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 Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th

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Franck Mercurio
Dimitri Beaufrere
Martin Audran
Alessio Campigotto
Michael Ryon
Philippe Martinelli
Diego Dário
Carl Larrad
Gérard Ryon
Guillaume Siebert
Greg Hunt
Yves Plaçais
David Jundt
David Cid
Laurent Binet
Patrick Marucco
Mike Becnel
Alberto Ibañez
Antoine de Mautor
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Vincent Beretta
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Vincent Beretta

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Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th   Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 10 Oct 2012 - 22:00

Grosse sortie de route. Déjà une premiere alerte à cet endroit là, dans les premiers tours, et là, au 8eme tour, j'arrive nettement trop vite, je fais un truc à la Solberg, le poteau electrique en moins. Le trou dans l'espace-temps en plus. :aie:
J'aurais fini trés loin des porsches mais j'aurais vraiment aimé la finir. :smil20:

A+ pour la prochaine étape et bravo aux finisseurs, c'etait pas facile.

Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 3
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Alessio Campigotto
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Alessio Campigotto

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Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th   Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 10 Oct 2012 - 22:03

Mike Becnel wrote:
The first lap was a scary sight to behold. Somebody went flipping 5 stories straight up and came down near me. I am not sure who bumped me while I was braking to avoid Mr Jumpingjack but the nudge came within 1 foot of pushing me over the ledge. I had to reverse the front wheels off the ledge. That was scary. I saw two others take the plunge soon after.

That was me! I ran wide and up the embankment. The car landed with the nose facing the ground and the car suddenly bounced upward. I almost pissed myself, because I knew the leaders were right behind me pale I think it was Simon Wattman who gave you a bump, as he followed in.


Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 95

1999 German F3
1989 Italian Superturismo
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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Registration date : 2012-06-24

Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th   Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 10 Oct 2012 - 22:28

Alessio Campigotto wrote:
Mike Becnel wrote:
The first lap was a scary sight to behold. Somebody went flipping 5 stories straight up and came down near me. I am not sure who bumped me while I was braking to avoid Mr Jumpingjack but the nudge came within 1 foot of pushing me over the ledge. I had to reverse the front wheels off the ledge. That was scary. I saw two others take the plunge soon after.

That was me! I ran wide and up the embankment. The car landed with the nose facing the ground and the car suddenly bounced upward. I almost pissed myself, because I knew the leaders were right behind me pale I think it was Simon Wattman who gave you a bump, as he followed in.

Well I let out a bunch of "Oh F me F ME F ME F ME" as I slid to the ledge. I would have really hated to have gone off because of someone else's mistake.

This place is worse than Monaco as far as overtaking at yellows. I am surprised people did not back off completely when approaching a yellow? 18 laps and nowhere to go if the road is blocked. The leaders/winner truly showed massive caution when approaching. I could see it as you guys overtook those of us around 10th early in the race and mid race. I applaud you all for speed in the face of certain disaster if you made a mistake. Just awesome Lorenzo!!

Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 458
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Greg Hunt
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Greg Hunt

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Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th   Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 10 Oct 2012 - 22:34

he be des désillusions en simracing j en ai connues mais alors celle la ( apres mes decos en F1 79 alors que j etais en tete l annee derniere ) c est une des plus grande Crying or Very sad

j ai pris la tete de suite , j attaquais fort , j avais la situation sous controle sans probleme , au 13 eme tour j avais 38 s d avance sur Lorenzo , puis dans le 14 eme tour j ai commencé a perdre completement mon pneu avant gauche Neutral , j ai décidé de lutter , lors du 15 eme tour j ai perdu 9 s sur Lorenzo , lors du 16 eme tour 17s , c etait plus gerable la voiture se comportait comme si mon pneus avant gauche etait crevé Neutral , ayant 1m10 s d avance sur Antoine je decide de piter a lentree du tour 17 pour changer juste le train avant car si je changeais les 4 j imaginais que je ressortirais derriere lui , he be ce fut la plus grosse erreur que jai jamais faite , le fait d avoir les pneus avant neuf et les arrieres proche de la mort la voiture est devenue inconduisible , au dessus de 50 kmh l arriere passer constamment devant Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad , et a la mi tour du dernier tour JP et Antoine sont passés apres un énième TAQ .

alors que j avais creusé un bon pécule de secondes au classment general sur mes principaux rivaux et qu a 2 tours de la fin j etais en tete , je me retrouve derriere au classement apres tous ses evenements Neutral mais bon c est la course , comme il est dit pour gagner faut savoir perdre , faut voir la chose comme cela .

