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 Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]

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Jean-François Bovy
Steve Parker
François Besançon
Yannick Lampure
Frank Verplanken
Yves Plaçais
Philippe Martinelli
Carl Larrad
Vincent Beretta
Ben Paulet
Pierre Pfleger
Carlo Pozzi
Greg Hunt
Patrick Marucco
Antoine de Mautor
Ludovic Tiengou
Guillaume Siebert
21 posters
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeThu 14 Apr 2011 - 17:21

Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Brands10

--> HOTLAPS <--

EVENT SCHEDULE (all times CET, Paris time)

Wednesday April 6th :

8:00pm - Qualifying session (60 minutes, unlimited number of laps)
9:00pm - Warm Up
9.15pm - Race start, 60 laps (password : hso72)

Thanks for pointing out your presence/absence in this thread.



#1 Ben Paulet (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T300)
#2 Carl Larrad (5.0 Surtees-Chevrolet TS11)
#5 Carlo Pozzi (5.0 Elfin-Repco MR5)
#10 Pierre Pfleger (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T300)
#12 Guillaume Siebert (5.0 McLaren-Chevrolet M10B)
#14 Grégoire Goissen (5.0 Surtees-Chevrolet TS8)
#25 Antoine de Mautor (5.0 Matich-Repco A50)
#28 Arnaud Plum (5.0 Elfin-Repco MR5)
#33 Frank Verplanken (5.0 McLaren-Chevrolet M18)
#34 Yannick Lampure (5.0 Surtees-Chevrolet TS11)
#35 Jean-Philippe Campmajo (5.0 Surtees-Chevrolet TS8)
#37 Thomas Gatschnegg (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T300)
#41 Jean-Louis Petillot (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T300)
#43 Steve Parker (5.0 Chevron-Chevrolet B24)
#44 Patrick Marucco (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T300)
#48 François Besançon (5.0 McLaren-Chevrolet M18)
#49 Jon Hawkins (5.0 Surtees-Chevrolet TS11)
#50 Gérard Ryon (5.0 McLaren-Chevrolet M18)
#51 Stéphane Bordignon (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T300)
#52 Jean-François Bovy (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T300)
#57 Ludovic Tiengou (5.0 Surtees-Chevrolet TS8)
#75 Yves Plaçais - Absent (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T300)
#77 Vincent Beretta (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T300)
#81 Rémy Lampure (5.0 McLaren-Chevrolet M18)
#94 Philippe Martinelli (5.0 Lola-Chevrolet T300)

Last edited by Guillaume Siebert on Fri 22 Apr 2011 - 11:11; edited 2 times in total
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Ludovic Tiengou
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Ludovic Tiengou

Number of posts : 2986
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Location : Grenoble far away from Brittany, France
Registration date : 2008-12-12

Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeThu 14 Apr 2011 - 17:59


Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] 030
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Antoine de Mautor
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Antoine de Mautor

Number of posts : 3617
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Location : Nantes, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeThu 14 Apr 2011 - 18:03

wesh wesh

Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Signature%20Antoine
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Patrick Marucco
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Patrick Marucco

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Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeThu 14 Apr 2011 - 18:16

Présent :conduit:

"L'important c'est de participer" - Pierre de Coubertin
Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] 11
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Greg Hunt
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Greg Hunt

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Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeThu 14 Apr 2011 - 18:35

present :conduit: :conduit:

Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] 849
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Carlo Pozzi
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Carlo Pozzi

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Registration date : 2009-11-28

Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeThu 14 Apr 2011 - 18:41

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Pierre Pfleger
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Pierre Pfleger

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Registration date : 2010-01-02

Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeFri 15 Apr 2011 - 11:14

J'y serai. Hmmm Brands Hatch, j'aime ce circuit qui me réussi plutôt bien (le court comme le long). Hé hé ... :D
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Ben Paulet
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Ben Paulet

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Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeFri 15 Apr 2011 - 12:00

Ah y'a un court et un long, me coucherai moins idiot ce soir. study
Sinon présent. :frank:
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Vincent Beretta
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Vincent Beretta

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Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeFri 15 Apr 2011 - 16:00


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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeFri 15 Apr 2011 - 18:18

Present Wink

Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] 18
Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Untitl22

What we do Monday to Friday Keeps us up with the Competition ...
What we do Saturday and Sunday Keeps us ahead ...
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Philippe Martinelli
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Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeMon 18 Apr 2011 - 11:46

