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 Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th)

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Simon Wattman
Juha Bos
Philippe Martinelli
Jan Kowalski
Michael Drechsler
Alberto Ibañez
James Knowles
Florkin Marc
Gérard Ryon
Richard Wilks
Cláudio Augusto
Matthias Weber
Dylan Canton
Jan Titz
Sky Willis
Bob Holada
Richard Coxon
Raul Jereb
Ramon Llupart
David Jaques
Dave Simmons
Pascal Mikula
Abat Hernaez
Jonatan Acerclinth
Jason Fitch
Mike Becnel
Dana Schurer
Jason White
32 posters
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James Knowles
Pro Driver
James Knowles

Number of posts : 757
Age : 55
Location : USA
Registration date : 2012-04-16

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th)   Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon 11 Jul 2016 - 15:24

Jason White wrote:
James Knowles wrote:
Richard, Jason, Mike......

Whats next for Sundays??????    :D

We do have a calendar in the paddock area. :hihi:

I need to go to the paddock area more often-I rarely do, but the calendar is worth the trip.

Thanks for your patience :top:

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 363
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David Jaques
Pro Driver
David Jaques

Number of posts : 512
Age : 43
Location : Canada
Registration date : 2013-03-28

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PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th)   Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon 11 Jul 2016 - 15:33

thanks to everyone at hso for hosting a great series! the physics patch especially really helped make all the cars fun to drive and race. all your time and effort greatly appreciated! i only wish i had got in at the beginning, will be looking out for these cars again in the future!


Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 587
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James Knowles
Pro Driver
James Knowles

Number of posts : 757
Age : 55
Location : USA
Registration date : 2012-04-16

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PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th)   Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon 11 Jul 2016 - 15:34

Jan why were you smoking all the way around the track....were you dragging something??

Suspension out of whack?

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 363
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Matthias Weber
Pro Driver
Matthias Weber

Number of posts : 520
Age : 40
Location : Remscheid, Germany
Registration date : 2013-08-06

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th)   Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon 11 Jul 2016 - 16:41

Could have been the best race for my Sthemo...

Had a good start an was on P2 in Junior Class right behind Dana.m After an overtaking attemp from Marc Florkin my left rear was bent and car little bit tricky to drive, but stil managable and fast.

Then i lost my concentration while lapping an Alba and turned my car upside down. Simon was right behind me, he won the race - yep thats it :D

Gratz to all the winnsers, made a lot of fun!

See You all in the next one

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 621
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th)   Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon 11 Jul 2016 - 16:44

James Knowles wrote:
Jan why were you smoking all the way around the track....were you dragging something??

Suspension out of whack?

His engine was overheating.

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 462
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James Knowles
Pro Driver
James Knowles

Number of posts : 757
Age : 55
Location : USA
Registration date : 2012-04-16

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th)   Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon 11 Jul 2016 - 16:49

Richard Coxon wrote:
James Knowles wrote:
Jan why were you smoking all the way around the track....were you dragging something??

Suspension out of whack?

His engine was overheating.

Ah thanks....

Quite a hardy BMW straight six in that car...

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 363
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Matthias Weber
Pro Driver
Matthias Weber

Number of posts : 520
Age : 40
Location : Remscheid, Germany
Registration date : 2013-08-06

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th)   Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon 11 Jul 2016 - 17:11

Richard Coxon wrote:
James Knowles wrote:
Jan why were you smoking all the way around the track....were you dragging something??

Suspension out of whack?

His engine was overheating.

He was driving with only 10%, still the engine was overheating Shocked

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 621
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th)   Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon 11 Jul 2016 - 17:19

A flaw in the original mod, overheating seems to have no effect on engine life.

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 462
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Ramon Llupart
Ramon Llupart

Number of posts : 12
Age : 43
Location : Valencia, Spain
Registration date : 2016-06-30

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th)   Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon 11 Jul 2016 - 21:44

That was nice fun, thanks for the race, I hope next time I can enter the championship from the beginning.

My race was disastrous, more or less in half of the race, y hit badly the tyre barries, my car fly and end upside down, I could only press esc. :urgence:

Hope next time I'll have better luck. :aie:
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Cláudio Augusto
Club Driver

Number of posts : 118
Age : 31
Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2015-02-07

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th)   Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon 11 Jul 2016 - 23:05

I want to say sorry for my absence and for not having withdrew my name of the list before the race. Hope you guys have fun.

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 716
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Alberto Ibañez
Racing Legend
Alberto Ibañez

Number of posts : 16788
Age : 121
Location : International Simracing Organisation
Registration date : 2010-09-17

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th)   Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue 12 Jul 2016 - 8:40

Simon Wattman wrote:
My first hso win :first: only took 180 attempts lol!

In the beginning I took it very easy. Got overtaken by some cars and tried to just stay away from incidents. In the first 20% of the race I was able to keep up with the other group c junior cars, but after that they were quicker than me. I was aiming for 3rd in class as both Dana and Dylan was faster. In the slalom sections I was so slow. Car so understeery. Maybe wrong setup :hum:

But as this is racing strange stuff can happen. First Dana crashes and later Dylan spins when he is closing in for the overtake :smil20:

After that i was just trying to survive the slalom sections. Was close to crash sometimes so a big relief when I crossed the finish line.

Thanks for hosting this championship Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 3108518133 Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 3108518133 :top:

LOL had you waited so long to say more than two words together Simon? lol! lol!  I think this is BY FAR the longest post I have ever seen from you :rigol:

Heartly congratulations on your victory, it was so strange you had not one already :clap:

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA
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Simon Wattman
Experienced Driver
Simon Wattman

Number of posts : 270
Age : 36
Location : Stockholm
Registration date : 2012-01-22

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th)   Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue 12 Jul 2016 - 19:19

Alberto Ibañez wrote:
LOL had you waited so long to say more than two words together Simon? lol! lol!  I think this is BY FAR the longest post I have ever seen from you :rigol:

lol! that is true. I have not been so good at writing on HSO forum  Smile  

Thanks :champ: hopefully shorter time until next one.

