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 G25 problem

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Alberto Ibañez
Mike Becnel
Tiago Malafaya
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Tiago Malafaya
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Tiago Malafaya

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PostSubject: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeMon 20 Jan 2014 - 16:12

Hey guys,

Since yesterday I've been experiencing an issue with my G25. During the Road Atlanta Endurance race, after about an hour of racing, my wheel starting losing calibration, making the wheel a little off-center.

Today, I opened the case, took the plastic cover (for those who don't know, the calibrating sensor is located in the back of the left motor) and it consists of a small board with two optical sensors and a small plastic wheel in the center.

The problem is that plastic wheel, which has a little crack, and after searching for some information, is a common problem with the G series, due to heat or vibration.

My main question is: Do you guys know how can I solve this problem or where can I buy some aftermarket little plastic (or metal) thingy damn "#$"#$" wheel?

Thanks in advance
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeMon 20 Jan 2014 - 16:17

Tiago Malafaya wrote:
Hey guys,

Since yesterday I've been experiencing an issue with my G25. During the Road Atlanta Endurance race, after about an hour of racing, my wheel starting losing calibration, making the wheel a little off-center.

Today, I opened the case, took the plastic cover (for those who don't know, the calibrating sensor is located in the back of the left motor) and it consists of a small board with two optical sensors and a small plastic wheel in the center.

The problem is that plastic wheel, which has a little crack, and after searching for some information, is a common problem with the G series, due to heat or vibration.

My main question is: Do you guys know how can I solve this problem or where can I buy some aftermarket little plastic (or metal) thingy damn "#$"#$" wheel?

Thanks in advance

Send an email to Logitech describing the above with your home address and a new part will be in the mail in no time. they are legendary with their part support.
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Tiago Malafaya
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Tiago Malafaya

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeMon 20 Jan 2014 - 16:22

Some guys said quite the opposite to me; that Logitech doesn't sell replacement parts, specially since they stopped making gaming wheels.

I'll try nonetheless  :top: 
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeMon 20 Jan 2014 - 16:23

Tiago Malafaya wrote:
Some guys said quite the opposite to me; that Logitech doesn't sell replacement parts, specially since they stopped making gaming wheels.

I'll try nonetheless  :top: 

It will be sent free (but I was unaware they stopped making wheels). It has been a long time since I had to do an overhaul.
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Tiago Malafaya
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Tiago Malafaya

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeMon 20 Jan 2014 - 16:31

Well, it is my first time in almost 5 years of intense using
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeMon 20 Jan 2014 - 16:33

You may soon be in the market for a parts queen G25 Smile
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeMon 20 Jan 2014 - 16:34

How to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhYpWAmZVjQ

The guy replaced it with one made of brass, much harder to break. He bought it from the internet in Thailand.

You can buy one of these at 37 USD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jafJonDnrWk

Here: www.cmlaserservice.com

Looks expensive, but must be a definitive fix.
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeMon 20 Jan 2014 - 16:37

BTW Tiago I just remembered that I might have the old one from my black MOMO somewhere. If you can confirm that it is the same used in the G25/27 I can send it to you in Portugal  Smile 
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeMon 20 Jan 2014 - 16:37

Alberto Ibañez wrote:
How to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhYpWAmZVjQ

The guy replaced it with one made of brass, much harder to break. He bought it from the internet in Thailand.

You can buy one of these at 37 USD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jafJonDnrWk

Here: www.cmlaserservice.com

Looks expensive, but must be a definitive fix.

I love where he says "engineered to German tolerances" then the drawing says .05 tolerance which is pretty loose.
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Tiago Malafaya
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Tiago Malafaya

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeMon 20 Jan 2014 - 16:43

Alberto Ibañez wrote:
BTW Tiago I just remembered that I might have the old one from my black MOMO somewhere. If you can confirm that it is the same used in the G25/27 I can send it to you in Portugal  Smile 

Forgot I too have a black momo  :doh: . I'll check to see if it is the same  :top: 
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeMon 20 Jan 2014 - 16:44

Quote :

I love where he says "engineered to German tolerances" then the drawing says .05 tolerance which is pretty loose

And even so, the original G27 plastic sensor is engineered to "chinese tolerances" compared with that one  :rigol: 
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Tiago Malafaya
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Tiago Malafaya

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeMon 20 Jan 2014 - 17:14

Tried the Momo one with no luck.

