Number of posts : 13574 Age : 49 Location : Nice, France Registration date : 2008-09-08
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Wed 31 Mar 2010 - 21:56
For some reason I was pathetically slow on this track . Did not enjoy any minute of it. I'll see the end of this championship with relief I must say, I'm really not having any fun with these cars anymore, without knowing really why. I just stick around to honour the painting skills of Gianluca .
Grats to all, and welcome fast Dimitri .
Julien Lafon Pro Driver
Number of posts : 676 Age : 48 Location : Marly la ville (95) Registration date : 2009-11-12
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Wed 31 Mar 2010 - 22:31
tellement fatigué que je m'endormais au volant de la 911...du coup un nombre incroyable d'erreurs
dommage pour une fois que j'étais plutôt rapide, j'en ai pas du tout profité, je m'y attendais un peu en même temps parce que c'est la première que je suis au milieu dans la meute et j'avais pas du tout de repères.
premier point de ma vie malgré tout, miraculeux en raison de la maigreur du plateau.
Tourisme j'en parle pas, j'étais encore une fois seul au monde ( d'ailleurs les autres Elite ont déserté )
Dimitri De Koninck Rookie
Number of posts : 26 Age : 45 Location : Paliseul (Belgique) Registration date : 2010-03-26
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Wed 31 Mar 2010 - 22:42
The 911's were very fast here (carlo was taking 1/4 sec in some places) but fortunately, they fucked up their start and the Elan wasn't really bad either Nice little battle with Steve too, with a very quick Healy on the straights. I drove carefully to avoid making mistakes knowing that carlo was quicker and hoping that he on the contrary would do one ... and he did , a small one but he lost 2.5sec, enough for me to finish the race first
Too bad I fucked up on the grid for the first race, I was confident to do a good race knowing the engine issue of the GTA (the setup was modified to avoid that)
EDIT : sorry, wrong guy looool ... a lot of new names I
Last edited by Dimitri De Koninck on Wed 31 Mar 2010 - 22:53; edited 6 times in total
Guillaume Siebert League Owner
Number of posts : 13827 Age : 38 Location : Paris, France Registration date : 2008-09-08
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Wed 31 Mar 2010 - 22:43
Désolé les gars, je n'ai pas pu participer à la manche GT, petit soucis avec ma mère, rien de grave mais bon c'était plus important que la course.
Sorry guys, I couldn't be at the start of the GT race, little problem with my mother, nothing serious but it was more important than the race.
Guillaume Siebert League Owner
Number of posts : 13827 Age : 38 Location : Paris, France Registration date : 2008-09-08
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Wed 31 Mar 2010 - 22:53
=> RESULTS <= => REPLAY <=
=> RESULTS <= => REPLAY <=
Bravo Dimitri pour la victoire en GT
Lionel Demoment Experienced Driver
Number of posts : 210 Age : 58 Location : Lyon Registration date : 2008-12-18
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Wed 31 Mar 2010 - 23:05
Bonne soirée pour moi avec 2 courses plutôt sympas
Pour le fun, une vue de ma porsche au départ... le brouillard est tombé d'un coup
Guillaume Siebert League Owner
Number of posts : 13827 Age : 38 Location : Paris, France Registration date : 2008-09-08
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Wed 31 Mar 2010 - 23:07
Il faut désactiver les effets spéciaux dans les options graphiques avec ce mod, ça supprime la fumée
Lionel Demoment Experienced Driver
Number of posts : 210 Age : 58 Location : Lyon Registration date : 2008-12-18
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Wed 31 Mar 2010 - 23:15
Oui, je sais, mais je préfère avec... j'aime bien ce côté réaliste que j'avais beaucoup de mal à ressentir avec Vroom
Puis il y a une autre solution : il suffirait de partir en pôle... mais tu veux jamais laisser la place, alors
Tiago Malafaya Racing Legend
Number of posts : 3384 Age : 47 Location : Porto, Portugal Registration date : 2008-10-05
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Thu 1 Apr 2010 - 0:42
I'm happy overall. Grabbed a very precious 6th place with the Mini which I really needed (I hope Frank is hungry, don't forget you need to eat those words after I overtook you )
