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 Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]

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Josh Noack
Guillaume Siebert
Raul Jereb
Ricard Suanya
Timo Vermeersch
Nick Dawson-Lathan
Mick Chapman
Nikos Taikopoulos
Simon Wattman
Jan Kowalski
Jukka Närhi
Matthew Brinson
Michal Janak
Matthias Weber
Jonatan Acerclinth
Ludovic Tiengou
Michael Drechsler
Andre Lagunzad
Victor Alcocer
Emmanuel Haas
Jacob Fredriksson
David Jaques
Sky Willis
Arpad Vincze
Matthew Hull
Martin Lacina
Pascal Kalide
Alberto Ibañez
Frank Verplanken
Rob Swindells
Pascal Mikula
Bruno Chacon
Jason Whited
Filippo Marazzi
Juha Bos
Ben Paulet
James Knowles
Richard Coxon
David Jundt
Yves Plaçais
Jason White
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Nikos Taikopoulos
Nikos Taikopoulos

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Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 26 Mar 2017 - 20:22

#71 Ferrari 512


Nikos Taikopoulos
Franck Dechavanne
Oliver Thiim

And a question. Will the race be broadcasted?
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 26 Mar 2017 - 20:25

It is unlikely to be broadcast as our broadcasters are driving.

But you may find the odd stream from drivers POV.
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Nikos Taikopoulos
Nikos Taikopoulos

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Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 26 Mar 2017 - 20:34

Richard Coxon wrote:
It is unlikely to be broadcast as our broadcasters are driving.

Can't blame them to be honest.
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Jukka Närhi
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Jukka Närhi

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Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 26 Mar 2017 - 20:56

I'm quite sure Pascal will be streaming his race.
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Jason White
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Jason White

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Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 26 Mar 2017 - 22:22

Jukka Maattanen wrote:
I'm quite sure Pascal will be streaming his race.

In other news, the sun came up.
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James Knowles
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James Knowles

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Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 26 Mar 2017 - 22:51

46 1982 WEC 4.9 Ferrari 512BB-LM Group 5 Prancing Horse Racing Farm

James Knowles
Raul Jereb
"to be declared"
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 26 Mar 2017 - 23:07

James Knowles wrote:
"to be declared"

Also known as "A.N. Other" back in the day :papy: :D
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Matthew Brinson
Club Driver
Matthew Brinson

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Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 27 Mar 2017 - 2:22

Please move me to #42 Kremer
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Jason White
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Jason White

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Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 27 Mar 2017 - 15:37

Matthew Brinson wrote:
Please move me to #42 Kremer

That would mean Jukka would have to vacate the Grid #37 because he has no co-driver.  Have you cleared this with him?
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Jukka Närhi
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Jukka Närhi

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Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 27 Mar 2017 - 16:29

We never booked the Grid nor actually stated I'd drive with him, I'm not sure where all that came from. If Matt wants me to co-drive the Porsche I'm available but if he wants to do it solo I shall wish him luck :D
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Jason White
Racing Legend
Jason White

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Registration date : 2011-12-25

Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 27 Mar 2017 - 16:31

Jukka Maattanen wrote:
We never booked the Grid nor actually stated I'd drive with him, I'm not sure where all that came from. If Matt wants me to co-drive the Porsche I'm available but if he wants to do it solo I shall wish him luck :D

I'll let you two work that out
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 27 Mar 2017 - 19:05

Jukka Maattanen wrote:
We never booked the Grid nor actually stated I'd drive with him, I'm not sure where all that came from. If Matt wants me to co-drive the Porsche I'm available but if he wants to do it solo I shall wish him luck :D

Matthew booked it yesterday for you both, but he has since edited the post. Hence we put you both in the Grid.
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Jukka Närhi
Racing Legend
Jukka Närhi

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Registration date : 2009-12-17

Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 27 Mar 2017 - 20:31

OK, I missed that, I only saw him ask for the Porsche :frank:
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Jacob Fredriksson
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Jacob Fredriksson

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Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 27 Mar 2017 - 20:33

What?! No one wants the WM-Pug at this track?!

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Juha Bos
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Juha Bos

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Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 27 Mar 2017 - 20:36

I'm sure the WM is a great car for the straight leading back to the start. And maybe not so much for the remaining 20 km's. lol!
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Matthias Weber
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Matthias Weber

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Registration date : 2013-08-06

Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 27 Mar 2017 - 20:41

That WM P82 isnt that bad, massive understeer, but very stable.
I fear it's getting some brake-troubles after 500km
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Jukka Närhi
Racing Legend
Jukka Närhi

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Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 27 Mar 2017 - 20:48

And engine trouble after 5 :hihi:
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 27 Mar 2017 - 21:07

Engine was fine at Monza, won't be as used here :langue:
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Mick Chapman
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Mick Chapman

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Registration date : 2014-01-04

Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 27 Mar 2017 - 23:13

Sky Willis wrote:
mick chapmans joining me in the #75 porsche.

(well, unless more cars get added and we both want to solo it.)

also, i'm not sure how rfactor handles it, but is there enough room in the pits for more cars?

I can't get the #75 (or any of the other WEC82 Porsche 935. when joining server (I can offline)

All the other WEC82 Group 5 cars (BMW M1, Lancia Evo)

I have tried gettin in another car offline and back into the Porsche.......Selectin "All Tracks and Cars" and back to GTPC.

Even tried a new instal, but exactly the same.

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Jason White
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Jason White

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Registration date : 2011-12-25

Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 27 Mar 2017 - 23:29

Mick Chapman wrote:
Sky Willis wrote:
mick chapmans joining me in the #75 porsche.

(well, unless more cars get added and we both want to solo it.)

also, i'm not sure how rfactor handles it, but is there enough room in the pits for more cars?

I can't get the #75 (or any of the other WEC82 Porsche 935. when joining server (I can offline)

All the other WEC82 Group 5 cars (BMW M1, Lancia Evo)

I have tried gettin in another car offline and back into the Porsche.......Selectin "All Tracks and Cars" and back to GTPC.

Even tried a new instal, but exactly the same.

Try it now
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Mick Chapman
Pro Driver
Mick Chapman

Number of posts : 695
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Location : Wales/Pays de Galles
Registration date : 2014-01-04

Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 28 Mar 2017 - 0:26

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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Registration date : 2016-01-04

Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed 29 Mar 2017 - 15:15

Raul Jereb
Ford C100
Pascal Mikula
Pascal Kalide
Lancia Beta Turbo
Looks pretty good for me. Heh. I hope I can give those filthy Group C'ers a run for their money.
The BMW seemed slow as balls at first, but I think I got it figured out.

EDIT: Here's the video showing the lap:

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Nick Dawson-Lathan

Number of posts : 1
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Registration date : 2017-03-30

Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 30 Mar 2017 - 2:39

I'll be teaming with Brinson in the Porsche.
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Matthew Brinson
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Matthew Brinson

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Registration date : 2012-11-02

Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 30 Mar 2017 - 2:40

Me and Dawson will co-drive the Kremer
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Jukka Närhi
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Jukka Närhi

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Registration date : 2009-12-17

Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]   Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 30 Mar 2017 - 11:40

Seeing I'm already listed I guess I'll take Alberto's offer to co-drive the M1 if it's still good :hum:
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Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th] - Page 4 Empty
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Round 3 - XXVIII. ADAC 1000Km Rennen Nürburgring [Apr 30th]
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