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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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PostSubject: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeMon 17 Nov 2008 - 15:03

Aujourd'hui ce sont les premiers essais F1 pour la saison 2009, attention ça pique les yeux Shocked

Today, first F1 tests for the 2009 season, be careful, you may be shocked by what you'll see Shocked

Formula 1 topic Diapo_120

Le nouveau lance missiles de Ferrari.
Ferrari's new rocket launcher.
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Thomas Cazorla
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Thomas Cazorla

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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeMon 17 Nov 2008 - 15:40

looooool affraid
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Eric Campillo
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Eric Campillo

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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeMon 17 Nov 2008 - 16:30

Horribles What a Face

Definitivament je prefais les voitures "classics"
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Antoine de Mautor
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Antoine de Mautor

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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeMon 17 Nov 2008 - 17:06

scratch That looks UGLY! Fortunately we have our beautiful classic cars :banane:
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Damien Duchossoy
Damien Duchossoy

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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeMon 17 Nov 2008 - 17:37

quelle horreur cette nouvelle réglementation, surtout au niveau de l'aileron Ar ça dénature complètement les voitures Evil or Very Mad
j'espère que ce sera au moins efficace pour les dépassement Wink
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeMon 17 Nov 2008 - 17:51

1. Sato (Toro Rosso)-1:20.763
2. Buemi (Toro Rosso)- 1:21.071
3. Wurz (Honda)-1:21.198
4. De la Rosa (McLaren)-1:21.417
5. Paffet (McLaren)-1:21.957
6. Badoer (Ferrari)-1:22.038
7. Kubica (BMW-Sauber)-1:22.341
8. Loeb (Red Bull)-1:22.503
9. Piquet (Renault)-1.22.560
10. Klien (BMW-Sauber)-1:22.883
11. Hulkenberg (Williams)-1:23.467
12. Liuzzi (Force India)-1:23.794
13. Sutil (Force India)-1:23.832
14. Gene (Ferrari)-1:24.177
15. Senna (Honda)-1:24.343
16. Van der Garde (Renault)-1:24.908
17. Di Grassi (Honda)-1:25.512

Pole 2008 : K.RAIKKONEN 1'21''813

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Olivier Philipps
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Olivier Philipps

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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeMon 17 Nov 2008 - 18:35

Heu Sebastien Loeb? Shocked

Sinon pour les voitures il font machine arrière ou quoi scratch on dirait des F1 du début des années 90 Suspect
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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeWed 19 Nov 2008 - 11:47

Pour Loeb :
Webber avait sorti 1'20"984 en Q2, Coulthard 1'21"810 en Q1 (17e).
Ca reste Shocked et largement mieux que certains prétendants à un baquet même si les voitures sont totalement différentes (règlement 2008 et 2009).
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeWed 19 Nov 2008 - 12:33

Oui puis faut voir le nombre de tours, les pneus utilisés, le fuel embarqué, la config de la caisse (qualif ? course ? en dessous du poids légal pour péter un temps ?), etc. Donc ça ne veut pas dire grand'chose si ce n'est qu'au moins il ne l'a pas spinné tous les 3 virages ^.^ !
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeWed 19 Nov 2008 - 12:40

These cars really beat any uglyness standards ever set before in racing. And F1 tried hard before lol ! Unbelievable sight. I'm speechless. Hopefully the economic crisis will deepen, the F1 Championship will be cancelled and we won't have to witness such a disturbing spectacle Very Happy !
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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeWed 19 Nov 2008 - 13:23

That's when we can be glad that we have a Piquet, Nakajima and maybe Sato in the field. They'll be able to remove some front and rear wings in the field Twisted Evil

And here's the latest Bernie's idea :doh:

autosport.com wrote:
Formula One supremo Bernie Ecclestone wants the championship to be won by the driver who gets the most gold medals during the season.

"The FIA and all the teams are behind it and it will be done," Ecclestone told The Times newspaper.

"Everybody understands gold medals and silver and bronze. Nearly all sports are done that way. The whole point will be, when they get to Melbourne for the first race, the guys will want to leave there with a gold medal. They don't want to leave with ten, eight or six points."

Ecclestone has been pushing for a change to the current points system for some time, although his idea is yet to be officially presented to the FIA. The Briton believes his medals idea would even improve the racing.

"Everybody is happy with the idea, they are all very supportive," he told Reuters. "I'm absolutely 100 percent sure it's the right way to go, it'll get them (the drivers) overtaking."

