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 Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]

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Philippe Martinelli
Mattos Maul
Gilles Lalonde
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Gérard Ryon
Michael Griffiths
Mick Chapman
Karel Marciniszyn
François Remmen
Gerardo Magnano
Honza Mild
Oyvind Andersen
Sam Smith
Austin Johnson
Matias Estrela
Peter Blom
Jason White
Jan Kowalski
Raymond Riddall
Cezariusz Czlapinski
Adam Hackman
Jason Whited
Greg DellaCella
Jacob Fredriksson
Jason Fitch
Bruno Chacon
Alberto Ibañez
Steve Parker
David Sabre
Grant Riddall
David Jundt
Juha Bos
Lukáš Vydra
Richard Coxon
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Brian Janik
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Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 26 Jun 2019 - 16:32

Race 1
Lots of action, great, clean, side by side racing with Jacob Fredriksson, and Peter Blom, etc.
Disappointing incident early on with Steve Parker around last corner when light contact caused surprising heavy crash for Steve. He was fighting hard to keep me behind, but avoidable if I gave a little more space around outside!?
Nearly carbon copy incident late in race while Rocket Ray Riddall was going up the inside of same corner, very light contact sent me sideways and into a roll and a massive shunt! Again my competitor probably deserved 50mm more space! Wild way to suffer first DNF of '19? Great coverage of it in broadcast! :clap: Embarassed

Race 2
I dont remember anything :aie:
Uneventful calmer drive to 7th??
Good race and pace for my Teamate Jason Whited!! :champ:

Fun cars, great 80% clean dicing.
Bummed (especially for Parker) that 2 minor moments of side by side contact resulted in such chaos.
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 26 Jun 2019 - 17:32

this aint dramatic but i need to make the decision which was hard but the best.

after several attempts, i lost count,  since the first 71 AMS event i m going to release myself and stop the frustration
I stop with racing Formula mods in AMS.

should done this much earlier but i miss racing with you guys and friends so i charge up every single time
trying to find multiple times a setup for the controller but it simply wont work to drive save and competitive so for the benefit of both it ends here for now.

Personaly this sim adds too little compare to rfactor for me to make it fun , immersive and create content how i intend to make it look on your screens. cons a bigger then the pro's.

yes i should buy a wheel, but i work on my office desk in the evening at  home where i mod aswel and have no space to build a rig so incase you guys comment on this but pls don't.  Even if i had i would make the same decision!
rFactor will be my favor over all sims and will have its full phocus of the 91project i work on
im here but i wont be racing that much any longer.

im going to Bandol at cote d'azur and visit Eric Kruger ( NerikSenna) the first week who i work with on the 91project!
my time from 20 July till 2 of August i stay there so who knows
if you wanne join i send the adress from my staying.


Have a nice holiday ALL :champ:

Last edited by François Remmen on Sat 29 Jun 2019 - 15:02; edited 2 times in total
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Jason Whited
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Jason Whited

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Registration date : 2017-03-08

Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 27 Jun 2019 - 1:14

Thanks for the words, Brian :chinois:

It was, however, Brian's doing (the car's pace) ...so, thanks to my teammate for the setup. :hello:

I may have got there, but was taking a somewhat different approach, and didn't have real time to sit down and test a lot. I was surprised to see a top time going into quali.
The car was great, the driver was just lacking a bit come quali/race time. And no, I don't mean my many 2 wheel in the grass moments in Race 1. That was me overshooting corners and pushing too hard :aie:
I knew the car needed more fluidity from the driver, but didn't get it done.

I'm talking about my inability in quali 1 to put down a time the car was capable of. The car could have had the pole. (Quali 2 was a different story. Jundt laid down a blazing lap, definitely don't think I could touch that)

Ray, sorry about our little contact in Race 1..glad to see you were seemingly unscathed. I thought you turned into me when it happened, but after I watched the replay I realized I somewhat dive bombed you into the corner and had no right to my lane. The way the track lays there, with someone on my outside, it was hard to judge and I failed. Cost me a rear wing and a lot of time in the pits, any chance of ok points and a decent finish. I pressed on, but...

By Quali 2, others were also gaining pace. So ended up about the same spot as start of Race 1.
..didn't get hung up behind a slow starting car, and things went much better.
A lot of fun, much of it a blur by this point...and I still think the car could have done better had I performed more adequately. A few key slight mistakes cost me a chance at an even better finish. Looking to improve before Olton and hopefully I can keep the car a decent contender throughout. :cowboy:

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Gilles Lalonde
Gilles Lalonde

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Registration date : 2017-09-15

Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 27 Jun 2019 - 20:43

I registered here in 2017, for the Formula Ford Festival [Sep 24th], where I crashed & burned early on.

For the these two races, an 11th and a 15th... will do for now.

Qualy, couldn't get close to my practice time... I think I know why. It's an error in my setup.

First race, good start, got a bunch a positions and stayed clear of the many off, a few with enough tire smoke to have no clue where go. All cleared up as I got there. Kept my nose clean and ran after Mick for all I could but he stayed well away. I figured, during that first race, I had the wrong gears.

During the 2nd Practice, I tried a longer 5th but had just the time to figure the 4th and 3rd also needed to be moved around... minutes before Qualy and Race... I'm not that noob. Reloaded the setup and hoped for the best.

2nd Qualy was a little slower... 2nd Race start was much slower. Again, kept it clean and ran 14th most of the time. Richard C. and  David S. crept up to me, my poor top speed showed and I made sure they had all the room they needed for a clean pass. At 37 minutes in the second broadcast, I line up just behind David and slipstream or not, my 5th gear is just too short... "That's all there is and there ain't no more."

So, problematic Qualy setup and wrong gears for the race... 11th and 15th... zero points. scratch


Ok, the AIW I was working on... read the ReadMe !
(Now, I can't write worth a damn, please PM me if you notice anything. Thank You.)

I would like to know if it fixes the graphical representation the LiveRacers engine generates.
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David Jundt
Racing Legend
David Jundt

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Registration date : 2012-07-14

Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun 30 Jun 2019 - 8:51

I was surprised everything worked so well, the car was really good at this track. We'll see how it goes from here, I expect it to be tight at the twisty tracks.

The car(s) seem fun, although I might need a bit more resistance from the wheel at certain moments to understand the behaviour, for example under turn-in.

Austin kept me on my toes in R1 and Ray did the same in R2, no time to lose concentration.

Good racing! :top:

François Remmen wrote:

yes i should buy a wheel, but i work on my office desk in the evening at  home where i mod aswel and have no space to build a rig so incase you guys comment on this but pls don't.

I am still gonna to show my example.

By now, I should really have a great rig, but I don't. I race with an office chair and a Wheelstand Pro.

If I wanted to, I could unassemble the whole thing and fold it together, so it would fit into or under furniture.

Looks like this btw:

Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 5 G7_V2_Bigger
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