In GT, I really need to apologize to Steve, when braking to T1 he went to the inside line so I thought I would go to the outside one, but then he moved back to his original position and when I started braking, there was already nothing I could do. Really sorry m8, hope you forgive me
But as I said, I'm happy overall (Would you like some Olive oil to go with your piston salad, Frankie? )
Steve Parker Racing Legend
Number of posts : 2000 Age : 65 Location : England uk Registration date : 2008-12-22
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Thu 1 Apr 2010 - 10:11
Last race for me in this series
Dimitri De Koninck Rookie
Number of posts : 26 Age : 45 Location : Paliseul (Belgique) Registration date : 2010-03-26
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Thu 1 Apr 2010 - 11:41
A propos Vincent, la course est terminée ... j'aimerais bien tester ton setup GTA
Sinon, voila aussi une petite vidéo embarquée depuis ma GTA lors des qualifs (pas mon tour le plus rapide vu le drift) mais bon, j'ai mal roulé pendant ces qualifs D'ailleurs mon temps qualif je l'ai fait en tombant sur une mini et perdant une demi sec dans le dernier partiel ... n'importe quoi
En HD ici
Last edited by Dimitri De Koninck on Thu 1 Apr 2010 - 12:05; edited 2 times in total
Tiago Malafaya Racing Legend
Number of posts : 3384 Age : 47 Location : Porto, Portugal Registration date : 2008-10-05
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Thu 1 Apr 2010 - 11:50
Steve Parker wrote:
Last race for me in this series
Really sorry Steve
Pierre Labédan Pro Driver
Number of posts : 651 Age : 71 Location : Nogaro gers Registration date : 2009-04-29
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Thu 1 Apr 2010 - 12:20
je viens de regarder le replay de la 2eme course ,je suis parti en spin au premier virage ,je n'ai pourtant pas freiné plus tard que d'habitude,mais le ralentissement au premier virage m'a obligé à garder les freins très tard,d'ou le spin pour éviter de percuter mes prédécesseurs, et j'ai provoqué un sacré carton derrière. Toutes mes excuses à lionel, patrick, julien, ben,philippe qui n ont pu éviter le contact
Last edited by Pierre Labédan on Thu 1 Apr 2010 - 12:23; edited 1 time in total
Vincent Beretta Racing Legend
Number of posts : 1398 Age : 46 Location : France Registration date : 2008-12-15
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Thu 1 Apr 2010 - 12:23
Tiago Malafaya wrote:
In GT, I really need to apologize to Steve, when braking to T1 he went to the inside line so I thought I would go to the outside one, but then he moved back to his original position ...)
We all have the replay, Tiago. And we all can see that it did'nt happened that way. I am angry. Steve is going to stop the champioship and he is very fairplay, we will all miss him if you don't do what you have to do.
Parenthése refermée.
Ma course Tourisme. Ca a été une course d'anthologie, j'ai été le plus rapide aux essais mais j'ai fait une faute dés le 2eme tour et je me suis fait passer par les cortinas boys et par Yan. J'ai réussi à revenir dans leur aspi mais j'ai jamais reussi à les passer, un mur de cortinas, le plus souvent à 2 de front, impossible de trouver l'ouverture. A l'entame du 7eme tour, j'ai bien failli reussir et j'ai peut-etre été un peu frileux sur ce coup là. Finalement, Yan finit par me repasser dans le dernier tour, Bravo Yan. Je finis 4eme, pas de regret. J'ai fait là ce que je rêvais de faire depuis longtemps, quel plaisir !
PS : Dimitri, rendez-vous le lundi soir qui précède la prochaine course pour un training, en général en compagnie de Ben, Yan, Tiago, Julien, pour ne parler que des + réguliers. Je te filerai mon setup.
Tiago Malafaya Racing Legend
Number of posts : 3384 Age : 47 Location : Porto, Portugal Registration date : 2008-10-05
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Thu 1 Apr 2010 - 12:58
Vincent Beretta wrote:
Tiago Malafaya wrote:
In GT, I really need to apologize to Steve, when braking to T1 he went to the inside line so I thought I would go to the outside one, but then he moved back to his original position ...)
We all have the replay, Tiago. And we all can see that it did'nt happened that way. I am angry. Steve is going to stop the champioship and he is very fairplay, we will all miss him if you don't do what you have to do.
