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 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]

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Bernard Jeanmart
David Cid
Vincent Beretta
David Jundt
Pierre Closset
Steve Parker
Mike Becnel
Franck Mercurio
Laurent Binet
Alberto Ibañez
Jens Kraft
Greg Hunt
Frank Verplanken
Patrick Marucco
Philippe Martinelli
Honza Mild
Karel Marciniszyn
Francis Houard
Olivier Mathieu
Ben Paulet
Jean-louis Petillot
Yves Plaçais
Carl Larrad
finally gone :)
Martin Audran
Tiago Malafaya
Guillaume Siebert
31 posters
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 30 Jul 2012 - 22:44

Its the same mod and same version than the ATCC championship. Wink
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David Jundt
Racing Legend
David Jundt

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1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 30 Jul 2012 - 22:51

Ah good, I might take part then.

Already got some Sierra experience from driving in Season 3 of the World Touring Masters for example Smile


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 467
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 30 Jul 2012 - 22:54

David Jundt wrote:
Btw: I think Markus Östreich's name is wrong. Here's a German list of all DTM drivers:
(Although Oestreich instead of Ö seems to be right aswell, now truck racer)

I never saw his name spelled with the ümlaut, it was always Oestreich. Unlike the country with a similar name : either Oesterreich or Österreich seem to be correct ? But then maybe Markus Östreich is correct too ? Makes me think of Reinhold Jöst, founder of... Joest Racing ^^ - smartass PR made him drop the strange ümlaut for his team name I guess Rolling Eyes

Thou shalt not train.
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 30 Jul 2012 - 23:02

Yeah, might be wrong there with Ö, I might have seen him once or twice with it maybe. Because Oe usually leads to Ö, but it might be that it's just the way his name is spelled.

But it's surely not Oestrich :langue:

And why was Joest better for PR than Jöst? Because people from other countries wouldn't have to search for the ö on their keyboard when writting the name each time? :D


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 30 Jul 2012 - 23:18

David Jundt wrote:
And why was Joest better for PR than Jöst? Because people from other countries wouldn't have to search for the ö on their keyboard when writting the name each time? :D

Yes I guess it was something along those lines (easier for ads, race programmes, race posters, ...etc.). Or maybe Reinhold could stand to be called Monsieur Djoste by frenchmen or Mister Djoost by anglo-saxons, but he really wanted them to get the name right for his team. I wouldn't have bothered in his place coz dropping the ümlaut does not make them pronounce the "J" correctly anyway :D !

Thou shalt not train.
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 31 Jul 2012 - 5:59

David...pick a car or I will get mod rights here and pick a Yugo for you (and you will still beat me with it). Razz

1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 458
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Jens Kraft
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Jens Kraft

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1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 31 Jul 2012 - 11:35

David Jundt wrote:
Question: If I have this one and the ATCC one in the same install, do they interfere with each other(mismatches and etc.)?

Btw: I think Markus Östreich's name is wrong. Here's a German list of all DTM drivers:


(Although Oestreich instead of Ö seems to be right aswell, now truck racer)

Well, maybe they cant make "dots" ?

Was only allowed in the 20s when the Printing Press had no : availiable.

And i first thought you meant the country lol
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David Jundt
Racing Legend
David Jundt

Number of posts : 2647
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Location : Binningen, Switzerland
Registration date : 2012-07-14

1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 31 Jul 2012 - 14:19

Mike Becnel wrote:
David...pick a car or I will get mod rights here and pick a Yugo for you (and you will still beat me with it). Razz

Come again? Yugo?


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 467
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Vincent Beretta
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Vincent Beretta

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1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 31 Jul 2012 - 17:52


La Ford Sierra RS500 Cosworth #18 Klaus Ludwig, Please.


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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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Registration date : 2012-06-24

1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 1 Aug 2012 - 0:33

David Jundt wrote:
Mike Becnel wrote:
David...pick a car or I will get mod rights here and pick a Yugo for you (and you will still beat me with it). Razz

Come again? Yugo?

A Yugo was a VERY cheap Eastern European car sold in the US with 2 hampsters for a motor. They were under fed.

1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 458
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David Jundt
Racing Legend
David Jundt

Number of posts : 2647
Age : 35
Location : Binningen, Switzerland
Registration date : 2012-07-14

1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 1 Aug 2012 - 0:49

I was already thinking along the lines of a Moskwitsch(Moskvitch) or a Trabant.

Mon dieu, je ne gagne rien avec cet pot de fleurs Neutral

Alright, just kidding.


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 467
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David Cid
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David Cid

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1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 1 Aug 2012 - 10:57

We had a fer Yugo's here in Portugal ...
But here, you know, people reather like to have a fine Merc or BMW and live on a cave, then driving a Yugo and live with some dignity! lol!

1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 295
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Bernard Jeanmart
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Bernard Jeanmart

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1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 1 Aug 2012 - 14:03

BMW M3 n° 9.

Je prendrai plutôt la 54 Embarassed , le rouge ça m'excite de trop, j'ai l'impression de conduire une Ferrari :conduit: .


