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 Round 15 - Silverstone

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Olivier Philipps
Pierre Labédan
Julien Lafon
Frank Labédan
Tiago Malafaya
Guillaume Siebert
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Pierre Labédan
Pro Driver
Pierre Labédan

Number of posts : 651
Age : 71
Location : Nogaro gers
Registration date : 2009-04-29

Round 15 - Silverstone - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Silverstone   Round 15 - Silverstone - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 26 Nov 2009 - 1:07

une course que je pouvais gagner,j' avais fait le choix du strict minimum au niveau appui pour compenser l' infériorité de ma tyrell par rapport aux meilleures voitures que sont la lotus et l' arrows.choix payant en qualifs ,par contre en course antoine avec plus d' appui freine plus tard et me touche ,mettant fin à mes ambitions de victoires alors que j' étais en tête.dommage mais pas de rancune ce n' est que la conséquence d' un choix tactique pour essayer de gagner.beau championnat merci aux organisateurs et impatient de connaitre la nouvelle formule pour 2010 :clap:
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Tiago Malafaya
Racing Legend
Tiago Malafaya

Number of posts : 3384
Age : 47
Location : Porto, Portugal
Registration date : 2008-10-05

Round 15 - Silverstone - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Silverstone   Round 15 - Silverstone - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 26 Nov 2009 - 2:56

Well it wasn't the big finale I was expecting, spun on lap 3 (another race back to front); I was really catching up the front guys until lap 23 when the car started to lock the front right wheel and begun to behave erratically so a lap later I spun again and hit the wall in the 2nd fast right hander due again to the brakes which made the car swerve to left, entered wide in the turn and bang. With the car damaged I just brought it to the finish line. Grats to all organizers for the great championship
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Kimmo Kononen
Experienced Driver
Kimmo Kononen

Number of posts : 308
Age : 50
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2009-08-08

Round 15 - Silverstone - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Silverstone   Round 15 - Silverstone - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 26 Nov 2009 - 12:18

Sorry I missed the race. Got home too late. Sad
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PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Silverstone   Round 15 - Silverstone - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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