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 Rounds 9 & 10 - Brands Hatch Indy [20th Oct]

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Dana Schurer
Michael Griffiths
Matias Estrela
Gilles Lalonde
Mick Chapman
Steve Parker
Peter Blom
Alberto Ibañez
Greg DellaCella
Philippe Martinelli
Victor Alcocer
Cezariusz Czlapinski
Karel Marciniszyn
Raymond Riddall
Gérard Ryon
Jacob Fredriksson
Grant Riddall
Jason Whited
Adam Hackman
Raul Jereb
David Jundt
Honza Mild
Dave Miller
David Sabre
Juha Bos
Bruno Chacon
Luis Almeida
Alberto Iquino
Richard Coxon
34 posters
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Jason Whited
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Jason Whited

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Rounds 9 & 10 - Brands Hatch Indy [20th Oct] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 9 & 10 - Brands Hatch Indy [20th Oct]   Rounds 9 & 10 - Brands Hatch Indy [20th Oct] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 21 Oct 2019 - 14:36

I must have some kind of curse, when driving in this league.
Seriously, without fail, every single time I have a car I'm happy with, something happens that throws me all out of whack and by race time it's impossible to think any longer.

Yesterday, it was some strange server gremlins.
Noticed in practice I was getting some discos. Thought it was because I was alt-tabbing as it seemed to occur when I'd return, so I figured, I just won't do that all will be fine.
Wasn't actually the alt-tabbing doing it though. Seemed that simply escaping from track to pits, then trying to go back on track, was causing it. Other times, was random and just dropped me.
I sort of had a feeling it wasn't on my end, but no one else was saying anything about such issues, so I started thinking it WAS on my end.

Steam verify...wait forever, all verified ok...and now all my display/video settings are back at defaults.
Sorted that, went back in, same issues.
Ok, let's create a new player profile, sometimes that fixes weird stuff. (That required way too much work with only 20 mins to race)...had to manually redo all my button mapping, etc etc.

Missed 10 mins or so of quali, then was feeling hurried and didn't perform well. Ok, P6 ain't so bad.

Race 1 was mostly good. Trying to fight with what was around me but found myself stuck. Car doesn't draft (basically not at all) and overtaking opportunities were few and far between.
Made a mistake getting by a lap car in the final turn, about half way through. In hindsight, that probably cost me a podium spot. Just got crossed up trying to go inside, too hard in the brakes and I let the rear go light, froze like deer in headlights and around she went.
Lost spots, spent next laps cursing myself and regaining them. P4 in the end, no so bad considering.

Race 2...worried again. Got dropped from server when Q2 went to warmup. :smil20:

That second one didn't go so well. Had a decent run going, Grant had fell back after so troubles and I could tell he had some damage to the car. I started pushing, and got the spot, but he wasn't giving it up without a fight (but by this point, neither was I)....and, in the end, it cost us both.
We came out of the final turn with Grant diving to the inside of me. Lap car ahead and I'm in a really bad spot, directly behind the lap car...Grant already has the nose in, I can't really move.
As we approached T1 I started trying to move over slightly. I was not backing out.

After watching the replay, I think it was just a racing incident. Just two cars going for same spot in the track at the same time, and we nearly made it. I think we got over a bump or two in the road just as we were closest, and it bounced both cars towards each other (because it looks like we both sort of turned in slightly on each other...but I didn't, I don't think Grant did, and I think the wheels locked and most of what is seen was after that, whether they had visually locked in the replay yet or not....ie, could feel it in the car as well)

In hindsight, perhaps I should have backed out. :rigol:

Oh well, was fun. I love these little cars Cool

Grats to David on the wins, and thanks to admin and broadcast for the work :top:
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Cezariusz Czlapinski
Club Driver
Cezariusz Czlapinski

Number of posts : 100
Age : 45
Location : Poland, Lodz
Registration date : 2017-12-31

Rounds 9 & 10 - Brands Hatch Indy [20th Oct] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 9 & 10 - Brands Hatch Indy [20th Oct]   Rounds 9 & 10 - Brands Hatch Indy [20th Oct] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 22 Oct 2019 - 9:10

Thanks for great racing and your kind words  :hello:

After good Q1 the goal for the race was to avoid mistakes and bring 3rd safely home. At the early stages I've experienced big sideways moment at the end of Paddock Hill Bend- almost snapped my steering wheel when saving from it  :hihi: .
Due to Grant's mishap at Druids I was promoted to 2nd. Next issue was dealing with lapped traffic. It's a new enviroment to me so I was really careful this time.

Q2- wasn't much surprised on Alberto getting 3rd. Your practice lap times already proved your skills and good use of Alpine :hello:, but somehow, with very thin margin and last Q laps we swapped places, so for R2 I was starting 3rd again.
This time rare mistake by Grant at Paddock Hill gave me another 2nd place.

Thankfully theese 2 rounds brought a lot of valuable championship points :drink: Can't wait for another F3 racing at HSO :top:
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Grant Riddall
Experienced Driver
Grant Riddall

Number of posts : 313
Age : 34
Location : England
Registration date : 2015-12-10

Rounds 9 & 10 - Brands Hatch Indy [20th Oct] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 9 & 10 - Brands Hatch Indy [20th Oct]   Rounds 9 & 10 - Brands Hatch Indy [20th Oct] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 22 Oct 2019 - 10:38

Honestly some of the most enjoyable racing comes from this F3 mod. I literally cannot praise it enough. It is one of the most complete mods I feel I’ve ever driven.

The racing was just so much fun, even though I made some really bad mistakes.

I was mega happy with pole for R1. I had one of those laps that just click and no idea where the time came from. The start was great but Jundt was on a mission and took the lead on the outside of Paddock :hello:

Few laps later I was late on the brakes and back end just wouldn’t sit still so demoted to 21st. Absolutely great racing and had a lot of fun working my way back up. Finished 5th and was happy with that.

R2 was tense. I tried absolutely everything to stick with Jundt. The GRD is not the quickest in the straights and absolutely owns at tighter tracks (bring on Monaco) but unfortunately this was not one of them. When I spun on Paddock when in 2nd it wasn’t actually me being distracted by another spinning car, was a mistake completely made by myself and seeing a car in the gravel with me was a surprise. After that it was just bringing it home with a damaged car. The finish was I believe my closest yet. 0.009 separating me and S.Parker at the end Very Happy

Absolutely no idea how I managed 3rd with the spins I had.

Broadcasting yet again top notch Jason and Jonatan. :top:

If ISO ever use this mod for another championship count me in!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Rounds 9 & 10 - Brands Hatch Indy [20th Oct]   Rounds 9 & 10 - Brands Hatch Indy [20th Oct] - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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