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 24 Heures de Spa PRE-RACE BRIEFING

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Darren Andrews
Club Driver
Darren Andrews

Number of posts : 145
Age : 51
Location : Toronto, Canada
Registration date : 2022-10-21

24 Heures de Spa PRE-RACE BRIEFING Empty
PostSubject: 24 Heures de Spa PRE-RACE BRIEFING   24 Heures de Spa PRE-RACE BRIEFING Icon_minitimeSat 25 Feb 2023 - 22:21


Please read the following pre-race briefing prior to the race:


https://www.youtube.com/@simeracerhead3670 :papy:

Frank Verplanken, Karel Marciniszyn and Bruno Chacon like this post

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24 Heures de Spa PRE-RACE BRIEFING
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