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 **HSO Rulings | Brands Hatch Indy**

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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

**HSO Rulings | Brands Hatch Indy**  Empty
PostSubject: **HSO Rulings | Brands Hatch Indy**    **HSO Rulings | Brands Hatch Indy**  Icon_minitimeWed 1 Feb 2017 - 23:54

After reviewing Round 2 of the 1996 BTCC series, the admins have made the following decisions:

Jan Titz receives a warning for driving in an aggressive manner which caused the accident to Jacob Fredriksson. 

A repeat incident of this kind will draw disciplinary action from the league.

**HSO Rulings | Brands Hatch Indy**  462
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**HSO Rulings | Brands Hatch Indy**
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