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 Nascar 1969-70 by DSR still pulling to right side

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Number of posts : 4
Age : 43
Location : sao paulo
Registration date : 2023-09-28

Nascar 1969-70 by DSR still pulling to right side  Empty
PostSubject: Nascar 1969-70 by DSR still pulling to right side    Nascar 1969-70 by DSR still pulling to right side  Icon_minitimeThu 28 Sep 2023 - 21:20

In the DSR stockar legends mod, even after all the equalizations of the car's weight and height, pressure and inclination, the car continues to pull to the side when accelerating and braking, does anyone know how to solve it? A mod with excellent physics but that needs small adjustments, as it's been months since the developers have updated the mod anymore, unfortunately for offline racing the cars don't run well as they need adjustments to the AI and AIW .

Same thing with cars from the 1963 season

https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/deltaracing/stock-car-legends-v1-xx-for-rfactor-t3819.htmlNascar 1969-70 by DSR still pulling to right side  Scr110
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Nascar 1969-70 by DSR still pulling to right side
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