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 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]

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Jonatan Acerclinth
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeTue 1 Oct 2013 - 20:03

1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia

1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Affiche_Targa

Targa Florio History

Created more than a hundred years ago, back in 1906 in his native Sicilia by Count Vincenzo Florio, the Targa Florio is one of the very few races unanimously regarded as an eternal classic of motor racing. Along its long and varied history, the great Sicilian race has, unlike most legendary races such as Le Mans, Indianapolis or Monaco, had many different faces over the years : from an epic trek through the wild countryside of the island in the early 20th century it evolved into a pukka Grand Prix event in the 1920s, before fading out as the thirties progressed to the point of falling down to a race for Voiturettes (1930s F2) held in a parc in Palermo when World War 2 started. After the war, the race was quickly resumed but was now reserved to Sports, GT and Touring cars. This was the beginning of a new golden age for the old race, which became one of the absolute classics of the international sports car racing season. For 25 years, the world’s best drivers, teams and constructors all came to Sicilia to try and tame the fabulous 72-km (44.7 miles or three Nordschleifes !) natural road circuit known as Circuito Piccolo delle Madonie.

But with each year passing the cars became more and more competitive, and like many other great road circuits the Targa Florio's days as a premier interntional racing venue were counted. It was the time when the racing world started building permanent circuits for its cars rather than building cars for existing natural circuits, and the 1973 edition was the last Targa Florio to be part of the World Sportscar Championship schedule. After a few years as a semi-international non-championship sports car event the race was merged in 1978 with the International Rally of Sicily, an event part of the Italian and European Rally Championship schedules. It is an edition of this rally version of the Targa Florio that we will try and re-create, using a customized version of the beautiful Targa Florio circuit, complete with special stages and liaison sections, and the Group A Touring Cars of the Touring Car Legends mod.

The Mod

We will use the Touring Car Legends 1.10 mod for rFactor.
You will need our BMW 635 fix made by Alberto Ibanez  :chinois:
You will also need the sound pack to get all the engine sounds.
Engines sounds can be greatly improved by using this additional sound patch made by Guillaume Siebert from the Touring Masters version of the mod by the RaceDepartment.

The Circuit

This rally event was made possible thanks to our dear Jean-Philippe Campmajo, who created an addon which splits the entire circuit in five special stages and as many liaison sections. So many thanks again to JP without who this event wouldn't be possible  :chinois: !

You need the normal Targa Florio circuit (the GPL conversion by Kuato & 6s660 of Ginetto's Piccolo Madonie circuit).
You also need JP's addon file (to unzip in your Targa Florio folder, for instance : E:\rFactor\GameData\Locations\Targa_Florio).

If you already have the Targa Florio circuit installed, you only need to download JP's addon. This will not modify your original Targa Florio installation, it will only add the rally version to its folder.

Schedule (all times CET - Paris time) :

Sunday November 3rd

8:00pm : Free Practice
8:45pm : Drivers' Briefing
9:00pm : Race Start (3 x 5 Special Stages)

Server Password : hso89

Training Server

A training server will be online 24/7, pass : hso89.

Available Cars

Six different cars are available, all with very distinctive characteristics and performances. From 250 to 470 HP, from 930 to 1180 kg, turbocharged or not, each has its strong points and its weaknesses.
All of these cars have been regularly used in the previous HSO championships and Open events with the TCL mod : the BMW M3, the ALFA-Romeo 75 Turbo, the powerful version of the Ford Sierra Cosworth RS500, the non-turbocharged version of the Toyota Supra, the turbocharged version of the little Ford Escort RS and the upgraded version of the Toyota Corolla Levin.

All upgrades for these six cars are allowed, and the 250 HP TRD engine upgrade for the Toyota Corolla Levin is mandatory.