This year's championship was won by Lewis Hamilton, despite Ferrari rival Felipe Massa scoring one more victory.
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeWed 19 Nov 2008 - 18:34


I think going back to the old points system should be enough Rolling Eyes

We say those F1s are ugly, but there is worse :

Formula 1 topic 1227095042

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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeWed 19 Nov 2008 - 19:15

JP Campmajo wrote:

autosport.com wrote:

"Everybody understands gold medals and silver and bronze. Nearly all sports are done that way.

LOL Yeh right Bernie, like football, tennis, rugby, etc. Rolling Eyes
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeSat 13 Dec 2008 - 14:14

La FIA demande l'avis des spectateurs au sujet de l'introduction du systeme de médailles à la place des points. Allez y pour voter NON (No leave it as it is) :D

FIA ask Formula 1 fans about the introduction of medals system instead of points. Go vote No :D

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Martin Audran
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Martin Audran

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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeSat 13 Dec 2008 - 14:15

Fallait pas donner ça à Frank, il est pour geek
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeSat 13 Dec 2008 - 14:16

Thanks Gui, I voted yes of course :D . First time in my life I agree with Ecclestone on something Shocked !
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeSat 13 Dec 2008 - 14:16

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Olivier Philipps
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Olivier Philipps

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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeSat 13 Dec 2008 - 14:44

A voté NON :D
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Eric Campillo
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Eric Campillo

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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeSat 13 Dec 2008 - 19:06

Je vote no Evil or Very Mad
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David Conan
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David Conan

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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeSun 14 Dec 2008 - 12:21

Ils veulent faire comme les jeux olympique. :doh: Ça veut bien dire que seul les trois premiers seront récompensé ? C'est nul.
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Bertrand Peres
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Bertrand Peres

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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeTue 16 Dec 2008 - 0:11

En toute logique, ce principe de médailles devrait creuser le trou entre les trois ou quatre meilleures écuries et les autres, en désintéressant les sponsors. Il y aura donc plus de dépassements en effet, grâce à plus de drapeaux bleus...
Par contre ça devrait satisfaire les parieurs (qui sont nombreux chez les squareheads) en limitant le nombre de gagnants potentiels :conduit:

On parle toujours de la mission de progrès technologique de la F1, mais ils en sont toujours au pétrole. Cherchez l'erreur...
Quant à servir l'automobile de tous les jours, je ne vois pas bien le rapport entre un moteur qui peut à peine tenir deux courses, et une voiture qui doit tenir au moins 200.000 KM... Sans parler des suspensions : je les défie de faire un tour de Bruxelles par les petites rues... On m'aurait menti ? :hihi:
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David Conan
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David Conan

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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeTue 16 Dec 2008 - 21:18

Je suis d'accord avec toi Bertrand, Dans les années 60-70, il y a eu des innovations techniques qui ont apporté des améliorations aux voitures de routes. Mais là... scratch Si ils voudraient vraiment provoquer des innovations utiles qui diminuent la consommation, ils interdiraient le plein en course (il parait que ça va revenir en 2010) et ils limiteraient la taille du réservoir.

Et puis la fin du pétrole en f1, ça arrivera après nos voitures, il y a tellement d'intérêts en jeu avec le lobby pétrolier.
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Racing Legend

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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeWed 17 Dec 2008 - 12:56

à ce que j'ai lu je sais plus où, mosley avait décidé de rejeter l'idée dès le départ, le plan était d'avoir le vote du public qui allait être forcément non.

http://newarchive.simjunkies.org/discussion/9582/asj-f1-1982-race-4 :urgence:
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Racing Legend

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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeFri 19 Dec 2008 - 16:16

grandprix.com wrote:
Rumours in Tokyo

There are persistent rumours in Japan that Jarno Trulli may be replaced at Panasonic Toyota Racing next year by Kamui Kobayashi and that Toyota is on the verge of disassembling its young driver programme because of the need to cut costs.

Trulli has a year to run on his Toyota contract but has been with the team since 2005 and in the four years has failed to produce much in the way of results. He is very fast over one lap but tends to race poorly although he does seem to have improved this in recent years. In 2008 he managed to get a podium in France but otherwise was soon being matched by his novice team-mate Timo Glock.

Pour les non anglophones, ca dit que Trulli pourrait être remplacé par Kobayashi drunken l'an prochain :doh:

http://newarchive.simjunkies.org/discussion/9582/asj-f1-1982-race-4 :urgence:
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Ludovic Tiengou
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Ludovic Tiengou

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PostSubject: Re: Formula 1 topic   Formula 1 topic Icon_minitimeFri 19 Dec 2008 - 16:20

Pour reduire les couts semblerait il. Cela annoncerait il, à terme, le retrait de Toyota de la F1?
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