@ ludovic : je crois que c est moi dont tu parles , j ai souvenir d aoir touché une alpine dans l epingle a droite apres la portion rapide , c est du a ce que j explique au dessus , je n etais plus vraiment mettre de ma voiture , désole pour ca

Well done Lorenzo , ce qui est encore plus hallucinant pour moi c est de voir qu avec la meme voiture il n a pas rencontré un seul probleme de pneus , et pire encore il etait encore plus rapide en fin de course study

Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 849
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th   Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 10 Oct 2012 - 22:39

I Hit someone very early just after the L/Hand blind bend through the trees on the 1st lap might have been Lorenzo not sure who was parked on the side of the track ...
I Was looking in my mirrors to see who was overtaking me and then noticed a yellow 911 which had spun round and was parked pointing the wrong way on the side of the track i tried to avoid but it was too late .......
I Hit his rear end which was on the track the collision completely Wrecked my car so i had to crawl back to the pits ,for repairs
I Was a full lap down or more by the time i got out of the pits ....

Even worse when i got back on the track the car had lost top end speed and it was next to useless for racing
highlight for me was surprisingly crossing the finish line which could not come too soon ...

Sorry to Vincent when i locked up going into the hairpin bend and nearly took him off the track Embarassed

Well done Lorenzo for the win and Ludovic for the Baby class win :clap: :champ:

Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 18
Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Untitl22

What we do Monday to Friday Keeps us up with the Competition ...
What we do Saturday and Sunday Keeps us ahead ...

Last edited by Carl Larrad on Wed 10 Oct 2012 - 23:29; edited 3 times in total
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Lorenzo Arisi
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Lorenzo Arisi

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Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th   Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 10 Oct 2012 - 22:41

I'll do a (long) summary of all 3 stages so far:

1st Stage: To forget, i got a huge freeze during the prologue, my screen went black and when the images came back i was in a lake, impossible to continue the stage Sad

2nd Stage: Well, i've nothing to lose now. With a 10min deficit i have to give it all from now on. The Montjuich race went well, started from 9th (thx to Luck :conduit: )i got a really good start, i was 4th or 5th at T1, where i was very cautious but Greg with his usual aggressiveness bumped me off and i went into Antoine causing him to spin...i managed to keep it on the road instead.
From then it was pushing hard all the way, it was tough to pass Greg for 3rd, i got him in the 1st hairpin after some laps of studying his moves carefully.
JP and Vincent weren't very far ahead, i passed them some laps later and i went on to win by 24 secs :top:
Albi was a nightmare, probably the worst track for the Porsche,with the faster cars being more than a sec quicker on each of the 2 straights of the track, with not many corners to get the gap back..i was satisfied in the end, i finished just behind Yves in 4th after a long great battle with him :top:

3rd Stage: Back in 16th in the standings, 10 places further up than at the beginning of the 2nd stage. At Limonest i couldn't get the best out of the car, but it was enough for 2nd quickest, grats to JP for the win :hello:
At Charade i knew it was my best chance to gain a lot of time on the leaders, mission half accomplished sadly..I started from 16th, i got a great start, following my 8th row mate Frank, i was already in 7th or 8th at the uphill straight before T2, i saw a pack of cars side by side ahead of me, so i braked just a little bit in the middle of the short straight before T4 to avoid any kind of probs on the following corners, but David seemed not to see and bumped me, i spun and a couple of innocent cars went into mine, smashing my right side which was destroyed (not like Mike's shuttered car at Nogaro and also with no visible damage, but i noticed later when i was behind Antoine in the same car i was losing some tenths on the straights, luckily there aren't many here Wink
I rejoined 23th and last, about 30 secs behind the leader, very angry with what happened, so i decided to give everything i had, despite the damage, i took 3 or 4 laps to get the good rhythm and i started to do fastest lap after fastest lap, making good passes and making ground on the leaders.
At half distance, surprisingly, they started to stop for tyres, even the Porsches which are very kind on rubber and i found myself in 2nd, about 30s behind Greg.
Some laps later he started to slow down, he was in tyre trouble too, with 2 to go i was just 3s behind him when he stopped and i went on to get another great race :top:
My tyres in the end were in good conditions, i probably could have gone another full lap with them!

Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 13
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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Registration date : 2012-07-14

Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th   Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 10 Oct 2012 - 23:17

Dimitri Beaufrere wrote:
Bon bah, je n'ai même pas pu faire un tour sur Charade. Dommage car je la sentais bien celle-là, à l'aise et prêt pour faire une course bien fun avec la Daytona. Malheureusement, je me prends un suppo par je ne sais qui dans un virage où pourtant il n'y a pas de freinage appuyé. Le choc n'est pas hyper violent a priori mais l'impact lui l'est un peu plus > je me retrouve sur le toit > rien à faire > échap. > Fin de soirée

A la limite ce sont des choses qui arrivent, c'est la loi de la course et de ses aléas. Je suis juste déçu car je ne courais pas pour moi mais pour David Jundt qui m'a fait confiance pour son remplacement ce soir pale

Same thing happened at Albi in the night when I got tapped by Tiago, not your fault. After all, this is for fun I've already noticed that you can't win with the Ferrari unless you're... the Stig? Razz

You can still have the Daytona for the next and last time I miss a stage.

At least I had a good evening: 10th in WTM after qualifying in a low 22nd place, wooo!


