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 Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7

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Martin Audran
Diego Dário
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Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 Empty
PostSubject: Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7   Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 Icon_minitimeFri 23 Nov 2012 - 22:07

Wow i didn't saw this until now, but it has been released 3 months ago as a non-official addon for the 1937 Grand Prix mod. Shocked Quite FPS heavy and the sound and physics are far away from being perfect, but the model is very well made.

Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?ld9dxkskewjdgj9


Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 111

Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 210

Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 212

Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 411

Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 Captur15

Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 27
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Martin Audran
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Martin Audran

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Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7   Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 Icon_minitimeFri 23 Nov 2012 - 22:24

Beautiful! :top:

Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 4
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Patrick Marucco
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Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7   Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 Icon_minitimeFri 23 Nov 2012 - 22:40

Elle est splendide :top:

"L'important c'est de participer" - Pierre de Coubertin
Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 11
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7   Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 Icon_minitimeSat 24 Nov 2012 - 9:44

Really amazing stuff Shocked

Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA
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Oscar Plada
Oscar Plada

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Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7   Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 Icon_minitimeSat 24 Nov 2012 - 15:58

as a member of the modding group that created the 37GP, we didn't see any point in bringing this car in, it wasn't part of the regular championship races and if we followed the real car it wasn't gonna add anything just another car with a big performance gap.

There were a lot of one offs during that time, it was difficult to try to keep it in some sort of shape , since the GP cars were very much a one sided affair and the voiturette was something that it was decided to stick to the main cars and see what we could do later on, I had been working in some tracks from scratch but then the pc decided it wasn't gonna happen and we released the mod as you seen it now.

there were a couple of fixes being work on.


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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7   Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 Icon_minitimeSat 24 Nov 2012 - 16:00

Yes, that was the time when someone in an obscure backyard garage could still build a winning car Sad

Are there any other regular entries you left out and would have done if possible?

Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA
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Frank Verplanken
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Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7   Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 Icon_minitimeSat 24 Nov 2012 - 16:10

I too can't see what a T51 or a T54 would do in a 1937 Grand Prix mod, but then the model looks superb indeed :top: . Great basis for a pre-1934 Formule Libre mod Cool Laughing !

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Oscar Plada
Oscar Plada

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Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7   Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 Icon_minitimeSat 24 Nov 2012 - 17:47

there were some work done on all sorts of cars from the turn of the century up to the start of WWII.

the problem is the usual one, no time and real life taking priority

the tires in that bugatti seem a bit too fat


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Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7   Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7 Icon_minitime

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Bugatti Type 51 and 54 non-official addon for 1937 GP mod by h_m_m_7
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