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 Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]

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Jukka Närhi
Jason White
Alex Riolo
Alberto Ibañez
Cláudio Augusto
Ben Paulet
Sky Willis
Guillaume Siebert
Rossetti Paolo
Greg Hunt
Pascal Mikula
Vincent Beretta
Steve Parker
Paulo Rodrigues
Brian Janik
Jason Fitch
Sebastian Vignone
Petr Hlavac
Raul Jereb
Mick Chapman
Arpad Vincze
Didier Conjeaud
Florkin Marc
Gabriele Del Piccolo
Juha Bos
Raymond Riddall
François Remmen
Martin Lacina
David Jundt
David Jaques
Michael Drechsler
Michal Janak
Emmanuel Haas
Gérard Ryon
Yves Plaçais
Jonatan Acerclinth
Jan Kowalski
Ludovic Tiengou
Richard Coxon
43 posters
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Jason White
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Jason White

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Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun 22 Jan 2017 - 20:18

Jason White wrote:
Our usual color commentators may not be available for today's race. 
Anyone who is interested in trying the color commentary role today, please send me a PM.

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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun 22 Jan 2017 - 20:39

Jason are you going to commentate alone now or what's about the broadcast?

(talking about broadcasts:)

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Didier Conjeaud
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Didier Conjeaud

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Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun 22 Jan 2017 - 21:35

Bon, après les disques de freins explosés à Phoenix, voila maintenant que je me prends une pénalité au bout de trois tours pour une raison que j'ignore totalement....pas de départ anticipé, pas de dépassement, pas de sortie de piste, pas de coupe.... Evil or Very Mad

Je purge dés que j'ai l'info....mais évidemment je ne sais pas comment on purge !....s'agit t'il d'un drive through ou d'une pénalité arrêté à son stand....je n'en sais absolument rien....je décide donc de m’arrêter à mon box...mais ça ne purge rien et les mécanos changent 4 pneus !....je repars, m’arrête au bout des stands pour décocher un a un les changements de pneus, rentre à nouveau dans les stands au tour suivant pour essayer de purger....mais c'est apparemment trop tard puisque je suis disqualifié avant même d'avoir rejoint mon box !

Bref...apparemment ce mod ne veut pas de moi puisque c'est carrément lui qui m'éjecte de la course deux fois de suite sans la moindre erreur, ni le moindre contact de ma part...et sans me faire cartonner par un autre concurrent, ce qui est relativement nouveau :hihi: . Donc, sauf peut être à passer deux heures par jour sur le sujet à essayer de tout comprendre de ce très difficile mod, ce que je suis dans l'incapacité de faire, mieux vaudra que je m'abstienne, d'autant qu'en plus je ne trouve aucune base de set up existants qui me permettrait de gagner du temps, et que je bidouille donc seul dans mon coin. Je vais encore persévérer un peu, mais si les frustrations persistent,même en ayant la chance d'avoir une Ferrari, j'en tirerai toutes les conséquences utiles à appliquer pour un vieux gentleman driver que je suis.
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Petr Hlavac
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Petr Hlavac

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Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun 22 Jan 2017 - 21:45

I think i got a brake failure. Rear end snapped at me. I thought i had a puncture, went to pits to change tyres, but the car snapped again when i touched the brakes and i went into the wall. Otherwise, it was a bad race. I made it to P15 from 25th, but it wasn't a pleasant cruise. And it's obvious that i'm simply too slow.
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun 22 Jan 2017 - 21:59

Evil or Very Mad Not happy at all.

Mirosalv what was that?!?!?