We all don't want Steve to leave and that's why I am apologizing to him, and to him only. I'm really sorry to say this, but if you're angry, it's really your problem. What I described in here is only a "slow-motion" description; of course what we all see in the replay is a thing that happens in tenths of a second, and all of things we think (in the very little time we have to), we do it before we make the move. So I analyzed Steve's line, thought what I would do (note again in tenths of a second) and made my decision.
Also note that when I said Steve was going to the inside line blá blá blá, I was not trying to share the blame with him; again was only trying to justify why I did that move and why things went wrong.
Again my apologies goes to him only, and I never said Steve doesn't play fair, and I don't really think I don't play fair either.
Vincent Beretta wrote:
we will all miss him if you don't do what you have to do.
If you're telling me to quit the championship myself, that's something to do with the Admins to decide; if they want to sanction me, that's ok by me, if others get it, Why shouldn't I?
Carlo Pozzi Pro Driver
Number of posts : 805 Age : 33 Location : Milan, Italy Registration date : 2009-11-28
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Thu 1 Apr 2010 - 13:09
I finished 2nd in TC, a totally unexpected result, after having done no training before the race with the Cortina. Did a good qualy time (5th), but the Alfa here were too fast, at least on qualy trim I had a good start and was 3rd at T2, then Vincent made a mistake and i spent all the race trying to find a way to pass Gui,i passed him at T4, but he did the same at T3. Then on the final lap i bumped him at the final corner(sorry m8 for that), passed him, but i let him go by immediately and finished 2nd Very different race in GT class, took the pole but had a very bad start, was in 3rd at T1, then i took more than 1 lap to pass Steve, and Dimitri was already 2 seconds ahead, so i pushed very very hard, gaining and gaining, but i lost the braking point at T4 and went on the gravel, losing more than 3 seconds. Dimitri had a very consistant race with no mistakes (grats for your first win in your first race), while i did some other small mistakes that made me lose the chance to catch and pass him.
Anyway, i'm quite satisfied of yesterday's races, that's a pity Gui couldn't make it for the GT race, that should have been a great race with him.
See you at Paul Ricard!!!
Bernard Jeanmart Experienced Driver
Number of posts : 347 Age : 68 Location : Wépion (NAMUR) - Belgique Registration date : 2009-05-26
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Thu 1 Apr 2010 - 13:12
Lionel Demoment wrote:
Bonne soirée pour moi avec 2 courses plutôt sympas
Pour le fun, une vue de ma porsche au départ... le brouillard est tombé d'un coup
Ha,ha, mort de rire Lionel , encore bien qu'il me reste mon portable pour voir ça . C'est quand ton anniversaire ? Je compte t'acheter une "corne de brume" je crois que ça peut te servir . Splendide, je me l'enregistre ta video, ça vaut de l'or . A bientôt (j'attends toujours mon ordinateur avec sa nouvelle config)
Antoine de Mautor League Owner
Number of posts : 3617 Age : 36 Location : Nantes, France Registration date : 2008-09-08
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Thu 1 Apr 2010 - 13:23
Dimitri De Koninck wrote:
Ton passage des esses bleus, tout en contre braquage et bien calé à la corde, est magnifique
Guillaume Siebert League Owner
Number of posts : 13827 Age : 38 Location : Paris, France Registration date : 2008-09-08
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Thu 1 Apr 2010 - 13:44
Vincent Beretta wrote:
We all have the replay, Tiago. And we all can see that it did'nt happened that way. I am angry. Steve is going to stop the champioship and he is very fairplay, we will all miss him if you don't do what you have to do.
And what does he have to do ?
I just saw the replay, honestly it did not happen like you discribed Tiago. You were all over the back of Steve before T2, braked too late and bumped him while trying to avoid him. Steve did no change line, he never was on the inside line approaching T2 like you said.
But anyway that's just one of those stupid mistakes like we see thousand of times in simracing and even real racing, I don't see why we should penalize Tiago for this action, as he did not made lots of mistakes like this in this series. I think Steve has had lots of bad races recently, I understand how he feels, but if he wants to quit the series, that's his call, not Tiago or admins.
Tiago Malafaya Racing Legend
Number of posts : 3384 Age : 47 Location : Porto, Portugal Registration date : 2008-10-05
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Thu 1 Apr 2010 - 13:57
Thanks for your support, but when I said Steve was going to the inside line, That's how I thought of it because I saw his car going a little inwards, that's why I kept my car near the wall, and in the last minute I saw I wouldn't have enough space to get my car in there, so I quicly try to jump into the inside line, but it was already too late.