Car Engine Disp. Power Weight
Ford Sierra Cosworth RS500 4-cylinder2.0-litre turbo4701180
Toyota Supra 3.0i6-cylinder3.0-litre3301180
BMW M36-cylinder2.4-litre 3101030
ALFA-Romeo 75 Turbo4-cylinder1.8-litre turbo3001050
Ford Escort RS Turbo4-cylinder1.6-litre turbo2801040
Toyota Corolla Levin TRD4-cylinder1.6-litre250930
Please book your car in the dedicated thread.

Special Stages Records

SS1 : 6mn04s (Vladislav Burlaka, BMW M3, 2012)
SS2 : 4mn13s (Vladislav Burlaka, BMW M3, 2012)
SS3 : 7mn25s (Vladislav Burlaka, BMW M3, 2012)
SS4 : 4mn18s (Vladislav Burlaka, BMW M3, 2012)
SS5 : 2mn55s (Vladislav Burlaka, BMW M3, 2012)

Last edited by Frank Verplanken on Tue 5 Nov 2013 - 11:12; edited 11 times in total
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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeTue 1 Oct 2013 - 20:04

Racing Procedure

* The rally will comprise three legs.
* Each leg consists of one lap of the Piccolo Madonie circuit of the Targa Florio, which we have divided in 5 Special Stages (SS) separated by as many short untimed Liaison Sections (LS).
* Overall standings will be based on the total time for the 15 SS added to the eventual penalties (see below for the detailed method of timing and scoring).

* Drivers will start the SS1 at 30-second intervals, with each start given individually by the race director via the chat.
* Starting order for the first leg will be determined by the admins, based on race numbers and driver speed : fast drivers will make the leading group and will start in their racing numbers’ order, with the other drivers starting after them, also in their racing numbers’ order.

* After the completion of the each Special Stage is a short slowing down zone, followed by the Liaison Section leading to the next SS.
* Overtaking in a Liaison Section is strictly forbidden, except in case of force majeure such as an accidented or damaged car, or if the car preceeding you explicitely gives way (for instance by flashing lights and/or stopping on the side of the road).

* Starts for the second special stage will be given automatically, by a red/green light signal.
* The lights will remain red for 30 seconds, before switching to green for 2 seconds.
* Only one car is allowed to start during this 2-second period of green lights – obviously the one first in line in the starting zone.
* Should a driver be right behind a car in the starting zone of a special stage, he would have to let the car in front of him take his green start and wait another 30 seconds for the next green lights to start the stage in his turn.

* The proceedings are the same at the end of the second, third and fourth special stages.
* After the end of the fifth special stages starts the last liaison section in which the assistance area (which is to rallying what the pits are to circuit racing) is located.
* A driver can stop at his pits and have his tyres changed, refuel and repair damage. Any position lost in the racing order because of a pitstop will not be given back.

* At the end of this fifth liaison section, drivers (whether they pitted or not) will arrive back on the starting line of SS1, ready to go for a second lap of racing over the same Special Stages and following the same rules as in the first lap.
* The only difference with the first lap is of course that each individual start for this second lap will be given by the red/green lights signal, and not by the admin as on the first lap.
* Same procedure for the third lap.


* Each Special Stage is timed by the game, while each liaison section is considered as a pitlane.
* You will therefore hear your spotter tell you your lap time at the end of each SS, but there is no way for the server or any hotlap or monitoring plugin to compile the combined results in live.
* Race results will be posted on the forum after all the SS times having been compiled and checked by the admins via the simulator's export and replay.


* The overall standings will be based on the scratch total time for each driver.
* Individual scratch times for the race are based on the total time for the 15 SS of the event + the eventual time penalties received by a driver.
* Decimals of seconds in the timing and scoring will always be disregarded. All times will be expressed in hours, minutes and seconds, for example : 1h16mn04s.


* A driver absent at the scheduled time of his start of the first Special Stage will be put at the end of the starting order and will receive a 1 minute penalty to be added to his overall race time.
* Penalty for breaking the red/green light start rule will be 2 minutes added to overall race time.
* Penalty for irregular overtaking in a Liaison Section will be 3 minutes added to overall race time.
* Other flagrant breaking of the rules or of the spirit of the league, such as unsportsmanship behaviour, dangerous driving, inconsiderate blocking, …etc., can also be sanctionned with time penalties.


