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 **HSO Rulings | Estoril**

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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

**HSO Rulings | Estoril** Empty
PostSubject: **HSO Rulings | Estoril**   **HSO Rulings | Estoril** Icon_minitimeMon 25 Jul 2016 - 15:27

After reviewing the replay of Round 2 of the Gold Star Championship, the admins have made the following decisions:

Raul Jereb receives a warning for his reckless driving lap 2.  Raul caused an accident by accelerating when the track was not clear, and as a result, cause Jason White to retire. Raul should have waited until the track was clear and then proceeded to rejoin the race. A repeat offense of the kind described above will draw disciplinary action from the league.

Francois Remmen is now banned from competing in the rest of the HSO 2016 season for his behaviour. Francois was very aggressive in his overtakes and repeatedly spoke during the race session. The second of these was outright rude and disrespectful to the other competitors. Francois also stopped on the racing line to type his final message before leaving the server. His actions could have caused more retirements. The seriousness of the ban also takes into account his previous behaviour at HSO. The admins shall re-evaluate the ban at the end of the season.

Michal Janak recieves a final warning for chatting during the race session. Talking in a qualifying or race session is a big no in the admins eyes, regardless of what has happened on track. A repeat offense of the kind above will result in further disciplinary action from the league.

Richard Wilks recieves a warning too for causing a avoidable collision which caused the retirement of Michal Janak. We acknowledge lag may have contributed to the incident, hence Richard just recieving a warning. A repeat offense of the kind described above will result in further disciplinary action from the league.

A message to all that complained when we had a restart after the first start. The reason we had the restart was because of a multi car pile up. The admins have a tough decision to make in a very short amount of time. We do not like to be ridiculed as a result. If this was a normal championship race we would have not restarted, but since it was a "Open race" we decided to restart.
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