Steve was doing his job trying to defend himself and I just happened to misjudged the situation which led to this stupid mistake which I repeat, MY stupid mistake, and sorry again to Steve. Hope you stay m8
Patrick Marucco Racing Legend
Number of posts : 2399 Age : 68 Location : Joué les Tours Registration date : 2008-12-18
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Thu 1 Apr 2010 - 15:03
Début de soirée un peu stressant car je n'ai reussi à joindre le serveur que pendant les qualif De toute façon je ne visais pas la pole Mon Alfa etait vraiment agréable à piloter sur ce circuit, dommage que le pilote ne soit pas à la hauteur de sa voiture mais ça c'est une autre histoire ... Cette fois ci mon pedalier etait ok et au moins je ne me faisais pas "larguer" dans les lignes droites J'avais juste oublié d'enlever les effets speciaux et quand on part de derriere c'etait veritablement inconduisible tant la fumée etait epaisse sur les gros freinages Julien m'a bien tenu compagnie pendant les 4 ou 5 premiers tours mais visiblement il avait bien du mal à maitriser sa monture Je termine la course avec 2 pilotes derriere moi et sans me faire prendre 1 tour, c'est dejà ça
En GT je n'ai pas eu de chance en arrivant à la 1ere epingle, quand j'ai vu ce mur de voitures devant moi je n'avais plus qu'à tirer au large pour les eviter Je repars dernier décollé et je n'arriverai jamais à me rapprocher des voitures qui me precèdent malgré des chronos "potables" pour mon niveau Je termine egalement la course dans le même tour que le leader mais dernier et à la porte des points
Quand je vois les replays et les captures video des pilotes de devant, ça fait rêver Bravo à Gui et à Dimitri pour sa 1ere victoire chez HSO
Rendez vous au Ricard je suis rentré de vacances
Vincent Beretta Racing Legend
Number of posts : 1398 Age : 46 Location : France Registration date : 2008-12-15
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Thu 1 Apr 2010 - 16:30
Les mots utilisés sur le forum pour expliquer ce qu'on a fait sur la piste sont souvent bien plus important que ce qu'on a fait sur la piste. Je me demande sincèrement si Steve serait parti si Tiago s'était excusé convenablement au lieu de laisser entendre qu'un hypothétique changement de ligne en avait été la cause. Maintenant, ce qu'il faut faire pour rattraper le coup, je ne sais pas. Surement pas sortir ton carnet à souches, ça c'est clair. mais je vais envoyer un mail à Steve pour essayer de le faire changer d'avis.
Dimitri De Koninck Rookie
Number of posts : 26 Age : 45 Location : Paliseul (Belgique) Registration date : 2010-03-26
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Thu 1 Apr 2010 - 16:34
I don't know if you know about rfVCRmerge (allows to merge replays, car appears like ghosts). It's usefull to see where you lose time against others. Here is a video of the best lap of each driver during the GT race merged together :
En HD ici
Patrick Marucco Racing Legend
Number of posts : 2399 Age : 68 Location : Joué les Tours Registration date : 2008-12-18
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Thu 1 Apr 2010 - 16:43
Bonne idée et belle réalisation Dimitri, c'est tres interressant
Tiago Malafaya Racing Legend
Number of posts : 3384 Age : 47 Location : Porto, Portugal Registration date : 2008-10-05
Subject: Re: Round 7 - Le Mans Bugatti Thu 1 Apr 2010 - 17:54
Vincent Beretta wrote:
Les mots utilisés sur le forum pour expliquer ce qu'on a fait sur la piste sont souvent bien plus important que ce qu'on a fait sur la piste. Je me demande sincèrement si Steve serait parti si Tiago s'était excusé convenablement au lieu de laisser entendre qu'un hypothétique changement de ligne en avait été la cause. Maintenant, ce qu'il faut faire pour rattraper le coup, je ne sais pas. Surement pas sortir ton carnet à souches, ça c'est clair. mais je vais envoyer un mail à Steve pour essayer de le faire changer d'avis.
And again I must say that this was only MY MY MY mistake and if I described a different line or something else was just only to show in here that the move I did wasn't intentional, nothing else. As said in my previous poast, wasn't trying to share the blame with steve, he didn't do anything wrong