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 HSO silly season

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Stef Hermans

Number of posts : 39
Age : 33
Location : Belgium
Registration date : 2023-04-10

HSO silly season Empty
PostSubject: HSO silly season   HSO silly season Icon_minitimeWed 20 Dec 2023 - 0:13

Hello Fellow Drivers

It is off-season, and that means one thing, silly season has started.
I will be spinning up 2 practice servers, one containing short tracks, one track here is specifically on request from our own mr Hillebrand, I WON'T SAY WHICH ONE IS HIS PICK.
The short tracks server will be fast and quick to master.
The long tracks server will contain tracks like the isle of man and Detroid, so a real mixed bag of quality.

The tracks on the short track server are the following.

Goodwood, a fan favorite, but this time with 100% less water

Tsukuba Circuit, because i played to much GT5 when that was still relevant

Brands Hatch, a track beloved by many, sadly is is as hystorical as a ps3 this version, so barely retro.

And last and maybe the least Eifel Betonschleife, because who needs the green hell if you can have grey hell.

Each practice session on the short server will be one hour, the long server will be 1.5 hours
Feel free to drive any car you want, i wont judge what you drive, but others will.

The server that is up today is the short track server, the name is HSO silly season, and the password is our old and trusted hsogs23
This server is mainly for fun, the server with the long tracks will be for more serious testing and will be up at the end of the working week.

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