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 Tips for Optimising rFactor 2 Performance

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Darren Andrews
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Darren Andrews

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PostSubject: Tips for Optimising rFactor 2 Performance   Tips for Optimising rFactor 2 Performance Icon_minitimeFri 6 Jan 2023 - 23:28


I've collated some tips/recommendations for optimising performance in rFactor2, available here:

Tips for optimising rFactor 2 performance

Frank feel free to move this post anywhere you feel appropriate!

https://www.youtube.com/@simeracerhead3670 :papy:

Last edited by Darren Andrews on Mon 9 Jan 2023 - 18:24; edited 1 time in total

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Christian Dauger
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Christian Dauger

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PostSubject: Re: Tips for Optimising rFactor 2 Performance   Tips for Optimising rFactor 2 Performance Icon_minitimeSat 7 Jan 2023 - 13:51

Hi Darren,
Thanks for the link.
Unfortunately, as I said, I don't think it solves my problem, because no matter which settings (high or low) the result is almost the same. I think my pc is capable of running rf2 (ryzen 2600x / GTX 1080, 3440x1440 100hz) Whereas Franck works with a much lower configuration, although his settings may be different.
What I get is very quickly a drop in fps (with a large fluctuation, 100/45, (I voluntarily limit to 100)) but especially a latency at times very important (25/45ms) which makes that even with 100fps displayed, it's jerky and finally, I have between 70 but often 100% of GPU usage while the cpu is close to 0! (0/5%)
Of course, no worries with other games...

Tips for Optimising rFactor 2 Performance 847

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Darren Andrews
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Darren Andrews

Number of posts : 145
Age : 51
Location : Toronto, Canada
Registration date : 2022-10-21

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PostSubject: Re: Tips for Optimising rFactor 2 Performance   Tips for Optimising rFactor 2 Performance Icon_minitimeSat 7 Jan 2023 - 14:40

Christian Dauger wrote:
Hi Darren,
Thanks for the link.
Unfortunately, as I said, I don't think it solves my problem, because no matter which settings (high or low) the result is almost the same. I think my pc is capable of running rf2 (ryzen 2600x / GTX 1080, 3440x1440 100hz) Whereas Franck works with a much lower configuration, although his settings may be different.
What I get is very quickly a drop in fps (with a large fluctuation, 100/45, (I voluntarily limit to 100)) but especially a latency at times very important (25/45ms) which makes that even with 100fps displayed, it's jerky and finally, I have between 70 but often 100% of GPU usage while the cpu is close to 0! (0/5%)
Of course, no worries with other games...
I'm really sorry to hear this Christian. There was one more thing I added to the document just now (it was from the link at the end of the document, which I'm not sure whether you have tried or not, in the "player.json" file: Max Framerate": To avoid stutters and CPU/GPU overload set this to your screens refresh rate plus one

I'm guessing you might have already tried this though, given you say you voluntarily limit your fps to 100...

Here are some other posts that might help with your issue:



https://www.youtube.com/@simeracerhead3670 :papy:

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