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 Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd

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Carl Larrad
Mike Becnel
Alban Cosnuau
Vincent Beretta
Guillaume Siebert
Ludovic Tagli
finally gone :)
Alberto Ibañez
Alessio Campigotto
Steve Parker
David Jundt
Philippe Martinelli
David Cid
Patrick Marucco
Antoine de Mautor
19 posters
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Philippe Martinelli
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Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd   Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 4 Oct 2012 - 9:12

J'ai eu une frayeur dans le prologue quand je me suis élancé pour faire la spéciale, le chrono ne s'est pas déclanché... Suis-je parti trop tôt? Le feu était au vert pourtant...

J'ai donc recommencé et là le chrono s'est bien déclanché... Je fais un assez mauvais temps mais je termine la spéciale...

A Nogaro, désolé de m'être lancé dans un second tour d'essai, j'avais cru comprendre que l'on pouvait faire plusieurs tours sans passer devant la ligne de chronométrage mais pas les stands...

La course fût assez bonne pour moi, je bénéficie des abandons et déco de quelques concurrents... Comme Gérard qui revenait sur moi après le gros accrochage du 2ème tour... La lutte s'annonçait sympa, puis je crois qu'il a été déco... J'ai dépassé les deux Pantéra et la Ferrari de David, un peu plus tard, après qu'ils se soient accrochés aussi... Mais là je ne pouvais pas lutter contre la Pantéra et David était bien plus rapide que moi.

J'ai fini tranquille sans avoir abîmé la voiture (c'est que çà douille les réparations sur une Rarri, surtout jaune-canari... :D ).

Merci et bravo pour l'organisation (pas simple à mener à bien) :top:

A dimanche Wink

Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 7
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd   Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 4 Oct 2012 - 9:16

Sorry about the 1 lap thing , i thought the one lap rule only applied to Prologue i did not think i was even going to make this race and i did not read the rules properly Embarassed
Thats why i started a 2nd lap at Nogaro in practice and i saw other cars on the track so i thought it must have been ok
i had a feeling i would get a penalty :drink:

1st time i've ever got a penalty so i take it like a man lol!

Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 18
Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 Untitl22

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David Cid
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David Cid

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Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd   Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 4 Oct 2012 - 14:59

Well... I've seen my name menisoned there, but I don't understand what you're saying lol!

Prologue: I've just arrived home, eated a can of tuna with rice (in 4 mins) or so.
Grab the steering wheel and went for it. Couldn't have the chance to feel the car, so I've spun a few times, and then hit hard on a wall... I've got 2 punctures and the car all racked, but in the good HSO old spirit, I' managed to get to the finish line... in more then 10 mins... My best offline time would be enough for a 2nd place here. :aie:

Nogaro: A track I've just met, and really liked. I again had good lap times in practice, but that was days ago, I've couldn't practice in the last few days. And that showned.
After a great start I was still trying to re-adapt to my BMW, when at Lap2 disaster!! I saw the yellow flags, tryed to avoid all the cars, pointed to the inside and BANG!!! on that Mike's Ferrari! :doh: The car was racked, I crawled back into pits, and then was like going up again untill I've finish in 10th.
Antoine you were so fast at the end, I couldnt keep up.

This shit happens, I confess on lap 1 I was like «they are all over the place»!

So lot's of missfortunes, but at the end it was another great experience at HSO.

Congrats to all :top:

Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 295
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Greg Hunt
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Greg Hunt

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Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd   Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 4 Oct 2012 - 18:34

pour moi bonne petite soiree Very Happy

prologue , ne le connaissant pas , je m en suis pas trop mal sorti meme si a 2 . 3 reprises je suis pas passé loin de la correctionnel .

nogaro , j ai pris un depart correct , j ai une de belles petites batailles avec JP , Vincent et enfin Martin , j ai pris la tete et je l aie gardé jusqu au drapeau a damier cheers :first: :first: :first:

bravo a l organisation et por votre enorme boulot :clap: , juste un point ( et je sais bien que c est beaucoup de boulot pour vous en meme temps ) mais devoir attendre plus d 1 heure entre la fin de son prologue et le debut de la course , ca m a paru tres long ... une piste , j ai pas bien compris pourquoi 30 min de prologue alors que le tour prenait maxi 10 min , pourquoi ne pas reduire le temps a 15 min par exemple ca permettrai de gagner deja 1/4 d heure . :hello:

Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 849
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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Registration date : 2008-09-08

Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd   Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 4 Oct 2012 - 19:08

Ça a pris longtemps de faire la grille pour Nogaro parce que c'était un peu le bordel de remettre tout le monde dans l'ordre après le prologue, mais pour les prochaines ça ira beaucoup plus vite, la grille pourra être préparée avant la soirée. Wink
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd   Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri 5 Oct 2012 - 5:43

Carl Larrad wrote:

1st time i've ever got a penalty so i take it like a man lol!

We need to make a club!

Someone Creatively Ruling Everybody Wrong Every Day


Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 458
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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

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Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd   Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 8 Oct 2012 - 11:00

David Jundt wrote:
Mike Becnel wrote:

No worries Steve, that corner is a beast on cold tires - I have done the same thing many times in practice.

David Cid is another one of the victims, that is him upper right after hitting my rear end. I hope he finished.

He did I think.

But don't be sorry for Steve... That divebomb into the 2nd hairpin was dumb, he ran into one of the De Tomaso I think, I had to avoid the carnage and got a Stop and Go for cutting the track.

Please Steve, I was never going to give you enough room for a clean pass, and it's lap 1! Once again people want to win the race in the first corners...

P7 was all I could do, I had a nice battle with Mr "Zenturio", Frank Mercurio Smile

As for the skinpack: Can I download&install it now without having to re-install anything of the main mod?

Its quite clear there was loads of room for a pass,i was 98% past when you turned in on me,so stop moaning
Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 Nogaro10


Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 16
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Antoine de Mautor
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Antoine de Mautor

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Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd   Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 8 Oct 2012 - 13:23

No Steve that's a terrible move, coming back on the forum a week later to defend it is even worse... Why would you want to get past David at that point of the stage (first lap), and take so many risks? It's the overall time which counts, and you're obvisouly not going to lose a lot behind David in that situation...

This kind of move will result in a penalty in the forecoming events because I'm fed up with people thinking it's OK to dive in a non-existent hole miles away from the car preceiding them

Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 Signature%20Antoine
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PostSubject: Re: Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd   Tour de France : Biarritz-Barcelone (E1) October 3rd - Page 4 Icon_minitime

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