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 Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]

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Brian Janik
Peter Blom
Oyvind Andersen
Richard Coxon
Victor Alcocer
Philippe Martinelli
Michael Griffiths
Gerardo Magnano
Jacob Fredriksson
Anders Nilsson
Cezariusz Czlapinski
Greg DellaCella
Pascal Mikula
Dave Miller
Mattos Maul
Jason Fitch
Bruno Chacon
Austin Johnson
Adam Hackman
Thiago Canola
Raymond Riddall
Joe Miller
David Jundt
Gérard Ryon
Alberto Iquino
Jason Whited
Steve Parker
Grant Riddall
Karel Marciniszyn
Jan Kowalski
Honza Mild
Luis Almeida
Jason White
David Sabre
Dana Schurer
Juha Bos
40 posters
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Juha Bos
Racing Legend
Juha Bos

Number of posts : 1687
Age : 37
Location : Belgium
Registration date : 2016-05-11

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeSun 8 Sep 2019 - 22:45

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Zandvoort73Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Oultonpark%20R12

--> HOTLAPS <--

Event Schedule

20h00 - Practice
20h40 - Qualifying (20 minutes)
21h00 - Warmup
21h10 - Race 1 | Zandvoort | 24 Laps

21h40 - Practice
21h55 - Qualifying (20 minutes)
22h15 - Warmup
22h20 - Race 2 | Oulton Park Island | 30 Laps

Server Name : Historic Simracing F3
Server IP :
Server Password : hso73
A training server will be running 24/7 (same password).

Tyre & Pit Return Rules

Each driver is limited to 4 sets of tires over the a race weekend (First race you get 4, second race you get 4).

Return to pits will be set to realistic. This means if you press ESC while out on circuit, your return to the track will be delayed while your car is "Towed" back to the garage. To have the smallest delay possible, you must return to the pits and press ESC in your pit box.

Race Start Procedure

Each race will feature a formation lap, followed by a re-grid and standing start.

Behaviour on track

A few behaviour rules :

- As for all HSO races, it is required you use your real name both in-game and on the forum. Thank you.

- Chatting is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN in race session. It is allowed in qualifying sessions for technical issues only.

- Drive Through : If a driver has to do a drive through, even if there is no pit lane speed limit, he has to drive through the pitlane at 100km/h max (60mph). If he doesn't respect this, he will get a 30s penalty at the end of the race.

- If you have a spin on the course, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure the track is sufficiently clear before you rejoin the race.

- Respect the red condition at the end of the pitlane.

One-off drives available

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   F373_02
#2 Alpine A364B - Dudot Renault, Alain Serpaggi
Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   F373_14
#14 March 733 - Novamotor Ford, Richard Robarts
Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   F373_17
#17 Dastle Mk10 - Holbay Ford, Barrie Haskell
Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Mk12_19
#19 Martini Mk12 - Vegantune Ford, Christian Ethuin
Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   F373_20
#20 March 733 - Novamotor Ford, Conny Andersson
Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   F373_23
#23 GRD 373 - Holbay Ford, Brian Henton
Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   F373_29
#29 March 733 - Novamotor Ford, "Teleco"
Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   F373_33
#33 March 733 - Brown Ford, Matt Spitzley
Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   LNF3_71
#71 Ensign LNF3 - Holbay Ford, Mike Wilds