Why were you so hell bent on going to the inside when i had moved that way and covered it. Then you just hit me up the rear!
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Miroslav Havlík
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Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun 22 Jan 2017 - 22:07

I'm sorry Richard.
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Miroslav Havlík
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Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun 22 Jan 2017 - 22:14

I'm waiting for the punishment ,Beneton too fast. Embarassed
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Raul Jereb
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Raul Jereb

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Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun 22 Jan 2017 - 22:51

Jan, you took few days of my life with that horror move on the straight... man if Id hit you, well be lounched directly to Imola!!!
Boy what a moment....
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Jason White
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Jason White

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Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun 22 Jan 2017 - 22:56




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Jason White
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Jason White

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Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun 22 Jan 2017 - 23:21

Results and points are up.
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun 22 Jan 2017 - 23:25

WD guys! :clap: Greg you amazing and all others ofcourse

David and david !
damn i like to have half your points for sharing my setups :D :D

Need some feedback of the track what you would like to see changed or not for a final release
(except the wet parts i keep also i know the aiw is not optimized for smooth standing grid and pitexit)

cya at Imola all

and Steve stop overrevving that lambo engine! lol!

great broadcast Jason and Co
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Juha Bos
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Juha Bos

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Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun 22 Jan 2017 - 23:32

If I'd be allowed one word to describe my race, I'd hesitate between garbage, dire, or abysmal.

The start wasn't too bad, I didn't hit any cars. I lasted a few laps inside the Top 10, had no encounters with the Interlagos scenery. By now the race was already already better than Phoenix. :D

The battles were good, no dangerous moments once you knew a certain McLaren could teleport itself to the inside line of the oncoming corner if it finds itself in a 2 second radius of your rear diffuser.

All good then? No. I noticed I couldn't get my right foot off the throttle in time. As a result, I took 1-2% out of my engine on each lap. Quick thinking, my engine was never going to see the end of the race unless I changed my driving. The following laps saw me focusing on not overrevving the engine and my driving went downhill, along with my lap times.

By the time I did figure out how to do it, I had dropped far back and I was expecting a boring race. But this is HSO, and there's always someone to race so I found myself battling the Lotus boys, then the AGS, and again one of the Lotus entries.

If you're reading this, you're probably wondering when I'm going to mention I smashed the car to bits, or at least the front wing, because a lot of words have gone by without any mention of physical damage to the car. :D

Just giving you the time to place your bets regarding on which lap and in which corner I did it... ready? ... surprise surprise... for once the car (maybe not the engine) was still in a pristine state halfway when I  crossed the line. I did spin it once while when wanting to make room for a car lapping me, the intentions were good, the execution was very artistic. I also ran wide once when duelling with either the Lotus or the AGS. The engine also survived, only 8% left, but it got me to the line.

I finally made it to the flag in 12th. Not the result I'd hoped for, but the car handled fine, I kept it on track, rFactor didn't crash and neither did I. Now I need to adapt the car tot a non-engine-damaging driving style and I might get a better result out of it.
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Alex Riolo

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Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun 22 Jan 2017 - 23:46


Sono molto contento. Gran bella gara, con l'AGS, 21° in qualifica, 13° in gara e senza il problema alla sospensione (errore mio) potevo arrivare anche 11°.

Ci vediamo ad Imola

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Gabriele Del Piccolo
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Gabriele Del Piccolo

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Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon 23 Jan 2017 - 1:40

alex riolo wrote:

Sono molto contento. Gran bella gara, con l'AGS, 21° in qualifica, 13° in gara e senza il problema alla sospensione (errore mio) potevo arrivare anche 11°.

Ci vediamo ad Imola


Bravo Alessandro, ottimo debutto, e hai mostrato tutta la tua grinta pur con un mezzo inferiore..

We (Italian Lotus guys  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy ) are sufficiently happy with the result.
The start for us was very cautious to avoid any contact so we lost some position .. then continuing with the race we found a good pace to put us chasing the drivers ahead. By choosing a much downforce set we were slow in T3 but really fast in T2. So we exchanged positions when we saw who was the faster of the two. Shortly before the pit we exchanged positions again for the strategy. After the Pit for tyres my pace was stronger so I could fight with the Jordans, with positions between the 8th and 10th place. Paolo had some problem towards the end, so he pitted again, but he menaged to finish eleventh. I could finish eighth but on the finish line I was overcome by Janik. No points, but consistent race for us.
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon 23 Jan 2017 - 1:56

Many thanks go to Francois&Martin for this one Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 3108518133 Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 3108518133

I kept fumbling around on my setup to reduce my problem with the turn-in of the car and the resulting understeer when going too deep.