Besides being geared, the center diameter is also different, making it loose in the motor's main shaft, so the wheel gets a bit crazy
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Tiago Malafaya
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Tiago Malafaya

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeMon 20 Jan 2014 - 17:22

Well, for now, I'm gluing it until I get a response from Logitech.

Hope it solves temporarily
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeMon 20 Jan 2014 - 19:19

Have you tried to replace the full optical sensor with the MOMO black one? Since all the optical sensor does (Unlike the normal pots, which work with current) is to count how many times the light beam is interrupted, I would expect that it should work with the G25. Check that the current supplied to the sensor is the same and see if that works.
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Tiago Malafaya
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Tiago Malafaya

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeMon 20 Jan 2014 - 19:25

The problem is that even if I change the whole circuit, the optical wheel is still too large for the motor shaft diameter, so it won't turn with it.
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeMon 20 Jan 2014 - 20:33


Glue it then shave off the extra glue then glue some tissue paper with superglue like fiberglass over the crack. This will help absorb shock vibration and keep the crack from reforming.
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Tiago Malafaya
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Tiago Malafaya

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeMon 20 Jan 2014 - 22:03

Thanks for the tip, Mike  :top: 
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Osni Kniess
Osni Kniess

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeMon 20 Jan 2014 - 22:33

Tiago, here is the problem.

And here the solution:

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Tiago Malafaya
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Tiago Malafaya

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jan 2014 - 12:05

Thanks Osni, I already disassembled the encoder yesterday.

Left it to dry the whole day and today I'll use Mike's tip and will probably add some tiny pieces of duct tap to reinforce the lower center part, since I believe the crack starts from the there due to the forces of the motor's shaft  :top: 

I'm not posting pics because my camera's battery is flat and won't recharge anymore  :smil20: 

Already talked to Glenn from cmlaserservice and he seems to be a nice guy. I'll order the new part later today.

No response from Logitech so far...... as I expected  Evil or Very Mad 
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jan 2014 - 14:30

Skip the duct tape, it just attracts dust. Dust is bad...don't do dust.
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jan 2014 - 14:49

Tiago Malafaya wrote:
No response from Logitech so far...... as I expected  Evil or Very Mad 

I thought Logitech had sold its gaming division last year ? Or didn't they do it in the end ?
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jan 2014 - 14:54

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Tiago Malafaya
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Tiago Malafaya

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jan 2014 - 17:11

Response from Logitech:

"Dear Tiago Malafaya,

Thank you for contacting Logitech Customer Care.

I am very sorry to hear that you are experiencing difficulties with your Logitech G25 Racing Wheel. My name is Joao and I will gladly assist you with your request.

From your email I understand that you realized that the plastic wheel in the calibrating sensor is cracked and you would like to have it replaced.

I must inform you that, unfortunately, Logitech does not provide repairs, and also, no internal components are available for replacement. I would also have to inform that the warranty on your product has expired I can therefore unfortunately not replace your product anymore.

If there is anything else I can do for you please let me know and I will be happy to help."

 Evil or Very Mad
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jan 2014 - 17:19

Morons ...  Evil or Very Mad 

Anyway I was thinking that if the Thailand replacement seems too expensive for you, naybe you can try to have a replacement sensor (Or many) done with a 3D printer there at Portugal? Probably much cheaper  :hum: 

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Tiago Malafaya
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Tiago Malafaya

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PostSubject: Re: G25 problem   G25 problem Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jan 2014 - 17:19

My answer:

"It's a shame, to have a 250€ (priced at that time) wheel ruined by a cheap plastic part.
I already arranged a solution myself.

I don't blame customer support, in which case, I thank you for your response and will to help; but the company should provide replacement parts, at least in those they know that are "scheduled" to wear down in time.

Thank you

Best Regards,

Tiago Malafaya"
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