Entry List

Entry will turn bold after driver confirms his presence

#1 Societé des Automobiles Alpine - David Jundt
#2 Societé des Automobiles Alpine - Joe Miller
#3 Peter Bloore Racing - Greg DellaCella
#4 Team Kent Messenger - Michael Griffiths
#5 Reystan Racing - Matias Estrela
#6 DART Racing / GRD Ltd - Mick Chapman
#7 Ecurie Antar Filipinetti - Steve Parker
#9 DART Racing / GRD Ltd - Peter Blom
#10 AB3 Racing Developments - Dave Miller
#11 Reystan Racing - Mattos Maul
#12 Team Modus Racing - Jan Kowalski
#14 Myson Racing - Dana Schurer
#16 Chris Andrews - David Sabre
#17 Hesketh Racing - Jonatan Acerclinth
#18 Motul Defense Mondiale ORECA - Jason Whited
#19 Motul Defense Mondiale ORECA - TBA
#20 Ge-Kås Kläder - Anders Nilsson
#22 Peter Bloore Racing - Thiago Canola
#23 Brian Henton - TBA
#24 John Sheldon Racing - Adam Hackman
#26 P & M Racing Preparations - Gerard Ryon
#28 Wrangler Racing - Oyvind Andersen
#29 Angeleri March Racing - TBA
#31 Karlssons Klister Racing Team - Bruno Chacon
#33 Matt Spitzley Racing - TBA
#34 Peter Bloore Racing - Austin Johnson
#35 Ulf Svensson - Petr Hlavac
#41 A.W. Brown Racing - Gerardo Magnano
#45 HB Alarmsystemen - Gilles Lalonde
#46 Ecurie Volant Shell - Francois Remmen
#53 Scuderia Italia - Alberto Iquino
#54 BP France - Victor Alcocer
#55 BP France - Luis Almeida
#56 Ecurie Antar Filipinetti - TBA
#61 Team Cowangie - Philippe Martinelli
#71 Dempster International Racing - TBA

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA

Join the current HSO team as we move to ISO in 2020!

Last edited by Juha Bos on Thu 12 Sep 2019 - 22:00; edited 16 times in total
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Dana Schurer
Experienced Driver
Dana Schurer

Number of posts : 357
Age : 37
Location : Portland, OR, USA
Registration date : 2015-04-19

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeSun 8 Sep 2019 - 23:21

Could I have a go in the #14 for this one? :conduit:
Pretty sure I'm rusty enough after my time away to be eligible to drive a Novamotor car..  :aie:

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   722
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David Sabre
Racing Legend
David Sabre

Number of posts : 5340
Age : 60
Location : england
Registration date : 2012-02-25

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeSun 8 Sep 2019 - 23:34

Welcome back Dana.
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Jason White
Racing Legend
Jason White

Number of posts : 14725
Age : 47
Location : Ferndale, MI USA
Registration date : 2011-12-25

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeSun 8 Sep 2019 - 23:35

Dana Schurer wrote:
Could I have a go in the #14 for this one? :conduit:
Pretty sure I'm rusty enough after my time away to be eligible to drive a Novamotor car..  :aie:

DANA!   cheers  Great to see you!

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA
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Luis Almeida

Number of posts : 18
Age : 59
Location : Porto, Portugal
Registration date : 2019-06-19

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeSun 8 Sep 2019 - 23:46

I will be there!
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Honza Mild
Pro Driver
Honza Mild

Number of posts : 534
Age : 49
Location : Czech republic, South Bohemia
Registration date : 2009-11-04

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeMon 9 Sep 2019 - 6:15

I will be there :yaa:

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Jan Kowalski
Pro Driver
Jan Kowalski

Number of posts : 777
Age : 34
Location : Germany
Registration date : 2008-11-28

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeMon 9 Sep 2019 - 7:26


Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   141
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Karel Marciniszyn
Pro Driver
Karel Marciniszyn

Number of posts : 954
Age : 41
Location : Czech republic
Registration date : 2009-11-03

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeMon 9 Sep 2019 - 7:56


I am ashamed for my stats way too much to show them :D
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Grant Riddall
Experienced Driver
Grant Riddall

Number of posts : 313
Age : 34
Location : England
Registration date : 2015-12-10

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeMon 9 Sep 2019 - 7:57

Greece again for this one Sad

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   759
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Steve Parker
Racing Legend
Steve Parker

Number of posts : 2000
Age : 65
Location : England uk
Registration date : 2008-12-22

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeMon 9 Sep 2019 - 10:16

hope to be back in time,will know later in the week for certain. :top:


Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   16
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Jason Whited
Pro Driver
Jason Whited

Number of posts : 581
Age : 40
Location : Virginia, USA
Registration date : 2017-03-08

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeMon 9 Sep 2019 - 15:21


Proud 2017 Indy 500 Rookie of the Year  :first:
Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   817
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Alberto Iquino
Club Driver
Alberto Iquino

