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 Strange "Problem" recording AMS with OBS

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Pascal Mikula
Racing Legend
Pascal Mikula

Number of posts : 1189
Age : 23
Location : Classic Motorsport Hub
Registration date : 2016-01-04

Strange "Problem" recording AMS with OBS Empty
PostSubject: Strange "Problem" recording AMS with OBS   Strange "Problem" recording AMS with OBS Icon_minitimeMon 5 Aug 2019 - 21:57

Yeah, as the title said, I've got a..strange problem with AMS. Specifically while recording it with OBS Studio.

Taken from a record of a short run in the 1991 Beta Test.

Every couple frames, I get one frame of this... 

Strange "Problem" recording AMS with OBS Unbena11

Which is actually..the scoreboard texture file from the Imola 1988 track filled with the current information?

Strange "Problem" recording AMS with OBS 310
Strange "Problem" recording AMS with OBS 210

Now I've got absolutely no idea how that happens or what sort of magic bullcrap is behind this, but I remember watching a HSO Broadcast where the same sort of problem occured, I think it was some F1 1971 one. 

Anyway, I know it has nothing to do with the 1991 mod or anything made by HSO here, but I'm wondering...is there a way to..NOT have this thing occur? I mean, I wonder how on earth it happens in the first place, but is there any way to solve it, except for running it in a window which I won't do?

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