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 [rFactor2] Feedback on donations for F1 mods project

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4 posters

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Age : 55
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Registration date : 2020-04-04

[rFactor2] Feedback on donations for F1 mods project Empty
PostSubject: [rFactor2] Feedback on donations for F1 mods project   [rFactor2] Feedback on donations for F1 mods project Icon_minitimeSat 4 Apr 2020 - 4:44

Hello All,

I've been in contact with a developer of some of the original mods for F1 for rFactor(1) about the possibilities of creating (porting) some of those F1 mods for rFactor2 - specifically 1984 season at the moment.

I was wondering what the appetite for donating to such a project would be to get it realised? ie. any interest and if so, how much would one donate?

I'd really appreciate  some feedback from the community (either + or -) for such an idea.

Many thanks.
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François Violet
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François Violet

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[rFactor2] Feedback on donations for F1 mods project Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor2] Feedback on donations for F1 mods project   [rFactor2] Feedback on donations for F1 mods project Icon_minitimeSat 4 Apr 2020 - 5:08

:hello: It is always a good idea to develop historic F1, but difficult to give without guarantee the result, you would have to make a car to judge the quality of the mod and then contribute to its development. this is my opinion.

:hello: c'est toujours une bonne idée de développer la F1 historique, mais difficile de donner sans garantir le résultat, il faudrait faire une voiture pour juger de la qualité du mod et ensuite contribuer a son développement. voilà mon avis.

[rFactor2] Feedback on donations for F1 mods project 884
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Number of posts : 2
Age : 55
Location : Australia
Registration date : 2020-04-04

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PostSubject: Re: [rFactor2] Feedback on donations for F1 mods project   [rFactor2] Feedback on donations for F1 mods project Icon_minitimeSat 4 Apr 2020 - 22:41

Thanks François. I understand. Donating/paying for a finished product, with support I suppose would be more acceptable.

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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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[rFactor2] Feedback on donations for F1 mods project Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor2] Feedback on donations for F1 mods project   [rFactor2] Feedback on donations for F1 mods project Icon_minitimeSun 5 Apr 2020 - 0:08

jmkn04 wrote:

Thanks François. I understand. Donating/paying for a finished product, with support I suppose would be more acceptable.

Not “finished”, he means you need to make a prototype of one of the cars to demonstrate what the rest of the mod could potentially be. Now, if you have made other mods that are popular that helps too.

[rFactor2] Feedback on donations for F1 mods project 458
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Paul Velasco
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Paul Velasco

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[rFactor2] Feedback on donations for F1 mods project Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor2] Feedback on donations for F1 mods project   [rFactor2] Feedback on donations for F1 mods project Icon_minitimeSun 5 Apr 2020 - 7:54

My thoughts:
I love the idea, but any mod before 1981 will be problematic because that year the Concorde Agreement gave FOCA the right to negotiate TV contracts.
This the 1984 Mod to be sold legally and go mainstream would require permission. This would be quite a process which I am unfamiliar with.
If you make the 1984 F1 Season off the radar and create some sort of donation funding from backers for your time and it stays within a select group of people, no one is likely to hassle you.
However if it goes mainstream and its the mod everyone is driving, and you have charged for it... I imagine there will be problems.
Timo Verneersch will know more on the legal side.
Would love to drive the 1984 F1 mod.

[rFactor2] Feedback on donations for F1 mods project Gp247-2020-logo-600
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