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 Triple monitor issue

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Raul Jereb
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Raul Jereb

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PostSubject: Triple monitor issue   Triple monitor issue Icon_minitimeWed 18 Sep 2019 - 21:43

anybody here using SoftTH for multi monitor view??
I got a weird problem, and I just stuck with it.

Im having Nvidia GZX1050Ti, and Im using three different monitors (well, one 24 and the other two 21", those two are same) and all worked well for few years now. Last race I drove was Cart88 in Toronto, and all worked just fine, what means, I was driving on all three monitors, the bigest one in the middle and two smaller on both sides.
From the first moment, there was a glich while AMS was loading, first the middle one would go black and the side ones would have SoftTH logo on, and then the AMS intro was displaced on the middle between center and left monitor, which was odd, but at the moment the menu was on, it was on the middle one and everything was ok from that point.

Today, I louched AMS to go practice MidOhio, and something strange started to happen.
First, no SoftTH logo on either side monitors, then the AMS intro displaced but on the opposite side, while left monitor remained with win desktop picture and bottom bar, while the bottom bar was present on right one too, but not on the middle one. And the game loaded the menu spread accross middle and right monitor and the left one is stuck in the windows desktop. Of corse, it is undrivable, becose the right monitor is now set as the middle on, the middle one is set as a right one and I see no right part of the car.

I tryed everything that I could think of. Switched the cables (those side mons are on HDMI), turned off one, then other one, than both, restarted, swithched positions, reinstalled SoftTH, finaly, reinstalled AMS.. same shit all over again.
Any ideas?

the order of the monitor is ok in the windows though, mouse pointer goes ok from one to antoher, the monitors are not switched as sometimes used to happen, and could be resolved easy.

thanks in advance.

And Function
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Jason Whited
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Jason Whited

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PostSubject: Re: Triple monitor issue   Triple monitor issue Icon_minitimeSun 22 Sep 2019 - 18:56

Maybe way off the mark, but did you check the AMS configuration file, to assure AMS is running in full screen (recent updates set the default to windows borderless, not full screen)?

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