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 Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]

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David Jaques
Jari Bruppacher
Brian Janik
Greg Hunt
Philippe Martinelli
Timo Vermeersch
Michal Janak
François Remmen
Richard Wilks
David Jundt
Raymond Riddall
Gérard Ryon
Florkin Marc
Yves Plaçais
Jason Whited
Grant Riddall
Raul Jereb
Jonatan Acerclinth
Alberto Ibañez
Petr Hlavac
Peter Blom
David Sabre
Juha Bos
Jan Kowalski
Jacob Fredriksson
Martin Lacina
Steve Parker
Jason Fitch
Mick Chapman
Austin Johnson
Jason White
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 5 Apr 2018 - 17:47

Welcome to AMS.....

helping David who is doing on his own the conversions we spend weeks / days to give it a smooth fps and on my part a good look and search for answers why modding tracks in AMS is such a pain
hardly zero tutorials compare to Asetto !
a good look failed misserbly on my side, the 91Monaco from last year looks more fresh as this and AMS is only a rfactor + which should give at least the same result but with sprl shaders the stock uses its even harder
next to that everything is encrypted and locked .. well
we even had to delete all shadowcaster, wich means the track hardly uses  shadows projected on objects compare to for example most last years Rfactor 91tracks i used maxed out shadow textures at 512 pixels!!or not even to talk about rain effects like adelaide had
seems AMS has its own will cause what i tried nothing works

this could be from conversion started by rf2 materials that not translated correctly to AMS
but now i test zandvoort  , look Exact the same as in rfactor , which i dont want , it must be better
but hell i dont know how to improve..

4 days waisted and result in almost throw this gotdamn Sim in the bin stick longer to rfactor and freak out with Asetto Corsa

but dont worry , i was so frustrated , like driving full speed without the handbrake to be released, you all know how that feels, we all lucky to drive here but also you guys , Admins,  put David on a almost impossible task
only can do is pray and a miracle IF we can run the Nurburgring
the rfactor version i made use full shadow and its immersive but if AMS cant deal with that we just diving a dull track around some hills ..
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Jason Whited
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Jason Whited

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Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 5 Apr 2018 - 18:15

Unfortunate that AMS does not officially support modding.
I'd imagine the lack of tutorials and definitive answers lies in that fact, whereas AC supports modding and tries to make it all a bit easier. Though, that sim has it's own issues, especially (sometimes) online with large grids (not so much fps related as weird netcode stuff or something, disappearing/reappearing cars, rubberbanding) ..but all that is for another discussion perhaps.


What I've attempted to do, and thus far I've failed about as much as I've succeeded, is to find a solid mod (Patrick's work, all AMS features work) and compare.
It's not exact science, almost dummy work, manually comparing files that are there/not there/etc and it surely won't fix all things, but I have managed to succeed in working with some cars, on some things.
Tedious stuff and I truly envy the patience Dave and all other quality modders must surely have to work with it. Mind numbing, after a while, to me!


That said, all this being the Monaco thread and all, I want to add that I think this track is a superb addition to AMS.

Such a frustrating and challenging course that grinds my gears and makes me smile at the same time.
I've cursed this track (or was I cursing me because I can't cool it a bit and quit overdriving the damned car? :rigol: ) and I've felt my heart dance on my tongue when I've barely brushed by that pesky death trap that is Nouvelle chicane and nailed it just right coming out the other side. A freakin' rush every single time Shocked

Very nice work and I'm enjoying the hell out of it!
Thanks a TON for all the efforts :clap: :hello:
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Greg Hunt
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Greg Hunt

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Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 5 Apr 2018 - 21:23

Florkin Marc wrote:
Pour recevoir les set-up a partir du mod, il faut cliquez sur "reçu", mais je ne parviens pas à les télécharger ?
On m'a dit qu'il faut aller dans PRL , pour changer le 1 en 0 ou l'inverse.
Mais quelle ligne exactement dans le PRL ??