Number of posts : 84
Age : 19
Location : Valencia
Registration date : 2018-04-25

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeMon 9 Sep 2019 - 15:45


Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   851

"Be assertive, not aggressive." Ross Bentley
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Gérard Ryon
Pro Driver
Gérard Ryon

Number of posts : 798
Age : 68
Location : Antwerpen (Belgique)
Registration date : 2009-05-25

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeMon 9 Sep 2019 - 16:57

:hello: Présent
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David Jundt
Racing Legend
David Jundt

Number of posts : 2647
Age : 35
Location : Binningen, Switzerland
Registration date : 2012-07-14

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeMon 9 Sep 2019 - 17:28

Racing Smile


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   467
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Joe Miller
Joe Miller

Number of posts : 21
Age : 57
Location : Gulfport Mississippi
Registration date : 2017-09-14

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeMon 9 Sep 2019 - 20:05

I 'll take the #2 Alpine A364B - Dudot Renault, Alain Serpaggi
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Raymond Riddall
Experienced Driver
Raymond Riddall

Number of posts : 329
Age : 62
Location : England
Registration date : 2015-08-03

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeMon 9 Sep 2019 - 20:59

can't make this one I'm afraid . Sad

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   731
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Thiago Canola
Experienced Driver
Thiago Canola

Number of posts : 204
Age : 43
Location : USA
Registration date : 2017-01-23

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeMon 9 Sep 2019 - 21:42


Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   785
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Adam Hackman
Club Driver
Adam Hackman

Number of posts : 129
Age : 39
Location : Indianapolis, Indiana USA
Registration date : 2015-12-11

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeTue 10 Sep 2019 - 0:32


Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   825
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Austin Johnson
Pro Driver
Austin Johnson

Number of posts : 814
Age : 34
Location : Northern California
Registration date : 2013-01-14

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeTue 10 Sep 2019 - 5:54


"The Winner ain't the one with the fastest car, it's the one who refuses to lose." Dale Earnhardt. Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   559
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Bruno Chacon
Experienced Driver
Bruno Chacon

Number of posts : 476
Age : 65
Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2017-03-08

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeTue 10 Sep 2019 - 11:20

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Jason Fitch
Pro Driver
Jason Fitch

Number of posts : 664
Age : 45
Location : Frankfort, IN
Registration date : 2015-04-18

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeTue 10 Sep 2019 - 14:58


Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   728

"You need to grab a hold of that line between Speed and Chaos and you need to wrestle it to the ground like a Demon Cobra!"

When in doubt and you can't figure it out...Just Stand on It!
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Mattos Maul
Mattos Maul

Number of posts : 27
Age : 49
Location : Wales. United Kingdom
Registration date : 2019-04-11

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeTue 10 Sep 2019 - 17:34

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Dave Miller
Experienced Driver
Dave Miller

Number of posts : 301
Location : England
Registration date : 2012-07-10

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeTue 10 Sep 2019 - 17:48

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Pascal Mikula
Racing Legend
Pascal Mikula

Number of posts : 1189
Age : 24
Location : Classic Motorsport Hub
Registration date : 2016-01-04

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeTue 10 Sep 2019 - 21:40

I'd like one #29 large drunken

Owner of Classic Motorsport Hub - Your #1 Historic Sim Racing Network! Join @ https://classicmotorsporthub.boards.net  :hello:
2016 1000km of Kyalami Winner! Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   WEC1983_pAG1
2017 Grand Prix of Italy Winner!  Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   ASenna_01
2018 Indianapolis 500 Pole Position Winner! Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   USAC74_14
2018 Can-Am Challenge at Riverside Winner! Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   7McLaren
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Greg DellaCella
Club Driver
Greg DellaCella

Number of posts : 62
Age : 58
Location : Arizona
Registration date : 2016-11-12

Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitimeWed 11 Sep 2019 - 5:11


Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   827
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PostSubject: Re: Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]    Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]   Icon_minitime

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Rounds 7 & 8 - Zandvoort & Oulton Park [Sept 15th]
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