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 I want to hear my tyres squeal !!

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4 posters
Antoine de Mautor
League Owner
Antoine de Mautor

Number of posts : 3617
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Location : Nantes, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

I want to hear my tyres squeal !! Empty
PostSubject: I want to hear my tyres squeal !!   I want to hear my tyres squeal !! Icon_minitimeMon 26 Jan 2015 - 16:52

Any help on how I could get that please? :hum:
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Timo Vermeersch
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Timo Vermeersch

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I want to hear my tyres squeal !! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I want to hear my tyres squeal !!   I want to hear my tyres squeal !! Icon_minitimeMon 26 Jan 2015 - 17:26

Pas du tout certain, mais peut-être les deux trucs suivants peuvent t'aider:

- dans les réglages de rFactor, regarde le nombre de effets audio et, si il devait être bas, augmente les;

- puis, dans les mêmes réglages rFactor, tu peux régler les pro-rata's que différents éléments du son prennent l'un envers l'autre. Tu peux essayer de diminuer le "Engine Volume" tout en maintenant le "Sound Effects Volume" à 100%. Cela devrait accentuer le son des derniers par rapport au moteur.

I want to hear my tyres squeal !! Attachment

Ceci étant dit, ca m'étonnerait qu'un ace comme toi n'aurait pas encore trouvé ca. :first: Suis donc loin de certain que ca va t'aider.

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Antoine de Mautor
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Antoine de Mautor

Number of posts : 3617
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I want to hear my tyres squeal !! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I want to hear my tyres squeal !!   I want to hear my tyres squeal !! Icon_minitimeMon 26 Jan 2015 - 17:46

Oui ca a très bien marché, effectivement mes effets sonores n'étaient pas assez hauts par rapport à mon moteur :D

Merci Timo :top:
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Timo Vermeersch
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Timo Vermeersch

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I want to hear my tyres squeal !! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I want to hear my tyres squeal !!   I want to hear my tyres squeal !! Icon_minitimeMon 26 Jan 2015 - 21:48

Au plaisir.
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Jef Vannijlen
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Jef Vannijlen

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I want to hear my tyres squeal !! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I want to hear my tyres squeal !!   I want to hear my tyres squeal !! Icon_minitimeWed 28 Jan 2015 - 13:25

40 engine volume
100 sound effects
player volume 110
opponents volume 70-80 (even less if u cant hear your own engine, starts are always noisy)

if u still want to hear more tires, keep going down on engine and opponents volume, and just increase master volume (volume mixer in windows system tray or even volume dial on your stereo or headphones)
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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I want to hear my tyres squeal !! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I want to hear my tyres squeal !!   I want to hear my tyres squeal !! Icon_minitimeWed 28 Jan 2015 - 14:04

IIRC there is a video from Niels Heusinkveld on Youtube where he explains his settings and why and what about hearing the tires is so important.
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I want to hear my tyres squeal !! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I want to hear my tyres squeal !!   I want to hear my tyres squeal !! Icon_minitime

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I want to hear my tyres squeal !!
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