Merci d'avance

Marcus scratch

only show car related setups , c est ecrit dans le post que je t ai indiqué hier soir Marcus :antoine: :antoine:
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Michal Janak
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Michal Janak

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Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 5 Apr 2018 - 22:41

as i see on hotlapboard teammates have newer car? and i older? what is the difference?
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Dana Schurer
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Dana Schurer

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Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri 6 Apr 2018 - 2:45

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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri 6 Apr 2018 - 16:04

Sorry to say but I'm out for this one. Still no reliable internet at home.

Good luck to all taking part, it's going to be a tough one.
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri 6 Apr 2018 - 16:12

I'm asking for your car on behalf of Timo, who has been very interested in getting one. He'll confirm later.
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri 6 Apr 2018 - 16:34

I'll confirm it. He has 24hrs to confirm himself otherwise it goes free again.
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Timo Vermeersch
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Timo Vermeersch

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Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri 6 Apr 2018 - 20:00

Confirmed. Large boots to fill here. Stressy Very Happy .

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Jan Kowalski
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Jan Kowalski

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Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri 6 Apr 2018 - 21:53

Will there be track limits at race? (like penalites)

Last edited by Jan Kowalski on Sat 7 Apr 2018 - 8:51; edited 1 time in total
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Peter Blom
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Peter Blom

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Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri 6 Apr 2018 - 22:18

Richard Coxon wrote:
Sorry to say but I'm out for this one. Still no reliable internet at home.

Good luck to all taking part, it's going to be a tough one.

Shame Richard! I'm feeling the pressure to do well in the older Surtees now so I started practising in time :hihi:

Will be a tough one for sure! One little nudge on the barrier and your suspension turns yellow Neutral
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Jacob Fredriksson
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Jacob Fredriksson

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Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 7 Apr 2018 - 8:58

Sadly, I'm out. I've had 6 day work week, and tomorrow evening, I will rather want to catch up with the real-world racing with a cold beer in my sofa.

Will think long and hard about my future participation in this championship. Not because of the HSO organisation at all, but because my new job means I'm working most Sundays.
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Michal Janak
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Michal Janak

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Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 7 Apr 2018 - 9:56

hmmm need help, i can make the car stable enough for me, one lap the car is doing something another lap diferently , every lap is surprise for me, i cant imagine do whole race with it, worst is i can brake in turns when see i am too fast and hit wall no metter how easy on brakes, the tyres get flat and then it is nearly impossible to drive the car, here at Monato too dangerous not only for me but for other drivers too, i didn find how tune this cat suitable for ma (absence) of driving skills
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Filippo Marazzi
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Filippo Marazzi

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Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 7 Apr 2018 - 10:28


If it's the correct procedure, I ask for the March of my wec 82 mate Jacob  Very Happy

Thanks Filippo
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Yves Plaçais
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Yves Plaçais

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Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 7 Apr 2018 - 10:33

Jacob Fredriksson wrote:
Sadly, I'm out. I've had 6 day work week, and tomorrow evening, I will rather want to catch up with the real-world racing with a cold beer in my sofa.

Will think long and hard about my future participation in this championship. Not because of the HSO organisation at all, but because my new job means I'm working most Sundays.

Bon courage, Jacob !
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 7 Apr 2018 - 10:54

Michal Janak wrote:
hmmm need help, i can make the car stable enough for me, one lap the car is doing something another lap diferently , every lap is surprise for me, i cant imagine do whole race with it, worst is i can brake in turns when see i am too fast and hit wall no metter how easy on brakes, the tyres get flat and then it is nearly impossible to drive the car, here at Monato too dangerous not only for me but for other drivers too, i didn find how tune this cat suitable for ma (absence) of driving skills

The track is bumpy and the wheels rebound a lot, which means you can easily lock wheels when braking because they are "in the air" and unloaded for a good part of your lap. And once you have a flatspot, your four wheels are no longer equal - you have one that vibrates and grips less. This obviously throws your car off in the bumps, which the track is full of. 