1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 43

Last edited by Bernard Jeanmart on Wed 1 Aug 2012 - 16:32; edited 1 time in total
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Tiago Malafaya
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Tiago Malafaya

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1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 1 Aug 2012 - 14:09

David Cid wrote:
We had a fer Yugo's here in Portugal ...
But here, you know, people reather like to have a fine Merc or BMW and live on a cave, then driving a Yugo and live with some dignity! lol!


1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 14
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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Registration date : 2012-07-14

1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 2 Aug 2012 - 0:39

I'll jump into the last Sierra of Biela with the #19.


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 467
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Laurent Binet
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Laurent Binet

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1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 2 Aug 2012 - 21:26

haha, le temps de lorenzo ... 2.09 quand je suis à bloc en 2.15 ...
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri 3 Aug 2012 - 2:34

Laurent Binet wrote:
haha, le temps de lorenzo ... 2.09 quand je suis à bloc en 2.15 ...

Do not worry, I will be slow also! You will not be alone.

Ne vous inquiétez pas, je serai lent aussi! Vous ne serez pas seul.

(my apologies if Google translator translated my English to French saying something like "No worries, I am retarded also! We can have a group orgy!")

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Jens Kraft
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Jens Kraft

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1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri 3 Aug 2012 - 7:09

The time of lorenzo is able if you get some grip on the corner exit.

he had some oversteer during corner exit so i adapted the setup everyone is currently using (some guys had the same), so he had more grip in the corners and especially a good handling on corner exit.

A little happiness by side, but it certainly helped to make the car faster.
But the tires of the car last one lap only now and the car has a little weight understeer in trailing corners, i might try to sort that out and spend some tracktime or not lol.

Gui martin and tiago will go the same time its only some tweaking necessary :frank:

edit: maybe anyone interested in the setup like these who desperatedly guess some values out and are totally off track?

in another racing league after some time the faster drivers offered hints and setup tips. for example a time of 2 14 could be reduced to 2 12 by many tweaks. (1sec / minute)
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

Number of posts : 2647
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Registration date : 2012-07-14

1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri 3 Aug 2012 - 12:11

Actually, that was a quite good translation by Google there, Mike.


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 467
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Martin Audran
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Martin Audran

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1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri 3 Aug 2012 - 13:11

Mike Becnel wrote:

(my apologies if Google translator translated my English to French saying something like "No worries, I am retarded also! We can have a group orgy!")

lol! lol!

1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 4
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

Number of posts : 4741
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Location : Sugar Land, TX, USA
Registration date : 2012-06-24

1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri 3 Aug 2012 - 16:42

It amazes me how much 3 or 4 turns (of 13) can impact total lap time. I mapped out my best lap vs. one of Gui's fast laps in a previous race here. In turns 1 through 8 I am as fast as Gui was, then it unravels. I am 3 or 4 mph slower at the acceleration points and corner exit on 10, 11 and 13 as well as the S/F line. On 9 and 12 I brake too late almost every time. This ends up costing me 5 seconds to Gui's time!

I am working this 1 corner at a time. On a 2 min/lap track that takes a while Razz

Great track for learning not to accelerate too soon. I mapped out 3 of Gui's laps for accel points alone. Amazing how consistant he is. My ass is all over the place on accel points. Need to talk to my right foot about blowing its load too fast.

1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 458
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Jens Kraft
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Jens Kraft

Number of posts : 385
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Registration date : 2010-01-31

1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri 3 Aug 2012 - 16:47

Mike Becnel wrote:
It amazes me how much 3 or 4 turns (of 13) can impact total lap time. I mapped out my best lap vs. one of Gui's fast laps in a previous race here. In turns 1 through 8 I am as fast as Gui was, then it unravels. I am 3 or 4 mph slower at the acceleration points and corner exit on 10, 11 and 13 as well as the S/F line. On 9 and 12 I brake too late almost every time. This ends up costing me 5 seconds to Gui's time!

I am working this 1 corner at a time. On a 2 min/lap track that takes a while Razz

Great track for learning not to accelerate too soon. I mapped out 3 of Gui's laps for accel points alone. Amazing how consistant he is. My ass is all over the place on accel points. Need to talk to my right foot about blowing its load too fast.

one time gui will finally make us race on a skid pad
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

Number of posts : 4741
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Location : Sugar Land, TX, USA
Registration date : 2012-06-24

1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri 3 Aug 2012 - 16:53

Jens Kraft wrote:

one time gui will finally make us race on a skid pad


I will be crumpled up on the outside somewhere.

1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 458
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri 3 Aug 2012 - 16:54

Mike Becnel wrote:
Need to talk to my right foot about blowing its load too fast.

Look at the bright side, it would be more embarrassing if that concerned another part of your anatomy. pig
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri 3 Aug 2012 - 17:04

On a more serious note, it is indeed an interesting track, almost too big for those cars. Their weak engines and low torque require very precise driving to maximize cornering speed. If you lose too much speed into the turns, you don't have the horsepower to compensate, and you'll lose lots of time in the next straight.
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