* As for every HSO race, drivers are asked to use their real names only, either in qualifying or in the race itself - nicknames are not allowed.
* Chatting is strictly forbidden during the race.
* Every driver having booked a car for this event is required to have read and understood the present rules. Don't hesitate if you have questions or remarks, if you need a precision or spot any mistake or forgotten points.
* HSO admins alone are qualified to solve any problems raised by the application and the interpretation of the present regulations.


Those interested in the Targa Florio can learn more on the following sites :

Targa Florio
Golden Era of GP Racing
Racing Sports Cars


Déroulement du Rallye

* Le rallye se déroulera en trois étapes.
* Chaque étape consiste en fait en un tour du circuit Piccolo Madonie de la Targa Florio, que nous avons divisé en 5 épreuves spéciales (ES) qui sont séparées par autant de parcours de liaison (PL).
* Le classement général sera établi par l’addition des temps des 15 ES, éventuellement majorés par des pénalités ([i]voir détail ci-aprèsi]).

* Les pilotes prendront le départ de l’ES1 à intervalles de 30 secondes, chaque départ étant donné par le directeur de course via le tchat.
* L’ordre des départs pour la première étape sera établi par le directeur de course, en prenant en compte les numéros de course des voitures et le niveau des pilotes : les pilotes les plus rapides formeront le premier groupe qui s’élancera d’abord et dans l’ordre des numéros de course, ensuite suivis par les autres pilotes eux aussi dans l’ordre des numéros de course.

* A la fin de chaque ES se trouve une courte zone de décélération, suivie par le parcours de liaison amenant à l’ES suivante.
* Il est strictement interdit de dépasser dans les parcours de liaison, sauf évidemment en cas de force majeur (voiture accidentée ou endommagée par exemple) ou si la voiture qui vous précède vous laisse explicitement passer (en faisant des appels de phares et/ou en s'arrêtant sur le bas-côté).

* Les départs pour l’ES2 seront donnés automatiquement par un feux rouge/vert.
* Le feu restera rouge 30 secondes avant de passer au vert pendant 2 secondes.
* Une seule voiture est autorisée à prendre le départ de l’ES quand le feu passe au vert – évidemment celle qui se trouve la première dans la ligne d’attente de la zone de départ.
* Si un pilote se trouve juste derrière une autre voiture au départ d’une spéciale, il devra attendre que la voiture devant lui ai pris son départ et qu’une nouvelle séquence rouge/vert soit effectuée pour prendre le départ à son tour.

* Les ES2, 3 et 4 se déroulent toutes selon le processus décris ci-dessus.
* A la fin de l’ES5 commence le dernier parcours de liaison, celui dans lequel est située l’assistance (qui est aux rallyes ce que les stands sont aux circuits).
* Un pilote peut s’arrêter aux stands pour ravitailler en essence, changer de pneus et réparer des dégats sans pénalité de temps. Chaque place perdue dans l’ordre des départ suite à un arrêt aux stands ne sera par contre pas rendue.

* A la fin de ce dernier parcours de liaisons, les pilotes (qu’ils se soient arrêtés à l’assistance ou pas) arrivent de nouveau au départ de l’ES1 et enchaînent un second tour selon le même déroulement que le premier.
* La seul différence est bien entendu que le départ de ce second tour sera donné automatiquement par le feu rouge/vert et non pas par le directeur de course comme au premier tour.

* Même procédure pour le troisième tour.


* Chaque spéciale sera chronométrée par le jeu, tandis que les tous parcours de liaison sont considérés comme faisant partie des stands du circuits.
* Votre spotter pourra donc vous annoncer votre temps à la fin de chaque ES, mais il n’y a aucun moyen pour le serveur de compiler les résultats en direct.
* Les résultats de l'épreuve seront postés sur le forum après avoir été compilés par les admins via l’export et le replay.


