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 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]

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Bernard Jeanmart
David Cid
Vincent Beretta
David Jundt
Pierre Closset
Steve Parker
Mike Becnel
Franck Mercurio
Laurent Binet
Alberto Ibañez
Jens Kraft
Greg Hunt
Frank Verplanken
Patrick Marucco
Philippe Martinelli
Honza Mild
Karel Marciniszyn
Francis Houard
Olivier Mathieu
Ben Paulet
Jean-louis Petillot
Yves Plaçais
Carl Larrad
finally gone :)
Martin Audran
Tiago Malafaya
Guillaume Siebert
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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]   1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th] - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon 6 Aug 2012 - 23:41

Whatever, man. A real gentleman would get over it. My guess is you're just one of those guys enjoying such arguments, cutting hairs in six about this move and that overtaking, blah blah, woof woof. We don't. I don't. End of discussion. Good night.
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1988 DTM - Brno [August 5th]
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