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 [Request] Trackpack USAC70s

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German Soto
German Soto

Number of posts : 10
Age : 41
Location : Argentina
Registration date : 2013-06-21

[Request] Trackpack USAC70s Empty
PostSubject: [Request] Trackpack USAC70s   [Request] Trackpack USAC70s Icon_minitimeSat 13 Mar 2021 - 19:06

Hi! I'd like to know if anyone has the trackpack they used for the 1973 USAC championship please. I managed to get off the circuits of Trenton, Indy500 1974, Pocono and Milwaukee. But I am missing Phoenix, Texas, Michigan and Ontario (California 500) that are on the page but it does not allow me to download, I also wanted to know if there is a version of the Atlanta oval from the 70's. From already thank you very much! Excuse my English but I use the translator. Greetings from Argentina :hello:

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[Request] Trackpack USAC70s
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