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 Logitech G29 discount

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David Jaques
Richard Coxon
Alberto Ibañez
Pascal Mikula
Jan Kowalski
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Jan Kowalski
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Jan Kowalski

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PostSubject: Logitech G29 discount   Logitech G29 discount Icon_minitimeFri 16 Mar 2018 - 11:23

Hi, i just wanted you to tell about the G29 discount on amazon (here in germany now 215 euro instead of 399 euro). For the guys with little money and less good wheels :chinois:
I used a G27 for a very long time and never had problems. A very reliable wheel which should be the normally overprised G29 too.

See you on track :slurp:
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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PostSubject: Re: Logitech G29 discount   Logitech G29 discount Icon_minitimeFri 16 Mar 2018 - 14:56

Oh god, where is my money when I need it most?! O.o Aaaaaaaa I want that wheel soo baadddd but I can't afford it right now. My G27 is an ol' reliable though lol!
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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PostSubject: Re: Logitech G29 discount   Logitech G29 discount Icon_minitimeFri 16 Mar 2018 - 15:00

Beats me understanding how they could bump the G29 up to 399 Euros when it was basically a G27 with less accesories (shifter) and no real improvements. The 215 euros tag seems to me a much more reasonable price, the G29 is IMO more the "modern" drivingforce pro, and nowhere in the level of the Thrustmaster T300, not to mention the T500.
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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PostSubject: Re: Logitech G29 discount   Logitech G29 discount Icon_minitimeFri 16 Mar 2018 - 15:57

The G29's have a lot of callibration issues in AMS. Just ask Steve Parker.
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Jan Kowalski
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Jan Kowalski

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PostSubject: Re: Logitech G29 discount   Logitech G29 discount Icon_minitimeFri 16 Mar 2018 - 18:28

I've read negative things about nearly every wheel, but will give the T300 Alcantara a try. Not a Ferrari on track, but still as a logo on my wheel Smile
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David Jaques
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David Jaques

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PostSubject: Re: Logitech G29 discount   Logitech G29 discount Icon_minitimeFri 16 Mar 2018 - 19:52

Richard Coxon wrote:
The G29's have a lot of callibration issues in AMS. Just ask Steve Parker.

this is my concern at the moment. discount too here in canada, and i do desperately need to replace my wheel/petals (petals dont hold steady signal anymore).

steve, any details? any other g29 users have comments about ams compatability?
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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

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PostSubject: Re: Logitech G29 discount   Logitech G29 discount Icon_minitimeFri 16 Mar 2018 - 22:47

David Jaques wrote:
Richard Coxon wrote:
The G29's have a lot of callibration issues in AMS. Just ask Steve Parker.

this is my concern at the moment.  discount too here in canada, and i do desperately need to replace my wheel/petals (petals dont hold steady signal anymore).  

steve, any details?  any other g29 users have comments about ams compatability?

it is ok if you check the rotation etc before you race in AMS,They are aware of it losing calibration because they have patched the beta version,so fix should be be forthcoming,apart from that superb wheels the brake pedal has a load cell so that takes some getting used to after G27,BUT IS MORE REALISTIC :top:
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Michal Janak
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Michal Janak

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PostSubject: Re: Logitech G29 discount   Logitech G29 discount Icon_minitimeFri 16 Mar 2018 - 23:12

I bought G29 for 200EUR , in AC superb, in AMS cant use autocalibration, i must set the anle in logitech profiler (the last one has no possibility to set overal gain like older versions) and in car setup too manualy wheel angle (now for 71 i use 480deg)
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Michal Janak
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Michal Janak

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PostSubject: Re: Logitech G29 discount   Logitech G29 discount Icon_minitimeFri 16 Mar 2018 - 23:19

Steve Parker wrote:
David Jaques wrote:
Richard Coxon wrote:
The G29's have a lot of callibration issues in AMS. Just ask Steve Parker.

this is my concern at the moment.  discount too here in canada, and i do desperately need to replace my wheel/petals (petals dont hold steady signal anymore).  

steve, any details?  any other g29 users have comments about ams compatability?

it is ok if you check the rotation etc before you race in AMS,They are aware of it losing calibration because they have patched the beta version,so fix should be be forthcoming,apart from that superb wheels the brake pedal has a load cell so that takes some getting used to after G27,BUT IS MORE REALISTIC :top:

i dont think G29 has load cell, only one soft and one harder spring

tested pedals only 30 minutes, and dont like them so attached my own (4hours i searched how to do it)
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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

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PostSubject: Re: Logitech G29 discount   Logitech G29 discount Icon_minitimeSat 17 Mar 2018 - 0:26

Michal Janak wrote:
Steve Parker wrote:
David Jaques wrote:
Richard Coxon wrote:
The G29's have a lot of callibration issues in AMS. Just ask Steve Parker.

this is my concern at the moment.  discount too here in canada, and i do desperately need to replace my wheel/petals (petals dont hold steady signal anymore).  

steve, any details?  any other g29 users have comments about ams compatability?

it is ok if you check the rotation etc before you race in AMS,They are aware of it losing calibration because they have patched the beta version,so fix should be be forthcoming,apart from that superb wheels the brake pedal has a load cell so that takes some getting used to after G27,BUT IS MORE REALISTIC :top:

i dont think G29 has load cell, only one soft and one harder spring

tested pedals only 30 minutes, and dont like them so attached my own (4hours i searched how to do it)

It does have a load cell in the brake,take it apart and have a look :top:
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Austin Johnson
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Austin Johnson

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PostSubject: Re: Logitech G29 discount   Logitech G29 discount Icon_minitimeSat 17 Mar 2018 - 5:11

The G29 does not come with a load cell it has a brake mod of some sorts but it's still a  potentiometer. I don't see what's wrong with either wheels they're both great.  Even the DFGT is a good wheel when you match it with the g27 shifter and pedals. I've had my g27 for years and it still works great. I just made my own little brake mod so it's easier for threshold braking. I also took my g27 pedals out of the case and have them hanging like a car. The feel is more natural to me I couldnt drive with floor mounted pedals.
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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

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PostSubject: Re: Logitech G29 discount   Logitech G29 discount Icon_minitimeSat 17 Mar 2018 - 12:30

its a Nonlinear brake pedal so requires more pressure
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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PostSubject: Re: Logitech G29 discount   Logitech G29 discount Icon_minitimeSun 18 Mar 2018 - 13:47

Still not worth the price, Logitech is ripping off its customers with it Rolling Eyes

Think I'd buy a TM or F if my G27 would break.

Actually no, I'd go and get a DD wheel.
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David Jaques
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David Jaques

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PostSubject: Re: Logitech G29 discount   Logitech G29 discount Icon_minitimeFri 23 Mar 2018 - 23:55

so i tried some searching on the googles and as usual found contradicting information.  i know the shifters are different, but...

does anyone know if the pedals from a g29 are compatible with a g25 wheel base?


update> yes, the pedals seem to be plug and play between the g29 and g25, worked with no issue.
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PostSubject: Re: Logitech G29 discount   Logitech G29 discount Icon_minitime

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