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 Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]

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Martin Audran
Timo Vermeersch
Jean-Marie Placais
Raul Jereb
Jan Titz
Petr Hlavac
Mick Chapman
Alberto Ibañez
Vincent Beretta
Pascal Le pihive
Ben Paulet
Brian Janik
Gérard Ryon
Steve Parker
Jef Vannijlen
Patrice Gibelin
Dave Miller
Patrick Marucco
Jean-louis Petillot
Dylan Canton
François Remmen
Dana Schurer
Jason White
Mike Becnel
Yves Plaçais
Frank Verplanken
30 posters
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeWed 6 May 2015 - 3:49

Brainerd 210

Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] 71TA%2005%20Brainerd

--> HOTLAPS <--


Sunday May 17th (all times given are CET) :

20:00 – Qualifying
21:00 – Race Start (70 laps)

Note : you can safely ignore the pit speed limit - no penalties will be given if you exceed it.

Password : hso71

A training server will be running 24/7 (same password).

Race Start Procedure

--> Reconnaissance Laps <--

Behaviour on track

- as for all HSO races, it is required you use your real name both in-game and on the forum. Thank you.

- Chatting is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN in race session. It is allowed in qualifying sessions for technical issues only.

- Drive Through : If a driver has to do a drive through, even if there is no pit lane speed limit, he has to drive through the pitlane at 100km/h max (60mph). If he doesn't respect this, he will get a 30s penalty at the end of the race.

- Shortcuts : If a driver gains a position after shortcutting a turn, he is required to give it back as soon as possible. In the case where a driver would not do it rapidly, a 30-second penalty will be added to his total race time. In the event of abusive and intentional shortcutting, severe sanctions will be applied (up to definitive a ban from the league). To make sure you never shortcut a turn, try to always keep two wheels on the track.

- Respect the red light at the end of the pitlane.

Application and Interpretation of the Regulations

The admins alone are qualified to solve any problems raised by the application and the interpretation of the present regulations.


Thanks for pointing out your presence/absence in this thread.


TA1 Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] France Vincent Beretta #0 Pontiac Firebird ‘70
TA1 Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Espana Alberto Ibanez #1 Chevrolet Camaro ‘70
TA1 Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] France Ben Paulet #2 Chevrolet Camaro ‘70
TA1 Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Netherlands Dylan Canton #6 AMC Javelin '71
TA1 Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] France Jean-Marie Plaçais #8 Pontiac Firebird ‘70
TA1 Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Germany Jan Titz #10 Chevrolet Camaro ‘68
TA1 Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Usa Dana Schurer #15 Ford Mustang ‘69
TA1 Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Usa Jason White #33 Ford Mustang ‘69
TA1 Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Cze Petr Hlavac #45 Ford Mustang ‘69
TA1 Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Uk Steve Parker #69 AMC Javelin ‘71
TA1 Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Belgium Gérard Ryon #76 Dodge Challenger ‘70
TA1 Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Usa Mike Becnel #92 Pontiac Firebird ‘70
TA1 Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] France Yves Plaçais #110 Plymouth Barracuda ‘70

TA2 Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] France Patrice Gibelin #24 ALFA-Romeo 2000 GTAm
TA2 Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Croatia Raul Jereb #27 ALFA-Romeo 2000 GTAm
TA2 Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] France Pascal le Pihive #61 Ford Escort RS 1600
TA2 Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Uk Mick Chapman #100 BMW 2002 Tii
TA2 Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Belgium Timo Vermeersch #110 BMW 2002 Tii

Last edited by Frank Verplanken on Sun 17 May 2015 - 15:53; edited 3 times in total
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Yves Plaçais
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Yves Plaçais

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeWed 6 May 2015 - 7:13

Présent ! :banane:
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeWed 6 May 2015 - 7:46

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Jason White
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Jason White

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeWed 6 May 2015 - 14:23

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Dana Schurer
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Dana Schurer

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeWed 6 May 2015 - 16:19

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Jason White
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Jason White

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeWed 6 May 2015 - 22:27

Getting a terrain.tdf mismatch. scratch
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeThu 7 May 2015 - 10:46

simple reason for that ; the tdf is not even included in the track itself!

i can fix it ... however not before admins say so cause it need after that a new download and installment
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Dylan Canton
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Dylan Canton

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeThu 7 May 2015 - 11:47

i'm there :conduit:
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Jason White
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Jason White

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeThu 7 May 2015 - 20:28

Hotlap link now in the first post  Wink
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Jean-louis Petillot
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Jean-louis Petillot

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeSat 9 May 2015 - 18:46

je pense pas être rentré pour le départ :doh:
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Patrick Marucco
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Patrick Marucco

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeMon 11 May 2015 - 14:08

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Dave Miller
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Dave Miller

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeMon 11 May 2015 - 17:24

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Patrice Gibelin
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Patrice Gibelin

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeMon 11 May 2015 - 18:59

Présent :hello:
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeMon 11 May 2015 - 19:16

Question that terrain.tdf is just the common file from rfactor, with this the mismatch won't solve
its the donnybrooke.tdf that is missing ( trackmaker forgot that drunken )
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeMon 11 May 2015 - 20:50

I downloaded the track file Saturday, installed it, had no issues. I assume the tdf is in there now. Please retry.
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Jef Vannijlen
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Jef Vannijlen

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeTue 12 May 2015 - 0:28

I will not be racing Brainerd, so my car is free for that race,

also maybe for Road Atlanta '14 june" but not sure yet.
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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeTue 12 May 2015 - 9:31

Hope to be there :top:
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Gérard Ryon
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Gérard Ryon

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeWed 13 May 2015 - 16:31

:hello: Présent
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Brian Janik
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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeThu 14 May 2015 - 9:37

Absent, travels
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Ben Paulet
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Ben Paulet

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeThu 14 May 2015 - 13:18

Présent. :frank:
Philippe sera encore absent pour cette course, il a un soucis de volant qu'il doit réparer. Donc sa voiture est libre jusqu'à ce qu'il revienne.
Philippe is still absent for this race, he must repair his steering wheel. So the car is free until he returns.
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Pascal Le pihive
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Pascal Le pihive

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeFri 15 May 2015 - 13:36

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Vincent Beretta
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Vincent Beretta

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeFri 15 May 2015 - 14:12

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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeFri 15 May 2015 - 14:49

I haven't been to do a single lap here and I will return late on sunday, but I will do my best to drive. :hum:
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Mick Chapman
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Mick Chapman

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeFri 15 May 2015 - 17:13

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Petr Hlavac
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Petr Hlavac

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitimeFri 15 May 2015 - 21:14

Hi guys. Being saddened by cancellation of last week's Road America CART race, I installed Historic GT a few minutes ago. Pain in the ass, but it works now Wink Is it possible to join you on Sunday with one of TA1 cars, please?
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PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]   Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th] Icon_minitime

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Round 5 - Brainerd 210 [May 17th]
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