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 [Request] HELP! WSC 1970 rFactor

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2 posters
German Soto
German Soto

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[Request] HELP! WSC 1970 rFactor Empty
PostSubject: [Request] HELP! WSC 1970 rFactor   [Request] HELP! WSC 1970 rFactor Icon_minitimeWed 15 Apr 2020 - 2:02

Hello, I ask for help with this problem that arose, I reinstalled this impressive Mod taking advantage of the quarantine and I realized that there are missing cars that ran in the WSC 1970, and the cars are, but the paintings are missing. So I started to paint after Exporting the Skins with the gMotor MAS, but then when I enter the game the car is not seen, I tried to put it as it is in the image of the folder, then I put it inside the MAS file to the DDS, but it throws me a GMT error, and I don't understand how that file is made, somebody knows please! I have the time and dedication to finish the missing cars of this Mod and I would like to share it with all of you, I am very detailed with the little details and I want to do a job well done to share and that all the cars that ran that season are there. I hope they help me please, while I wait for the help I will continue painting the other cars, which I hired by posting the Skins here, but until I can put them inside the rFactor and see them not really how they will look. Sorry for my English, but I use the google translator! Greetings from Argentina.

[Request] HELP! WSC 1970 rFactor 11110

[Request] HELP! WSC 1970 rFactor 22210

[Request] HELP! WSC 1970 rFactor 33310

[Request] HELP! WSC 1970 rFactor 44410

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Ludovic Tagli
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Ludovic Tagli

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[Request] HELP! WSC 1970 rFactor Empty
PostSubject: skin rfactor   [Request] HELP! WSC 1970 rFactor Icon_minitimeWed 22 Apr 2020 - 19:04

Good evening, you just want to insert a skin in rfactor?it's been a long time since I'm not playing mas I can help you, but you talk about g motor but, at the base you just have to put the file dds in the folder that corresponds to the car, we will find the solution together.
Very Happy Very Happy

[Request] HELP! WSC 1970 rFactor 229
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Ludovic Tagli
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Ludovic Tagli

Number of posts : 201
Age : 49
Location : france
Registration date : 2010-05-01

[Request] HELP! WSC 1970 rFactor Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Request] HELP! WSC 1970 rFactor   [Request] HELP! WSC 1970 rFactor Icon_minitimeThu 23 Apr 2020 - 8:29

si j ai bien compris vous n arrivé plus a voir vos skins?
le plus simple prenez votre fichier dds et le mettre dans le dossier suivant.

gamedata/vehicles/mods/cars/et la mettre votre fichier dds

[Request] HELP! WSC 1970 rFactor 229
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PostSubject: Re: [Request] HELP! WSC 1970 rFactor   [Request] HELP! WSC 1970 rFactor Icon_minitime

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[Request] HELP! WSC 1970 rFactor
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