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 Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)

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Jose Berenguer
Roberto Mello
Dave Simmons
Pascal Le pihive
Mick Chapman
Petr Hlavac
Jason Fitch
Jacob Fredriksson
Mike Becnel
Matthias Weber
François Remmen
Philippe Martinelli
Florkin Marc
Jean-Marie Placais
Yannick Lampure
James Knowles
Ben Paulet
Martin Audran
Richard Wilks
Raymond Riddall
Cláudio Augusto
Gérard Ryon
Dylan Canton
Raul Jereb
Alberto Ibañez
David Jundt
Richard Coxon
Jason White
32 posters
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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Registration date : 2012-06-24

Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 0:32

That air shipped tissue I sent should be there by now.

If you plan to run all races good deal! You are tied for points with me now and have lapped me 12 times in the piss and moan race ;-)
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Cláudio Augusto
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Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 0:45

I was fighting with my car the whole race hahahaha, it's a shame that i can't keep a good pace to battle with Jacob, but at the end it was fun. Sorry for the squeezes Raul.

Congrats all :drink:
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Dave Simmons
Club Driver

Number of posts : 116
Age : 35
Location : Cheltenham
Registration date : 2012-12-16

Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 0:46

David how do u feel about the CK5?

If you wanted and admin allow I wouldn't mind swapping with you. Think C2 is about my level after so long away
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James Knowles
Pro Driver
James Knowles

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Registration date : 2012-04-16

Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 0:47

I experienced a great deal of screen freezes and warping, especially on the opening laps.

Did anyone else?
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Pascal Le pihive
Experienced Driver
Pascal Le pihive

Number of posts : 311
Age : 54
Location : HYERES
Registration date : 2013-01-18

Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 0:50

Voiture tordue suite à l'énorme faute :top:  de Henrique au freinage de l'épingle qui m'a value un superbe tonneau :doh:
La direction faussée m'a empêcher de tenir la voiture correctement durant toute la course.
Léger contact au freinage de l'épingle qui a fait spinner David d'où sa colère  lol! , je m'en excuse , il devait manquer un ou deux mètres je pense. Cela dit en passant sans l'intervention divine de Henrique  :clap: , David j'aurais pas eu à le dépasser.:hihi:
Enfin bon on verra à la prochaine, que les "grosses" respectent un temps soit peu les "petites" :drink:
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Jason White
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Jason White

Number of posts : 14725
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Registration date : 2011-12-25

Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 1:24

Screenies up

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David Jundt
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David Jundt

Number of posts : 2647
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Location : Binningen, Switzerland
Registration date : 2012-07-14

Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 1:57

Pascal Le pihive wrote:

Léger contact au freinage de l'épingle qui a fait spinner David d'où sa colère  lol! , je m'en excuse , il devait manquer un ou deux mètres je pense. Cela dit en passant sans l'intervention divine de Henrique  :clap: , David j'aurais pas eu à le dépasser.:hihi:

Pascal, I don't understand why you were so aggressively trying to pass Dylan and me under braking, you nearly took one of us with you at the chicane. Nobody can say it couldn't have happened since you went straight off, you clearly missed the braking point.

And turning me around at the second last turn was rather silly.

Your car is much better in a straight line, so why didn't you take 1-2 laps to get us on one of them? At S/F or on the straight leading into the chicane? We clearly were going to lose out to you if you exited a turn right under our gearboxes, there's no denying in that.

It's just a thought. Use the strong points of the car. Not to mention you have soft tyres to use, so you have much more grip than us.

The fastest lap times in the race speak for itself, both of you were nearly 2s quicker than all other CJ cars.

1:36.111 was the pole time in CJ? Wow, I am surprised it wasn't below 1:36 Shocked
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

Number of posts : 4741
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Location : Sugar Land, TX, USA
Registration date : 2012-06-24

Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 2:39

Dave Simmons wrote:
David how do u feel about the CK5?

If you wanted and admin allow I wouldn't mind swapping with you. Think C2 is about my level after so long away

That is not an option per Richard's posts. Sorry.
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Jason Fitch
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Jason Fitch

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Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 2:44

David, how about you, myself, Ivan, and Dylan lobby for a Group C Mazda class?

