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 nVidia Surround issue

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3 posters
Raul Jereb
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Raul Jereb

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nVidia Surround issue Empty
PostSubject: nVidia Surround issue   nVidia Surround issue Icon_minitimeFri 30 Jun 2017 - 23:00

Hey all,

I finally got my ne pc. Its nice machine, I can finaly run my rF in max details.

Im battling now the nVidia surround software which should be used for multiple (three) monitor use.

So, before I write down the problem, just to check is here anybody with experience in using this protocol.

Im having GTX 1050ti G1, total of 5 display ports (all kinds), and 3 monitors, two models (1x24"16:9 and 2x19" 4:3)

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Raul Jereb
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Raul Jereb

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nVidia Surround issue Empty
PostSubject: Re: nVidia Surround issue   nVidia Surround issue Icon_minitimeSat 1 Jul 2017 - 10:00

Ok, monolgue continues :D

I solved the situation with SoftTH app, makes things look ok (for now).
I have another problem now. It uses the d3d9.dll which is also used by GDI Im using. So, now I dont have my GDI any more.

What other data utility you suggest, or even better, is it possible to make that .dll used by both apps? If so, how?

thank you
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Ben Paulet
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Ben Paulet

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PostSubject: Re: nVidia Surround issue   nVidia Surround issue Icon_minitimeSat 1 Jul 2017 - 11:49

I use nvidia surround, but with the 3 same monitors 22'', and it works perfectly. Maybe, you had to use SoftTH app because of your different screens resolution.
About dll's GID, I can't help you, I don't use it.
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Raul Jereb
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Raul Jereb

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Location : Rijeka, Croatia
Registration date : 2013-05-28

nVidia Surround issue Empty
PostSubject: Re: nVidia Surround issue   nVidia Surround issue Icon_minitimeSat 1 Jul 2017 - 14:37

Ben Paulet wrote:
I use nvidia surround, but with the 3 same monitors 22'', and it works perfectly. Maybe, you had to use SoftTH app because of your different screens resolution.
About dll's GID, I can't help you, I don't use it.

Thank you Ben.
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Michal Janak
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Michal Janak

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nVidia Surround issue Empty
PostSubject: Re: nVidia Surround issue   nVidia Surround issue Icon_minitimeSat 1 Jul 2017 - 22:36

all utils as HUD works on d3d so SoftH is not choice for us, i hawe too 3 different Monitors , 2 side 19" and 1 22" wide but not too much so i use Nvidia surround but the center screen is little wider (littlwe bad ratio)
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PostSubject: Re: nVidia Surround issue   nVidia Surround issue Icon_minitime

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