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 Rounds 5 & 6 - Mallory Park [Sept 1st]

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Marcello Oliveira
Matias Estrela
Brian Janik
Mick Chapman
Michael Griffiths
Oyvind Andersen
Mattos Maul
David Jundt
Philippe Martinelli
Anders Nilsson
Alberto Ibañez
Peter Blom
Pascal Mikula
Joe Miller
Dave Miller
Jason White
Gerardo Magnano
Adam Hackman
Gérard Ryon
Steve Parker
Thiago Canola
Victor Alcocer
Raymond Riddall
Bruno Chacon
Austin Johnson
Jason Fitch
Gilles Lalonde
Greg DellaCella
Cezariusz Czlapinski
Grant Riddall
Jacob Fredriksson
Honza Mild
Juha Bos
Jason Whited
David Sabre
Richard Coxon
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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Rounds 5 & 6 - Mallory Park [Sept 1st] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 5 & 6 - Mallory Park [Sept 1st]   Rounds 5 & 6 - Mallory Park [Sept 1st] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 2 Sep 2019 - 17:35

Q1: "Cesar" with a mega lap taking pole, nice one! :top:  Couldn't find more time, had my difficulties with entering and exiting the hairpin consistently.

R1: Mis-shifted trying to get into second gear, Thiago easily goes by. Witness to Cezariusz getting roughed up while lapping, losing the chance to win Sad After that, lonely race to 2nd.

Q2: Another brilliant lap by Cezariusz to take pole once more, this time in the dying moments! Nice "two" Wink

R2: ...aaaand the same old story, didn't get into 2nd gear immediately after having a good getaway, dropping back into 3rd with, as Grant said, a defining moment defending my position over the first lap.

After that, I was maybe a bit better following "Cesar" and Thiago(in R1, I couldn't quite keep up and often went a bit too sideways out of the hairpin which lost me momentum, very important in these cars) as I made my entries and exits a bit calmer, focusing on keeping the car under control(no setup changes btw).

Then came lap... 14? 15? When we were slightly bunched up by a backmarker(I think) before entering the right hand kink wing to wing. Cezariusz went right to defend, Thiago either went along to cover from me staying left or trying to look up his inside.

Somehow, I went past both as Cezariusz appeared to brake earlier than usual, my braking point was about the same as before.

All I could see in my mirrors was that something blue appeared to spin out of control and barely miss me, I left the door open for some time in case his car would spin across the apex of the turn.

Gutted for "Cesar", it was a great race with him and Thiago until that point Sad

After that, I had roughly a gap of one second before something happened to Thiago and I was... comparatively alone(7s to Grant at that stage?), taking the general pace of the cars and how much you can gain per lap in consideration.

This track probably suited the car the least of the ones we've had so far, since even though we lapped it at a rather high speed, the hairpin broke the rhythm every lap and I feel that's where I was slighly off.

Looking forward to more close racing in the next round Smile


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

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Victor Alcocer
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Victor Alcocer

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PostSubject: Re: Rounds 5 & 6 - Mallory Park [Sept 1st]   Rounds 5 & 6 - Mallory Park [Sept 1st] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 2 Sep 2019 - 18:14

It was me for the 14-15 lap in the second race,with a far view ,i saw 3 cars nearly side by side so i decide to back off,not the best idea i had ! but i think Cezar miss his braking on the no grip side of the hairpin entrance on what i saw behind the action.
Clearly that was close,i overstimed the distance at that time,but with the difference of speed on this corner,i was fearing more chaos on the hairpin,so i dit that....

On the first race,i make a bad time on quali,too shy on my first attempt (24 th) a have a crash on the pit exit with a red car and one other,sorry for that,Jeff say me there was a car coming,i let him by,so i go on,but there was a second car on the straight not already appearing on the map when i saw it and bang....Embarassed

It'a shame because first race was very good,don't make any mistakes,only on the formation lap when i go on the grass when i was heating my tyre,and only one mis-breaking on the hairpin which allowed Honza to pass me. The start was good but ahead some people have nearly stall,so everyone except 2 pass me. Neutral
A little to gentle and shy with the leaders,i lost too much time,so i decided to be more efficicent,and allowed leaders cars to pass me in better condition for me and them,i think that was more accurate and less dangerous.
So with a race that turn on a elimination race,i upgraded to the 13 th place,nearly the point ! and was ahead in regular term of Marcelo and Jason Whited who made some mistakes and not far of Honza.

