue 9 Feb 2016 - 18:17

François Remmen wrote:
dont know what you mean

btw i test it now with group c but get runtime errors now not using the 4 gig patch
scratch  sigh..

I had to download the latest version of rfactor install it anywhere and copy and paste the rFactor.Exe into your old rfactor directory .
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François Remmen
Pro Driver
François Remmen

Number of posts : 880
Age : 44
Location : Netherlands
Registration date : 2012-12-22

1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th)   1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue 9 Feb 2016 - 18:39

ok mate did that and now its ok
strange , when driving the dome it went all weird

its so strange , with w7 i never had this
seems windows 10 is a bitch with hardware i figger that
anyway of topic and lets pray for the next event
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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
Age : 50
Location : Cagnes sur mer France
Registration date : 2009-07-29

1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th)   1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeWed 10 Feb 2016 - 18:07

1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Grab_012
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Jason Fitch
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Jason Fitch

Number of posts : 664
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1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th)   1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu 11 Feb 2016 - 15:08

:yaa: :clap: :conduit:
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1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th)   1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th) - Page 10 Icon_minitime

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1974 IMSA Daytona Finale (Feb 7th)
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