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 Introduction, new driver and track request.

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Number of posts : 1
Age : 49
Location : Argentina
Registration date : 2019-11-17

Introduction, new driver and track request. Empty
PostSubject: Introduction, new driver and track request.   Introduction, new driver and track request. Icon_minitimeWed 30 Sep 2020 - 3:31

Hi! I´m a skinner an modder from Argentina. I am a big fan of the 60s and 70s motorsport. I recently went back to rfactor 1 and realized that I have no backup with the Silverston track from the 70s and 75s from MotorFx. They used to be on Gamers Crib but the server has been down for weeks ...

If someone can help me will be great! i can´t find it anywhere...

I left you a couple of my works...
Introduction, new driver and track request. Demo
Introduction, new driver and track request. Preview-ARCA

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Introduction, new driver and track request.
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