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 How did you hear about HSO ? // Comment avez vous connu HSO ?

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Paul Velasco
Alain Cêtre
Filippo Marazzi
Cezariusz Czlapinski
Michael Drechsler
Jason Whited
Richard Coxon
Timo Vermeersch
Lukáš Vydra
Ashar Firdaus
Gui Cramer
Bob Holada
Pascal Mikula
Jason White
Matthew Allington
Lee Gibson
David Slee
Jonatan Acerclinth
Tony DAndrea
Giuseppe Scaccia
Jens Kraft
Alessio Campigotto
David Jundt
Dave Symonds
Mike Becnel
Martin Audran
Yannick Lampure
Mate Kiss
Jukka Närhi
Alberto Ibañez
Antoine de Mautor
Franck Mercurio
Bruno Frigiere
Jean-louis Petillot
Vincent Beretta
Julien Lafon
Tom Sobański
Tiago Malafaya
Ben Paulet
Adam Svoboda
Pascal Salar
Steve Parker
Pierre Pfleger
Ludovic Tiengou
Thomas Cazorla
Patrick Marucco
Frank Verplanken
Honza Mild
Thomas Gatschnegg
JB Massida
Greg Hunt
Carlo Pozzi
Christian Simunic
Carl Larrad
Eric Plana
Karel Marciniszyn
finally gone :)
Guillaume Siebert
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Darren Andrews
Club Driver
Darren Andrews

Number of posts : 145
Age : 52
Location : Toronto, Canada
Registration date : 2022-10-21

How did you hear about HSO ? // Comment avez vous connu HSO ? - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did you hear about HSO ? // Comment avez vous connu HSO ?   How did you hear about HSO ? // Comment avez vous connu HSO ? - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun 19 Nov 2023 - 18:57

Gary McGuigan wrote:
Hi Everybody,

The short answer is through Jake's GPLaps youtube channel.

I re-engaged with sim racing during the Covid lock-downs when some the real-life racing such as V8 Supercars temporally switched to sim racing as their plan B for the season.  then discovered  just how much sim racing technology had advanced since i last were playing sim racing games in the late 1990s with Microposes GrandPrix 2 including editing tracks and cars, before my life got to busy elsewhere and had to stop.  Then discovered Jake's excellent GPLaps channel which i have been actively following for the past few years.  

I am yet to set up a sim rig, as i need to acquire a good PC and the right gear. but i have plans to do so and aim to classic historical racing some soon. but until then i am a fascinated spectator. I love the concept of historical racing thru sim racing, and being able to relive those glorious tracks and cars that is otherwise not possible in real life today, anymore. I relished Jake's HRRC series last year Smile

I am from the Bathurst region of Australia.  Been regularly going to Mt Panorama since the mid 1970s sometimes assisting my brother with the recovery team. As well as F1 at Albert Park in Melbourne.  i regularly involved with my uncle Glen who owns the Peter Brock 28c XU-1 Holden Torana that won the Bathurst 500 in 1972, and his son Dean (my cousin) who competes in State Hillclimb champs. He is currently champ winner again this year.  

Hi Gazz,

Thanks for joining us! Think I'm subscribed to your Youtube channel...good stuff!

Look forward to seeing you on track when you get set up with a rig!
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Martyn Pearson

Number of posts : 1
Age : 33
Location : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2023-12-19

How did you hear about HSO ? // Comment avez vous connu HSO ? - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did you hear about HSO ? // Comment avez vous connu HSO ?   How did you hear about HSO ? // Comment avez vous connu HSO ? - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue 19 Dec 2023 - 12:48

Like many here I heard about HSO through GPLaps, and thoroughly enjoy the content Jake produces. I've been growing tired of iRacing throughout 2023, the lack of proper weather and no tyre management means I've tried ACC a little more, but also looking further afield.

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