- Reduce brake pressure to the minimum you can get away with. 80% if necessary. Better to brake less, than to do flatspots.
- Springs as soft as possible
- Tire pressure as low as practical
- Higher ride height to give the suspension more travel and let the body move around instead of hitting the bumpstops
- Increase bump and reduce rebound on the dampers. Less rebound will allow the wheel to follow the ground better. But keep some more rebound on the rear always, to reduce speed of weight transfer under brakes, and to settle the heavier rear.
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Jason White
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Jason White

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Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 7 Apr 2018 - 14:20

Filippo Marazzi wrote:

If it's the correct procedure, I ask for the March of my wec 82 mate Jacob  Very Happy

Thanks Filippo

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Timo Vermeersch
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Timo Vermeersch

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Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 7 Apr 2018 - 14:26

Timo Vermeersch wrote:
Confirmed. Large boots to fill here. Stressy Very Happy .


I'm in doubt as to whether this message made any sense at all, actually :doh: .

So, for the case the initial message made no sense at all, the intended meaning was that I would be thrilled to take over Richard's Surtees for this Monaco-race.


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Jason White
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Jason White

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Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 7 Apr 2018 - 14:34

Timo Vermeersch wrote:
Timo Vermeersch wrote:
Confirmed. Large boots to fill here. Stressy Very Happy .


I'm in doubt as to whether this message made any sense at all, actually :doh: .

So, for the case the initial message made no sense at all, the intended meaning was that I would be thrilled to take over Richard's Surtees for this Monaco-race.



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Richard Wilks
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Richard Wilks

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Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 7 Apr 2018 - 14:48

Michal Janak wrote:

i watched many onboards from seasons around year 1971 and by sound the shifting up wasnt so long as 71 mod sometimes need (1,5s no throthle), it is prety bad when 3 times I push clutch lift throtle completely and the gear remain previous gear ,  firstly i can overrev the engine, secondly i losing time and on last race start i drop from 6th to 14th or worse place (when i didn her in sounds of other car that the shifts was missed)

The shifting is exactly the same for everybody else. So if you are using manual clutch, i would see if you are really pressing it. Everybody else seems to not have a problem shifting quickly and not missing shifts.
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Filippo Marazzi
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Filippo Marazzi

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Registration date : 2016-11-05

Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 7 Apr 2018 - 15:06

Thank you Jason,

and now learning to drive this beast on narrow Montecarlo streets  :conduit: ,
every setup help well accepted Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 3108518133

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Jason White
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Jason White

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Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 7 Apr 2018 - 15:22

Keeping it in between the barriers for 80 laps will be a grueling test.
Concentrate on precision over speed, and you may be around to collect points at the end Smile
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Filippo Marazzi
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Filippo Marazzi

Number of posts : 184
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Registration date : 2016-11-05

Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 7 Apr 2018 - 16:06

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Jason Whited
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Jason Whited

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Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 7 Apr 2018 - 16:13

I still curse the car quite often missing shifts :hihi: But it's one of those frustrating challenges I enjoy trying to find the patience to push through and get it right.

Try toying around with the clutch sensitivities and deadzones.
I created a deadzone at the far end of clutch travel because I found that I'm often not pushing the clutch to the end of travel, more like 95%.
To be fast with it, I also added a rather large deadzone to the start of travel, so the first few inches or so of travel do not even register.

I then heightened the sensitivity of the clutch.

End result is a sort of manipulation of the clutch so that it's more or less like an on/off switch (not quite, but sort of)

I'd say reducing the travel "end" point (far end of travel deadzone) was the main thing I adjusted that helped me personally.
They can be a pain though, if patience is foregone momentarily in search of GO FASTER.

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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th]   Round 3 - Grand Prix de Monaco [Apr 8th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 7 Apr 2018 - 16:28

Competition clutches of the 70s had short travel and not a lot of effective separation of engine and gearbox, specially when heated. So much so that at the race's start you can easily see all cars moving slightly forwards when waiting for the flag, even if they have clutch fully depressed and 1st gear engaged.  That is not the drivers trying to gain an advantage, it's the clutch slipping and moving the car. So I guess your setting are quite approximate to what real cars felt  :top:
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