By race start, it was suddenly kinda "on".

I passed Michal Janak soon and set after Mick and my temporary teammate Martin. TBH, even with like running 1.6s behind him, I didn't have the goal to pass him. Even with a possible(?) podium, I thought that I was the one-off driver and he the regular one, so taking his points away wouldn't have been my intention.

This plan kinda vanished when Mick apparently got sideways out of Bico de Pato and Martin lost his FW as he couldn't avoid it. I was just slow enough to dart to the left and avoid running into them.

I was so sorry for Martin, who was looking so good on track Sad Not to mention that he got back to 6th only to retire for good Crying or Very sad

I repeated that move when I nearly ran into a stationary Jordan while glancing at the positions on the xD plugin.

After that, I just kept going, trying to be fast without using other fast cars as indicators.

I was very surprised to see Greg about 5 seconds behind me and thought he either had a spin I didn't  notice or a lag-spike, because I couldn't imagine someone flying into&out of the pits at such velocity without turning the car into a steaming pile of metal scraps Shocked

After Greg found his way past Pascal onto my diffusor, I didn't feel like I wanted to battle him and left the door open and dropping back to third once again.

My softs actually lasted the whole race, although I could feel that it was getting problematic at Mergulho. I considered pitting for SS or even HQ tyres(to steal FL maybe? lol! ), but then decided to stay out in case Greg spins or loses time somehow as I'd probably be too far away if I pitted.

Nothing happened though, so I took 3rd place :third:

Thanks again to FD and Martin, I had issues, but your help reduced it by a lot and I managed to get the setup into a state where I could actually do consistent lap times without messing up as much as I feared.

Although I had some silly moments where I nearly pulled off into the grass on the right side of the stretch towards the S/F line Rolling Eyes
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Ludovic Tiengou
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Ludovic Tiengou

Number of posts : 2986
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Location : Grenoble far away from Brittany, France
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Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon 23 Jan 2017 - 8:27

Emmanuel Haas wrote:
Ce que je souhaite, c'est juste participer aux courses, peu importe la voiture, peu importe mes résultats ...

Si tu veux on peut faire équipe et s'aligner sur la Grid ou la Lola en WEC. Là au moins on sera certain de prendre le départ Wink
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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

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Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon 23 Jan 2017 - 12:35

François Remmen wrote:
WD guys! :clap: Greg you amazing and all others ofcourse

David and david !
damn i like to have half your points for sharing  my setups :D :D

Need some feedback of the track what you would like to see changed or not for a final release
(except the wet parts i keep also i know the aiw is not optimized for smooth standing grid and pitexit)

cya at Imola all

and Steve stop overrevving that lambo engine! lol!

great broadcast Jason and Co

Not over revving it m8,i drove that thing as slowly as possible,i could drive my Van harder and not blow the engine,had cooling on 10 didnt push it at all,only time it hit rev limiter was in slipstream which i tried to avoid,another waste of practice time,and as for the Lotus that dived in front of me just before turn 1 and slammed on brakes well that is another thing,lucky i managed to avoid him.
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Jan Kowalski
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Jan Kowalski

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Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon 23 Jan 2017 - 13:31

Raul Jereb wrote:
Jan, you took few days of my life with that horror move on the straight... man if Id hit you, well be lounched directly to Imola!!!
Boy what a moment....

not my best race indeed :hello:  My rear wing was damaged from the beginning. I lost the car when moving to the left before the S/F straight, so luckily we both didnt hit each other.

I had a freeze (3sec) on lap 5 at the end of sector 2. Somehow Gerard could not see me or was surprised by my slowing down, so he hit my back heavily. Rear wing was yellow and the car were wandering horribly at straight lines the whole race. Gerard lost his front wing, it was neither a good race for him too i guess.