We'll race amongst each other and see who has the crappiest...err, I mean Best Mazda :drink:
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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Registration date : 2012-07-14

Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 4:20

Jason White wrote:
Screenies up


Good-looking shots once again Jason, thanks! :top:

@Jason: Just avoided saying "crappy", eh? Razz Don't you dare :D

I guess Dylan won round 1 then!
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Ole Marius Myrvold
Club Driver

Number of posts : 132
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Registration date : 2012-10-23

Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 5:14

[quote="Raul Jereb"]
David Jundt wrote:

Oh, I though everybody here is using cockpit view, as a through enthusiasts scratch

A neverending discussion. Some don't like to see 2 steering wheels Smile
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Alberto Ibañez
Racing Legend
Alberto Ibañez

Number of posts : 16788
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Location : International Simracing Organisation
Registration date : 2010-09-17

Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 9:39

Quote :
Pascal, I don't understand why you were so aggressively trying to pass Dylan and me under braking, you nearly took one of us with you at the chicane. Nobody can say it couldn't have happened since you went straight off, you clearly missed the braking point.

Again, please avoid such comments in public. You can PM Pascal and ask the same to clear things with him. And it is more likely that he will be more receptive if you do so. 

I know how it feels, I have been so frustrated at times that I had to come and vent off at the forum targetting someone. But it's better in the long run that we keep our cool. In some more races we all will have warmed up and the racing will be much better.
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Raul Jereb
Racing Legend
Raul Jereb

Number of posts : 1490
Age : 50
Location : Rijeka, Croatia
Registration date : 2013-05-28

Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 10:10

Ole Marius Myrvold wrote:
Raul Jereb wrote:
David Jundt wrote:

Oh, I though everybody here is using cockpit view, as a through enthusiasts scratch

A neverending discussion. Some don't like to see 2 steering wheels Smile

Marius, there is an briliant option in the settings which allows wether to show or to hide steering wheel.
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Pascal Le pihive
Experienced Driver
Pascal Le pihive

Number of posts : 311
Age : 54
Location : HYERES
Registration date : 2013-01-18

Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 14:05

:top: Alberto

MP sent study
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Pascal Le pihive
Experienced Driver
Pascal Le pihive

Number of posts : 311
Age : 54
Location : HYERES
Registration date : 2013-01-18

Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 14:11

Voiture abîmée dans le tonneau à l’épingle et difficile à tenir au freinage. affraid
Désolé pour cette impatience dont tu as fais les frais. :doh:
10 secondes perdue sur Richard lors du tonneau m’ont pas mal contrarié. :grrr:
Encore désolé de t’avoir touché et de t’avoir fais perdre 4 ou 5 secondes, Embarassed
Rien de volontaire la dedans. J’ai de plus, fais plusieurs autres fautes de trajectoire qui vu ton rythme t’auraient probablement permis de récupérer ta deuxième place.
Je n’avais pas idée à ce moment là de l’état général de ma voiture. scratch
Je n’ai pas ta maîtrise de pilote et cela reste un fait de course. :drink:
Je tenterai malgré tout comme à mon habitude de faire de mon mieux pour faire le meilleur résultat possible, attitude qui depuis deux années à été bénéfique je pense. :conduit:
Milles excuses et merci encore pour tes commentaires éclairés et bonne chance pour les prochaines courses. :hello:

Car damaged in the barrel in the pin and difficult to take the braking.
Sorry for this impatience for which you have pay the price.
10 seconds lost on Richard Coxon during the barrel wich irritated me.
Still saddened to have affected you and to have you losing 4 or 5 seconds,
Nothing voluntary inside. More, make several other faults of trajectory which seen your rhythm would have probably allowed you to get back your second place.
I had no idea at this moment there of the general state of my car.
I have not your master control driver and it remains a fact of race.
I have of to undergo this kind of thing on the previous seasons and it is parts of rules of HSO, I accepted them and you should make it so much, I think.
I shall nevertheless try as usual to do my best to done the possible better result, this attitude which for two years in beneficial, I think.
thousands apologies and thank you again for your insightful comments and good luck for the next races.
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Raul Jereb
Racing Legend
Raul Jereb

Number of posts : 1490
Age : 50
Location : Rijeka, Croatia
Registration date : 2013-05-28

Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 15:40

James Knowles wrote:
I experienced a great deal of screen freezes and warping, especially on the opening laps.