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 467
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Antoine de Mautor
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Antoine de Mautor

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Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th   Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 10 Oct 2012 - 23:55

David, the Ferrari actually happens to be the fastest car in the mod :antoine:

Well, great night for me, Limonest was ok (could have done 1.46, but who cares), and had a great race in Charade. Succesfuly dodged the first lap troubles, and settled into my pace (despite a wee coming together with Frank), according to my no-pitstop plan. At half-distance I realised that my front tyres, despite my best effort, wouldnt last the distance. So I pitted for front only, and found myself with a very slippery car to say the least affraid It was great fun anyway, JP caught me and we both caught Greg in the last lap, my strategy choice was the right one because, had I stayed 30s more in the pits to change rear tyres, I wouldn't have gotten them seconds back on the track, and the tyres didnt blow Very Happy

Amazed at Lorenzo's pace and tyres-saving driving. :clap:

Grats to all finishers, as Frank said before the race, this stage was to be a turning point in the Tour :top:

Can't wait to be at Magny already :conduit:

PS : Overall standings are up, took me a whole two hours to calculate and put in a table Shocked

Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Signature%20Antoine
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th   Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 11 Oct 2012 - 0:03

Too bad there are always these nasty things in the way... I think they are called "corners" and "chicanes". Really Awful, I'll go call the FIA about that foul play.

The real deal is a nice drag strip Cool


Straights aren't long enough for the Daytona imo.


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 467
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th   Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 11 Oct 2012 - 0:13

David Jundt wrote:

Straights aren't long enough for the Daytona imo.

round 4 both tracks are Ferrari heaven. Porsches are going to have a very VERY long day.

Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 458
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Ruben Freitas
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Ruben Freitas

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Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th   Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 11 Oct 2012 - 0:24

i was not at home in time
Sorry Sad
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Philippe Martinelli
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Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th   Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 11 Oct 2012 - 10:18

Ma montée de Limonest était très moyenne.

La course de Charade brève, comme pour beaucoup d'autres d'après ce que je vois...
Dans le gauche après la passerelle, alors que Ben me dépasse, je percute une Porsche en perdition et je tape dans un arbre... Terminus!

Bravos aux finisseurs :top:

J'ai quand-même un souçi de ralantissement graphique en course avec ce HGT...
Off-line tout va bien, le jeu est fluide, in-line si je suis seul ou à deux ou trois çà-va encore, mais avec tous les concurrents c'est la brasse-coulée pour ma carte-graphique...
Dans les premiers tours la voiture semble peser 4 tonnes et il faut tellement anticiper que cela devient très difficile...

Pouvez-vous me donner quelques conseils pour améliorer la chose?

J'ai réduit les détails du circuit et des adversaires au plus bas, désactivé les ombres, 10 concurrents visibles... (Je suis en DX7).

Comment obtient-on le nombre de FPS sur l'écran et combien faut-il pour que l'affichage soit fluide sur ce mod?

Merci d'avance pour votre aide Wink

Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 7
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th   Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 11 Oct 2012 - 10:30

Philippe Martinelli wrote:

Comment obtient-on le nombre de FPS sur l'écran et combien faut-il pour que l'affichage soit fluide sur ce mod?

En appuyant sur Control + F une fois en piste. En général un jeu est fluide à partir de 30 fps. Vu tes réglages, je pense hélas que tu arrives aux limites de ton matériel. :smil20:
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Philippe Martinelli
Racing Legend

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Registration date : 2008-12-13

Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th   Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 11 Oct 2012 - 15:36

Merci Gui Wink

J'ai fait qq essais avec 20 AI sur Charade en réduisant au maxi les perfs, les FPS étaient entre 180 et 250.

Je trouvais la fluidité meilleure qu'hier soir. En revanche les voitures sont bien moins jolies et les décors du circuit bien pouris... Rolling Eyes

Je verrai dimanche ce que çà donne...

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David Cid
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David Cid

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Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th   Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 11 Oct 2012 - 15:50

Ok, after I saw the replay, I found what happened between me and Lorenzo.
So thats what happened:

As you can see it was huge LAG. That's why I wouldn't remeber hiting him. Even so I'm really sorry Lorenzo.
So I kindly ask if my penalty can be reconsidered... :frank:
Tks guys.

Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 295
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Antoine de Mautor
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Antoine de Mautor

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Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th   Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 11 Oct 2012 - 16:13

Wow that is some lag! But the question is : why did you stay at full speed despite this connexion trouble Suspect

The penalty is maintained :regl:

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David Cid
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David Cid

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Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th   Tour de France : Albi-Vichy (E3) October 10th - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 11 Oct 2012 - 16:22

Ok, no problem I accept, of course.
The reason why I mantained the speed, was that I've asked in the past on a community, if any dammage would result of that kind of situation, and they say no... and I believed. :doh:
So next time, I'll lift the throtle.
Sorry again everyone, it was not my intention at all.
Cheers :hello:

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