I never had a freeze the whole training for the Brazilian GP, so its kind weird. I lost up to 1 second per lap due to damage, could have been 1 or 2 points with the normal pace.

Sorry David Jaques for the incident while lapping me. Nearly cost you the race. I tried to get out of the way, but with my damage and your better power on straight it went all wrong. Luckily you won the race :top:

Btw, i fought with Richard but the Brabham engine were much louder than all other cars. I nearly couldnt hear my revs. Is there some mistake in the files?

Really great coverage, liked also the grid top 10 graphics :top:
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Raul Jereb
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Raul Jereb

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Registration date : 2013-05-28

Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon 23 Jan 2017 - 13:53

Boy, what a race... again..

First, I noticed my brake discs were set to min, a qualy setup leftover!! Boy, I see that, and I hear the trafic light singing for start!! That was scary.. and that is how i entered the track..

Then I started better then the car in front of me (was it Mick) and step on the brake not to hit it, and the others just passed arround me.. boy, from 5th to 10th.. or so..

Then, simply unavoidable contact with somebody in front of me.. lost my front wing (first or second lap)
Then, entering the pits for repair, and moron forgets to put hard tyres on... so, another pitstop is unavoidable...

So, finaly, from last place braking through... to be honest, its not something special in car like FW14, but my front suspension was damaged too, and car was unstable enough to make my confidence questionable.. I just didnt dare to push as hard as maybe some other driver would.. i was 1.5 sec slower than my regular pace..

Finaly, finished 7th, which is great considering circumstances..

Thank you for great track, and great organisation.

And congratulations to winners and everybody else..

ps. Greg, once again, my apologies if I slowed you down, I was really very occupied by myself, and even trying to be as aware as possible though, it could have been that you approached in some critical moment. I hope no big harm was made.
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Philippe Martinelli
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Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon 23 Jan 2017 - 17:12

C'était très bien parti, en 13ème position sur la grille, grâce à une des meilleures voitures du plateau.Cool  

En bagarre dès le départ avec les deux Jordan, je parviens à dépasser Brian, avec qui nous avons un assez léger accrochage que je pensai sans danger, il m'avait poussé dans le dernier virage avant la grande montée...Rolling Eyes

Puis j'arrivais à dépasser aussi Juha pour prendre la 8 ème place:yaa: .

Un tour plus tard, Pascal était dans mes échappements et me harcelait pour prendre ma place... Je n'ai pas résisté et l'ai laissé passer. Au moment de son dépassement j'ai senti et entendu un choc à l'arrière, la Williams est devenue incontrôlable au freinage... :aie:

Je suis rentré aux stands, avec difficulté, la voiture partait dans tous les sens, mais les dégâts n'ont pas été réparés bien entendu, mais je me suis rendu compte en regardant le replay, que Pascal n'a pas touché ma voiture...
Je pense que c'était sans doute le contact que j'ai eu avec Brian au 6ème tour qui a sans doute endommagé la suspension, qui a cassé 4 tours plus tard, et çà c'est très bizarre, même si c'est très réaliste. :hum:

Fin de l'histoire trop courte pour moi au Brésil, je pense que je ne finirai pas beaucoup de course dans la saison, ce sera mon objectif à défaut de prendre des points...

Bravo au podium et au finisseurs :top:

Merci HSO :top:

A la prochaine Wink
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon 23 Jan 2017 - 17:30

Jan Kowalski wrote:

Btw, i fought with Richard but the Brabham engine were much louder than all other cars. I nearly couldnt hear my revs. Is there some mistake in the files?

infact the Yamaha v12 was one of the loudest of the field specialy  later  season when the revs goes up!

unfortunately we discovered this video after the release cause the external sound is not accurate to hearing

tune your audio ingame for other cars to lower level and make your own engine sounding  louder

example how it realy sounds!