Did anyone else?

Same here, but not only on opening laps, during all the race.. but not so often..
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Raul Jereb
Racing Legend
Raul Jereb

Number of posts : 1490
Age : 50
Location : Rijeka, Croatia
Registration date : 2013-05-28

Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 15:47

Florkin Marc wrote:
Voiture très abîmée à la mi-course , problèmes de suspension , voiture difficile a piloter, affraid mais je termine ,et je suis content. Smile
Bon mod , agréable et course palpitante , Richard Coxon est difficile a dépasser , mais c'est de bonne guerre ! scratch

Marc, you drove LeMans chasis of your Porche, and you was far to slow for C class... I wrote to you in-game, but it seems you didnt get it.
And my oppinion is, you would be much faster and had more fun if you drove to PIT box and repaired your car, since you couldnt control the car very well with that amount of damage, and you were a moving danger in that state :hum:

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Philippe Martinelli
Racing Legend

Number of posts : 1079
Age : 69
Location : Beausoleil, France
Registration date : 2008-12-13

Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 16:37

Je prends la quatrième place des qualifs, pour 2 millièmes à Alberto... Cool

Petite frayeur au départ du tour de formation, José freine après s'être élancé (les feux du starter passaient au rouge...) et moi je n'ai pas eu le temps de l'éviter... Choc assez violent mais sans conséquence pour nous deux heureusement.pale

Pour la course j'avais quelques doutes pour la durée de vie des pneus (soft) et pour les dépassements des voitures moins rapides.
Il y avait pas mal d'écarts de performances entre les pilotes, donc je me suis retrouvé à faire la course seul contre moi-même pour ne pas faire de fautes et me sortir tout seul... Impossible de revenir sur José, Gérard et Raul mais derrière-moi je creusais l'écart. Il fallait faire attention dans les phases de dépassements et cela s'est plutôt très bien passé.
J'ai eu la chance de ne pas faire de "fâcheuses rencontres" sur ma route, comme Jean-Marie et Alberto en ont fait... :aie:   Et Raul m'offre le podium pour des problèmes techniques... Dommage pour lui, tant mieux pour moi, il n'est pas sûr que cela soit aussi favorable tout le championnat, mais c'est sympa :third:

Bravo à tous, merci HSO et le reportage vidéo commenté :top:

A la prochaine Wink
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Dave Simmons
Club Driver

Number of posts : 116
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Location : Cheltenham
Registration date : 2012-12-16

Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 22:25

James Knowles wrote:
I experienced a great deal of screen freezes and warping, especially on the opening laps.

Did anyone else?

Your car seemed to be warping/lagging quite a bit during the opening couple of laps.. then i ran out of talent and lost you so not sure after that.
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Jose Berenguer
Club Driver
Jose Berenguer

Number of posts : 103
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Registration date : 2014-11-16

Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 22:52

I am very happy and satisfied with the first place finish here , the truth that was very difficult to keep on track this Lancia giving me terrible lashes off almost all curves and at the end in a little luck and a lot of concentration on the result has been very satisfactory, but the truth from what I could see and be realistic, it will be very very difficult to fight for victory here as it will be very difficult to fight with the porch without mistakes. :hum: scratch
:first: now to celebrate :champ:

Estoy muy contento y satisfecho con el primer puesto conseguido aquí, la verdad que era muy complicado mantener en la pista este Lancia que me daba unos terribles trallazos a la salida de casi todas las curvas y al final entre un poquito de suerte y mucha concentración el resultado a sido muy satisfactorio , pero la verdad por lo que pude ver y para ser realista , va a ser muy muy complicado luchar por la victoria aquí , ya que va a ser muy difícil luchar con los porche sin cometer errores :hum: scratch
:first: ahora a celebrarlo :champ:
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Alberto Ibañez
Racing Legend
Alberto Ibañez