* Le classement général sera établit en fonction des temps scratch de chaque pilote.
* Les temps scratch seront établit sur le total des temps de chaque pilote pour les 15 SS, plus les éventuelles pénalités.
* Les dixièmes de seconde ne seront pas retenus, tous les temps seront exprimés en heures, minutes, secondes, par exemple : 1h16mn04s.


* Tout pilote absent à l’heure prévue de son départ pour l’une des deux étapes sera placé à la fin de l’ordre des départs et 1 minute sera ajoutée à son temps scratch.
* Tout pilote enfreignant la règle des départs automatisés par le feu rouge/vert aura 2 minutes ajoutées à son temps scratch.
* Tout pilote dépassant de manière irrégulière dans un parcours de liaison aura 3 minutes ajoutées à son temps scratch.
* Tout autre infraction flagrante de l’esprit ou de la règle en vigueur chez HSO, telles qu’un comportement anti-sportif, conduite dangereuse, bloquage inconsidéré, …etc. peut être sanctionnée par des pénalités en temps.


* Comme pour toutes les courses HSO vous devez être inscrit sous votre vrai nom, aussi bien sur le forum que sur le serveur. Les pseudonymes sont interdits.
* Il est strictement interdit de tchater durant la course.
* Tout pilote ayant réservé une voiture pour cette épreuve est considéré comme ayant lu et compris le présent règlement. N’hésitez pas si vous avez des questions ou des remarques, si vous avez besoin d’une précision ou si vous avez relevé une erreur ou un oubli.
* Seuls les admins HSO sont qualifiés pour résoudre tout problème relatif à l’application et l’interprétation du présent règlement.


Targa Florio
Golden Era of GP Racing
Racing Sports Cars

Last edited by Frank Verplanken on Tue 29 Oct 2013 - 19:23; edited 4 times in total
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2013 - 11:24

Just a couple of questions, How long do you think the event will roughly take, And was also wondering how can one of the slower cars win? Or Is there different classes so a slower car would have a class win? I think the BMW would be ok for outright win, but think the Toyota Levin and Escorts will struggle?

Thanks, Great looking event!
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finally gone :)
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1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2013 - 11:33

It'll take a little more than 2 hours.
And if you stay on the track, you'll be close from the win (see last year) no matter the car.
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2013 - 11:34

JP Campmajo wrote:
It'll take a little more than 2 hours.
And if you stay on the track, you'll be close from the win (see last year) no matter the car.
Thanks JP :top: 
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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Age : 49
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2013 - 11:53

Yes the car is not the most decisive factor for a good result, although the BMW and the ALFA might have an advantage on such a track Smile But David Cid was 3rd with the Escort last year, and I was in it for the podium with the Corolla (remember it's the 250 HP version) until my disco.
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2013 - 16:50

Frank Verplanken wrote:
Yes the car is not the most decisive factor for a good result, although the BMW and the ALFA might have an advantage on such a track :)But David Cid was 3rd with the Escort last year, and I was in it for the podium with the Corolla (remember it's the 250 HP version) until my disco.
Bet you was rather pi***d after your Disco, one other quick question, The coloured rally boards we see at the side of the road, (I've seen red white and blue) What do they all mean, Guessing red means stop! Lol

Sorry if I seem a bit dumb! :aie: 
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finally gone :)
Racing Legend

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1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2013 - 16:55

The blue sign is an intermediate, the special stage starts at the sign with the clock countdown and marshals, and it stops when the "lap" is counted.
There's probably one sign that tells you're arriving to the start of the stage. That should be it.
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Registration date : 2012-06-29

1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2013 - 17:25

WOW :clap:  Just tried it with the plugin, Its brilliant, Did the first 2 special stages :D 

In the Liaison sections, Can you drive as slow as you want? Just wondered because your not allowed to over take and didnt want to cause a traffic jam :hihi: 
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2013 - 17:36

Yes you can take it easy in the LS, as long as you're not being dangerous for other drivers Wink
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Jonatan Acerclinth
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Jonatan Acerclinth

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1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2013 - 17:38

I would love to take part in this but unfortuantely I have a league race the same evening Sad

Regarding the signs of different colors on the side of the road:

Clock does of course mean start of stage.

