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 Trouble getting Interlagos to load, again!!!

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2 posters
Chris Souter
Club Driver
Chris Souter

Number of posts : 84
Age : 54
Location : Kesgrave UK
Registration date : 2009-11-22

Trouble getting Interlagos to load, again!!! Empty
PostSubject: Trouble getting Interlagos to load, again!!!   Trouble getting Interlagos to load, again!!! Icon_minitimeMon 31 Jan 2011 - 22:14

Hi guys, i am well aware that this is probably just me being very silly but i have tried to load up the new version of Interlagos from the calander to see if i am any nearer you lot for pace, anyway, when i try to get to the track for an offline test a box named "G motor 2 error" pops up with the message "Error opening MAS file GPC INTERLAGOS.MAS" Sorry for being a dunce, but do any of you have a clue whats going on. By the way, all the other tracks load ok, just the latest Interlagos is messing about.
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Carlo Pozzi
Pro Driver
Carlo Pozzi

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Age : 32
Location : Milan, Italy
Registration date : 2009-11-28

Trouble getting Interlagos to load, again!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trouble getting Interlagos to load, again!!!   Trouble getting Interlagos to load, again!!! Icon_minitimeMon 31 Jan 2011 - 22:19

Chris Souter wrote:
Hi guys, i am well aware that this is probably just me being very silly but i have tried to load up the new version of Interlagos from the calander to see if i am any nearer you lot for pace, anyway, when i try to get to the track for an offline test a box named "G motor 2 error" pops up with the message "Error opening MAS file GPC INTERLAGOS.MAS" Sorry for being a dunce, but do any of you have a clue whats going on. By the way, all the other tracks load ok, just the latest Interlagos is messing about.

You have to download the track from here:
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Chris Souter
Club Driver
Chris Souter

Number of posts : 84
Age : 54
Location : Kesgrave UK
Registration date : 2009-11-22

Trouble getting Interlagos to load, again!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trouble getting Interlagos to load, again!!!   Trouble getting Interlagos to load, again!!! Icon_minitimeMon 31 Jan 2011 - 22:54

Nice one Carlo, i can now test offline, now for prob number two, i cant get online, is the server up and running? I have installed the bookmark again and the HSO servers pop up in the friends box but when i click on the F1 79 button nothing happens, someone help please. Cheers, Chris. :top:
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Carlo Pozzi
Pro Driver
Carlo Pozzi

Number of posts : 805
Age : 32
Location : Milan, Italy
Registration date : 2009-11-28

Trouble getting Interlagos to load, again!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trouble getting Interlagos to load, again!!!   Trouble getting Interlagos to load, again!!! Icon_minitimeMon 31 Jan 2011 - 22:58

Chris Souter wrote:
Nice one Carlo, i can now test offline, now for prob number two, i cant get online, is the server up and running? I have installed the bookmark again and the HSO servers pop up in the friends box but when i click on the F1 79 button nothing happens, someone help please. Cheers, Chris. :top:

It should be online in a few minutes, there was a HGT race tonight (now over), so all servers were down
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Chris Souter
Club Driver
Chris Souter

Number of posts : 84
Age : 54
Location : Kesgrave UK
Registration date : 2009-11-22

Trouble getting Interlagos to load, again!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trouble getting Interlagos to load, again!!!   Trouble getting Interlagos to load, again!!! Icon_minitimeMon 31 Jan 2011 - 23:10

OK, cheers Carlo, and thanks for the fast replies mate, i will try again tomorrow. :top:
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Trouble getting Interlagos to load, again!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trouble getting Interlagos to load, again!!!   Trouble getting Interlagos to load, again!!! Icon_minitime

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Trouble getting Interlagos to load, again!!!
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