Number of posts : 16788
Age : 122
Location : International Simracing Organisation
Registration date : 2010-09-17

Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 22:56

Enhorabuena :top:
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Ole Marius Myrvold
Club Driver

Number of posts : 132
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Location : Norway
Registration date : 2012-10-23

Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 23:02

Raul Jereb wrote:
Ole Marius Myrvold wrote:
Raul Jereb wrote:
David Jundt wrote:

Oh, I though everybody here is using cockpit view, as a through enthusiasts scratch

A neverending discussion. Some don't like to see 2 steering wheels Smile

Marius, there is an briliant option in the settings which allows wether to show or to hide steering wheel.

And then you'd need to have the steering wheel, screen etc. set up in a correct position so things look and feels OK.
I use the cockpit-cam myself, but I have no problems seeing how people doesn't get the "real" feel from that either.
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Florkin Marc
Pro Driver

Number of posts : 846
Age : 71
Location : Liège-Belguim
Registration date : 2008-11-18

Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 23:08

Merci Raul,

Effectivement je me suis trompé de voiture ,:papy: j'ai pris une LM au lieu de WEC , et celle ci va nettement plus vite !

Comment voyez vous la différence ??
Moi à la vue , je ne vois rien ?

Jai pas osé réparer, j'allais perdre trop de temps au vu des dégâts , et je voulais conserver ma place ( mais j'ai perdu des places) sans être sûr de pouvoir tout réparer !l

C'était une première et je suis tràs satisfait du Mod,et malgrès tout,je me suis bien amusé.

Bon, maintenant je vais regarder le replay en sirotant un petit verre :drink:

Marcus :cowboy:
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Raul Jereb
Racing Legend
Raul Jereb

Number of posts : 1490
Age : 50
Location : Rijeka, Croatia
Registration date : 2013-05-28

Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 23:14

Ole Marius Myrvold wrote:

I use the cockpit-cam myself, but I have no problems seeing how people doesn't get the "real" feel from that either.

Oh, dont get me wrong, I dont have that problem too.. but its quite odd to me that there is so much effort and work put into realistic and as detail as possible behavior of the car, and yet, you seat on the roof of it and drive... :hihi:
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Raul Jereb
Racing Legend
Raul Jereb

Number of posts : 1490
Age : 50
Location : Rijeka, Croatia
Registration date : 2013-05-28

Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2016 - 23:24

Florkin Marc wrote:
Merci Raul,
Effectivement je me suis trompé  de voiture ,:papy:  j'ai pris une LM au lieu de WEC , et celle ci va nettement plus vite !
Comment voyez vous la différence ??
Moi à la vue , je ne vois rien ?
Jai pas osé réparer, j'allais perdre trop de temps au vu des dégâts , et je voulais conserver ma place ( mais j'ai perdu des places) sans être sûr de pouvoir tout réparer !

The 956 have visibly much lower rear end of the tail (rear wing is closer to the car body). When watching from the front of the car, it will look like the rear wing is in the same line as the body, which is not an case with WEC cars, the wing is much higher... And therefore, LM has less drag and better top speed, but is harder to handel in corners...

And as of your damage, well, first, I think touching with me caused that damage, when I wass overlaping you in a hairpin, but could not be sure... I had the same damage 10 laps before the end of the race, lost 98 sec for repair and fresh tyres, lost to positions, but fortunately, managed to claim back one postition. With broken car I would most likle finish with more damage, and worse, cause a damage to somebody else, which is something I dont want to live with :D

I had simmilar situation in Hockenhaim, but it happend 3 laps before the end, and I managed to reache the finish, but also lost a position, but Hock is totaly different track...

So, if nothing else, you'd have more fun driving a repaired car with its nearly full potential :banane: , than struggling with one for more than half of the race...

Its just my opinion, of corse... :hello:
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PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th)   Round 1 - Zolder (Jan 17th) - Page 7 Icon_minitime

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