The second qualy was better,but everyone upgrated their time, i was 1.7 sec behind the first, but 27 th (!),great feeling to have such good competitors here. :conduit:
Sadly it was the same good start but someone has stall,so i finish the lap last,i was pushing to ride up the grid but in the first Tier,someone spun in front of me,that distract me and i spun too,i think Jonathan too,but he made a great job to avoid me.
But my tyres were burning (in the first race too,) a lot with the fast spin i already had and the car was very difficult to drive,i was overdriving a little bit too to recovery my spun,i saw the spun of Cezar,on lap after i nearly spun on the first corner,but on the next corner i spun off and hit the outside wall...

By the way,that was very fun ! Glad to be with us after a long time Very Happy
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Jonatan Acerclinth
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Jonatan Acerclinth

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Rounds 5 & 6 - Mallory Park [Sept 1st] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 5 & 6 - Mallory Park [Sept 1st]   Rounds 5 & 6 - Mallory Park [Sept 1st] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 2 Sep 2019 - 22:48

Unfortunately I was the one ahead of you on the R1 start Victor, sadly I too had a good start but had nowhere to go as those in front missed the start or, as you said, nearly stalled.

I was surprised when you span, was concentrating on the apex where the other car had spun but I'm happy I were able to avoid your car, more or less, I think I helped you slightly on the way into the spin by slightly gracing against your rear right wheel.

Was a good bit of fun racing in the 2nd race. In the first one I simply didn't have the pace nor the feel for the car, finally lost it spectacularly in the Esses, hit one of the tires on the inside which unsettled the car and I flew into the barriers on the outside.
Took my time to wait for a gap and then headed for the pits hoping that they would put a new front left suspension and stuff on the car but sadly for me that was not the case so retired and helped out with the broadcast instead.

In the 2nd race I had a nice battle with Victor (until his spin), Philippe (felt like BTCC '88 all over again, great to have you back mate!) and Marcello. I was faster than all of them in the Esses and the hairpin but sadly the Dastle just doesn't have the aero nor mumbo of most of the other cars so, as I said in the broadcast, it's more about the booze and lady-friends that one may attain at the race-track. Sadly I had non of it after the race.
The team wasn't well pleased with my spin in the second race either. Sorry to any and everyone who had to take avoiding action to get around my spun Dastle in the Esses...

Also sorry to Juha who I think had 2 or maybe even 3 incidents with me, all caused by me, really sorry mate :doh:

But all in all, happy to have finally gotten to race the Dastle, just to bad it was at Mallory :aie:

Will be hoping for a couple more runs in this champ. I'm useless in the cars (at least compared to tin-top Super Tourers) but it's good fun running the old slip-stream battles, not had those since I raced Mini's in GSC (AMS) back in '13 and '14 :hihi:

Rounds 5 & 6 - Mallory Park [Sept 1st] - Page 4 539

2019 | 1996 British Touring Car Championship :second: | Rounds 5 & 6 - Mallory Park [Sept 1st] - Page 4 St_btcc96_03
2019 | 1995 Super Tourenwagen Cup  :first: | Rounds 5 & 6 - Mallory Park [Sept 1st] - Page 4 St_stw95_22

If you are scared entering a corner, you are pushing to hard,
if you are bored entering a corner, you aren't pushing enough,
if you hit it perfectly, it will be better than love
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Marcello Oliveira
Marcello Oliveira

Number of posts : 13
Age : 32
Location : Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Registration date : 2019-08-19

Rounds 5 & 6 - Mallory Park [Sept 1st] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 5 & 6 - Mallory Park [Sept 1st]   Rounds 5 & 6 - Mallory Park [Sept 1st] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 3 Sep 2019 - 0:29

My car was a little better in the first race, starting from the pits and reaching 15th, with better lap times.

For the second race I tried to change something to go better in the semi-oval but ended up ruining everything. Worse times but still finishing in 15th, fighting a lot with the car.

I definitely need to learn how to setup these car.

It was a good race anyway, my first, trying to get the car to the end without disturbing anyone.

Very thankful for being able to race with you.

Looking forward to the next! :conduit:
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PostSubject: Re: Rounds 5 & 6 - Mallory Park [Sept 1st]   Rounds 5 & 6 - Mallory Park [Sept 1st] - Page 4 Icon_minitime

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