I am pleased to inform you that this problem is completely solved. Thank you very much David
, you pointed me in absolutely the right way. From your link I found a lot of useful information that helped to understand the issue.
In proof of this I cite the fixed rear view mirrors Jaguar XJS and Mitsubishi Starion.
To say I was very disappointed that could not previously be corrected this defect.
Of course, I will give these corrections for the participants of the championship ATCC to install, if they wish. This will not cause mismatches on the server.
By the way Carl, I also really want this Marcos 600 LM(this screenshot from rFactor
) and many other wonderful cars continued their virtual life on the basis of new simulations. Now I have enough knowledge and skills to do this, but do not forget about their creators, who may not share our enthusiasm.
Therefore, continue to inform HSO about the projects on which I'm working or plan to work. But the general public, they may become available only after permission of the HSO or the content creators.
And of course hope that soon the day when I will be able to start creating your own 3D content.