Présent Wink
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Yves Plaçais
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Yves Plaçais

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Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeMon 18 Apr 2011 - 11:49

Absent ! Sad

Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] 58

Last edited by Yves Plaçais on Tue 19 Apr 2011 - 21:26; edited 1 time in total
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeMon 18 Apr 2011 - 17:59

Most likely absent.
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Yannick Lampure
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Yannick Lampure

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Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeMon 18 Apr 2011 - 19:09

Absent Neutral

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François Besançon
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François Besançon

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Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeMon 18 Apr 2011 - 19:15

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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

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Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeMon 18 Apr 2011 - 20:01

Hope to make,will be last minute thing :top:


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Jean-François Bovy
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Jean-François Bovy

Number of posts : 907
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Registration date : 2008-09-20

Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeMon 18 Apr 2011 - 23:08

je devrais être présent
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Jean-louis Petillot
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Jean-louis Petillot

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Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeTue 19 Apr 2011 - 6:34

présent !!! :top:
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Ludovic Tiengou
Racing Legend
Ludovic Tiengou

Number of posts : 2986
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Location : Grenoble far away from Brittany, France
Registration date : 2008-12-12

Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeTue 19 Apr 2011 - 8:14

Désolé pas le temps de faire la présentation habituelle car j'ai une masse de travail trop lourde en ce moment

Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] 030
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Greg Hunt
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Greg Hunt

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Registration date : 2010-03-25

Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeTue 19 Apr 2011 - 16:14

Ludovic Tiengou wrote:
Désolé pas le temps de faire la présentation habituelle car j'ai une masse de travail trop lourde en ce moment
Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Eh Ludo d'abord priorité aux présentations et après le taff :langue: :langue: Very Happy

Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] 849
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Ludovic Tiengou
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Ludovic Tiengou

Number of posts : 2986
Age : 56
Location : Grenoble far away from Brittany, France
Registration date : 2008-12-12

Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeTue 19 Apr 2011 - 17:03

Greg Goissen wrote:
Ludovic Tiengou wrote:
Désolé pas le temps de faire la présentation habituelle car j'ai une masse de travail trop lourde en ce moment
Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Eh Ludo d'abord priorité aux présentations et après le taff :langue: :langue: Very Happy

J'aimerais bien mais je connais quelques boites qui n'apprécieraient pas des masses que je fasse passer la présentation de Brands Hatch Indy avant leurs rapports annuels ou leurs lettres aux actionnaires lol!

Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] 030
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Greg Hunt
Racing Legend
Greg Hunt

Number of posts : 4322
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Location : HOSSEGOR
Registration date : 2010-03-25

Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeTue 19 Apr 2011 - 17:08

Ludovic Tiengou wrote:
Greg Goissen wrote:
Ludovic Tiengou wrote:
Désolé pas le temps de faire la présentation habituelle car j'ai une masse de travail trop lourde en ce moment
Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Eh Ludo d'abord priorité aux présentations et après le taff :langue: :langue: Very Happy

J'aimerais bien mais je connais quelques boites qui n'apprécieraient pas des masses que je fasse passer la présentation de Brands Hatch Indy avant leurs rapports annuels ou leurs lettres aux actionnaires lol!

Il faut savoir s'imposer Ludo :cowboy2: lol! lol!

Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] 849
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Ben Paulet
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Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
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Location : Cagnes sur mer France
Registration date : 2009-07-29

Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeTue 19 Apr 2011 - 19:01

Finalement pas sûr d'être là. :frank:
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeTue 19 Apr 2011 - 23:37

Antoine de Mautor wrote:
wesh wesh

What the heck is Wesh Wesh

Is that Scottish for Im Washing My Hair or something lol!

If i have to ask it's probably because im getting Old :papy: lol!

Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] 18
Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Untitl22

What we do Monday to Friday Keeps us up with the Competition ...
What we do Saturday and Sunday Keeps us ahead ...
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Antoine de Mautor
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Antoine de Mautor

Number of posts : 3617
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th]   Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Icon_minitimeWed 20 Apr 2011 - 0:16

lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!

Wesh wesh isnae feckin scottish mate, it's 100% French!!

It's French chav slang (they say NED in Scotland btw) for "yo man" or some meaningless banter like that :D

Round 4 - Brands Hatch Indy [April 20th] Signature%20Antoine
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