White with a round thing is start of liaison area and with a line across it means end of Liaison.

The blue one with a lightning in it usually means things with electrics, electric line poles for example.

Green means that you have reached the start of a stage and that you should deffinitly be going slow enough to be able to slow down in time :aie: 

Yes, I do Richard Burns Rally and my sisters boyfriend is a co-driver :D 
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Registration date : 2012-06-29

1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2013 - 17:59

I keep thinking of questions, say for example I have a call of nature, can I stop for a couple of mins in the liaison and then carry on when I return. And join the queue, obviously after I have mirrored and signalled beforehand? Wink 
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2013 - 18:17

Yes it's allowed to do it Richard. I think it's safe to do in the LS but if you do it in the SS the game will kick you off the track if you remain idle for too long. Right JP ?
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finally gone :)
Racing Legend

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1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2013 - 18:39

I seem to remember there was a Minardi waiting for like a quarter of the Monaco race triggering a yellow flag every lap. If he could stay there this long, you should even have time for number 2.
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2013 - 19:43

lol!  Im sure i wouldnt be that long! Have you guys ever thought about doing this race with a rally car mod? Thought i'd ask as i was reading the links Frank put up about the Targa Rallies and just thought i'd ask, I've seen a rally world mod, Cars look ok but i've never tried it, Have any of you?
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2013 - 21:00

Also was there a specific reason to prefer the TCL mod over the HGT or the WSC70 one, just curious? Smile 
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finally gone :)
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1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2013 - 21:09

Because we are doing the rally, not the 10 laps race Question 
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

Number of posts : 16788
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1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2013 - 22:20

10 laps Shocked no wonder, now I understand Embarassed 
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finally gone :)
Racing Legend

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1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2013 - 22:25

I was wrong. It was 11 laps (6H35 for the winner) :antoine: 
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Jonatan Acerclinth
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Jonatan Acerclinth

Number of posts : 1837
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1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2013 - 22:35

JP Campmajo wrote:
I was wrong. It was 11 laps (6H35 for the winner) :antoine: 
Now that is a endurance race for real lovers of driving if I ever saw one :aie: 

I don't think I would have survived very long but it would have been very enjoyable Twisted Evil 
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Yves Plaçais
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Yves Plaçais

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Registration date : 2008-12-18

1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeSat 5 Oct 2013 - 9:33

Frank Verplanken wrote:
Racing Procedure
* Every driver having booked a car for this event is required to have read and understood the present rules.
Y a t-il moyen d'avoir les règles en français, histoire d'être sûr de ne pas être passé à côté de quelques subtilités du règlement ?
Merci ! :hello: 
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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeSat 5 Oct 2013 - 12:12

Je vais voir ce que je peux faire :jp: Wink 
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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeSat 5 Oct 2013 - 18:37

Version française up dans le deuxième post Wink
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Yves Plaçais
Racing Legend
Yves Plaçais

Number of posts : 1981
Age : 64
Location : Angers, France.
Registration date : 2008-12-18

1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeSun 6 Oct 2013 - 21:31

Merci Frank ! :hello:
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James Knowles
Pro Driver
James Knowles

Number of posts : 757
Age : 55
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Registration date : 2012-04-16

1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitimeMon 7 Oct 2013 - 11:46

Apologies in advance, I know I saw an address for the training server-but now cannot find it...

Can someone please direct me ...Embarassed 
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1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]   1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd] Icon_minitime

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1989 Targa Florio - Rallye di Sicilia [November 3rd]
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