1m32 after that you can tell blind when it passes!
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon 23 Jan 2017 - 18:27

Philippe Martinelli wrote:

Un tour plus tard, Pascal était dans mes échappements et me harcelait pour prendre ma place... Je n'ai pas résisté et l'ai laissé passer. Au moment de son dépassement j'ai senti et entendu un choc à l'arrière, la Williams est devenue incontrôlable au freinage... :aie:

Je suis rentré aux stands, avec difficulté, la voiture partait dans tous les sens, mais les dégâts n'ont pas été réparés bien entendu, mais je me suis rendu compte en regardant le replay, que Pascal n'a pas touché ma voiture...
Je pense que c'était sans doute le contact que j'ai eu avec Brian au 6ème tour qui a sans doute endommagé la suspension, qui a cassé 4 tours plus tard, et çà c'est très bizarre, même si c'est très réaliste. :hum:
Ce que tu as eu ressemble plus à une panne de freins, il faut faire très attention à bien mettre l'épaisseur des disques de freins au max pour la course sur ce mod, sinon ils cassent très vite.
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Martin Lacina
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Martin Lacina

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Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon 23 Jan 2017 - 19:45

David Jundt wrote:

I was so sorry for Martin, who was looking so good on track Sad Not to mention that he got back to 6th only to retire for good Crying or Very sad

Great result David,
I knew that you will do some great result with this car because its a very cool tool for the race in the right hands. And you are fast, stable and consistent driver, not like me. Im maybe only fast but in the race very unstable and slow. Another my own stupid mistake take me away some point for championship. The collision with Mick is nothing against it (it was only normal race incident). Sorry team Dallara for another messed up race.
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David Jaques
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David Jaques

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Registration date : 2013-03-28

Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon 23 Jan 2017 - 21:09

what a race, so many concerns, so many unknowns, and the 2nd race in a row when i owe my result to a fellow racer. at phoenix mick saved me from a tangent i was following, and this race francois hooked me up (ill share the trophy with ya but im keeping the points ;PPP). next race my schedule should allow me the proper amount of practice, ill do my best to try to reciprocate. love the hso community, so many willing to help, so happy to be racing with you guys.

did a bunch of practice starts offline, as starting on the outside was a bit of a worry, but got a good launch for the race start. then my eyes popped out a bit as i saw greg had made it all the way to 2nd and was right on my rear. that first lap on cold tires and brakes was also a concern, and had my hands completely full holding onto the car and trying not to let greg see any gaps. almost ended on lap 1 approaching the final turn had one heck of a wobble. greg in his lesser car was pushing me all the way, much harder than i would have liked the entire first stint, great performance!

amazing that mr jundt made it on one set of tires, with my stop and 2 sets i was on the limit.

too many other great performances to name them all, great race everyone! lapping cars were great, almost too helpful at times, one miscommunication with jan, but all good ;P

san marino here we come!

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Philippe Martinelli
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Registration date : 2008-12-13

Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd]   Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon 23 Jan 2017 - 23:26

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Philippe Martinelli wrote:

Un tour plus tard, Pascal était dans mes échappements et me harcelait pour prendre ma place... Je n'ai pas résisté et l'ai laissé passer. Au moment de son dépassement j'ai senti et entendu un choc à l'arrière, la Williams est devenue incontrôlable au freinage... :aie:

Je suis rentré aux stands, avec difficulté, la voiture partait dans tous les sens, mais les dégâts n'ont pas été réparés bien entendu, mais je me suis rendu compte en regardant le replay, que Pascal n'a pas touché ma voiture...
Je pense que c'était sans doute le contact que j'ai eu avec Brian au 6ème tour qui a sans doute endommagé la suspension, qui a cassé 4 tours plus tard, et çà c'est très bizarre, même si c'est très réaliste. :hum:
Ce que tu as eu ressemble plus à une panne de freins, il faut faire très attention à bien mettre l'épaisseur des disques de freins au max pour la course sur ce mod, sinon ils cassent très vite.

J'avais l'épaisseur maximum des disques de freins sur mon setup (2,6 sur les 4 roues) pourtant... Va comprendre mon cher Guillaume scratch
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Round 2 - Grande Prêmio do Brasil [Jan 22nd] - Page 8 Empty
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