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 195
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Jonatan Acerclinth
Racing Legend
Jonatan Acerclinth

Number of posts : 1837
Age : 31
Location : Gräv, Sweden
Registration date : 2012-12-10

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th)   Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed 13 Jul 2016 - 20:48

@Jason White

Thanks for telling me of my Trail Braking situation.

It seems like they are constantly sticking to 8-12% so that explains some of the lack of speed I've felt in the past week and a half...

Just strange that it's been completely clean of problems ever since I baught the wheel (about 5 years now) but I suppose there is always a 1st time for everything :smil20:

This coming weekend will be my first time cleaning Potentiometers, I've found instructions and I've got some electric cleaner fluid (a good side to having a former builder/mechanic as my father) and will try just spraying it full of it and try to clean it as well as I can without actually removing the pm and see if it solves it, if not I will take it apart completely. Hopefully I won't have to as it seems like a very fiddly piece of work Neutral

Cheers and wish me luck pale

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 539

2019 | 1996 British Touring Car Championship :second: | Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 St_btcc96_03
2019 | 1995 Super Tourenwagen Cup  :first: | Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 St_stw95_22

If you are scared entering a corner, you are pushing to hard,
if you are bored entering a corner, you aren't pushing enough,
if you hit it perfectly, it will be better than love
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Jason White
Racing Legend
Jason White

Number of posts : 14725
Age : 47
Location : Ferndale, MI USA
Registration date : 2011-12-25

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th)   Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed 13 Jul 2016 - 23:04

NP Jonatan Smile

Results for Diepholz have been fixed so Jonatan, Pascal and Dylan have the correct qualy results.

Congrats to David on another win, and to Simon for his first HSO win! Long time coming, and well deserved!

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA
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Lukáš Vydra
Experienced Driver
Lukáš Vydra

Number of posts : 317
Age : 31
Location : Czech Republic
Registration date : 2018-10-29

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th)   Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed 27 Mar 2019 - 9:39

The results table Smile
Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Opsw

I am a simple guy - I see McLaren, I take it :conduit:

Best result on the grid - 4th (2019's Gold Star Rd2 - Hockenheimring)
Best result in the race - 8th (2019's Gold Star Rd3, 2019's 1996 BTCC Rd9 Race 2, 2019's Gold Star Rd4, 2019's 1996 BTCC Rd10 Race 2)
Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 857
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Pascal Mikula
Racing Legend
Pascal Mikula

Number of posts : 1189
Age : 24
Location : Classic Motorsport Hub
Registration date : 2016-01-04

Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th)   Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu 31 Dec 2020 - 19:02

Hey, so does anyone remember the timing bug? Where multiple people experienced that after going through the pit lane, the game would stop timing for that particular driver?
And how "we can't fix it"?

Well, I'll be damned but I fixed it. It's really such an easy fix it's incredible it hasn't been seen right when this race was planned. 

The rundown on the bug was like this, and this is how I got to the root of the issue.
Looking at how it acts, it happens when you go through the pits. Looking at the timing MFD, as soon as you exit the pits, crossing the XPitOut.gmt, the game sets your SECTOR 3 to 0:00.000 and locks timing. So I thought something was wrong with the XPitOut.gmt.

Looking into the scn file, which is the only place where these files, XPitIn and XPitOut are defined, I didn't see any issue at first. Here's what it looks like.


  MeshFile=XFINISH.gmt CollTarget=True HATTarget=False
  MeshFile=XPITIN.gmt CollTarget=True HATTarget=False
  MeshFile=XPITOUT.gmt CollTarget=True HATTarget=False
  MeshFile=XSECTOR1.gmt CollTarget=True HATTarget=False
  MeshFile=XSECTOR2.gmt CollTarget=True HATTarget=False

So I thought, why not look at the scn of a track with working pit sectors and timing?

  MeshFile=Xpitout.gmt CollTarget=True HATTarget=False
  MeshFile=Xpitin.gmt CollTarget=True HATTarget=False
  MeshFile=Xfinish.gmt CollTarget=True HATTarget=False
  MeshFile=Xsector1.gmt CollTarget=True HATTarget=False
  MeshFile=Xsector2.gmt CollTarget=True HATTarget=False

Now the million-dollar question: Where's the difference? It's one line. One tiny line. 

The million-dollar answer is this line in "Instance=Xpitin" and "Instance=Xpitout":
Not to mention that pitin and pitout sectors should never respond with TIMING, these lines seemed to confuse the game and cause the lockup.
So, the fix is literally quite easy. Remove the line that says "Response=VEHICLE,TIMING" in the SCN. 
I tried that out, and the track now works perfectly. 

I've uploaded a fix here: Diepholz Timing Bug Fix

I hope I could help at least someone here who's been looking for a fix for this nasty bug.

Owner of Classic Motorsport Hub - Your #1 Historic Sim Racing Network! Join @ https://classicmotorsporthub.boards.net  :hello:
2016 1000km of Kyalami Winner! Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 WEC1983_pAG1
2017 Grand Prix of Italy Winner!  Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 ASenna_01
2018 Indianapolis 500 Pole Position Winner! Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 USAC74_14
2018 Can-Am Challenge at Riverside Winner! Round 6 - Diepholz (Jul 10th) - Page 6 7McLaren

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