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 Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]

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Philippe Martinelli
Mattos Maul
Gilles Lalonde
Dave Miller
Gérard Ryon
Michael Griffiths
Mick Chapman
Karel Marciniszyn
François Remmen
Gerardo Magnano
Honza Mild
Oyvind Andersen
Sam Smith
Austin Johnson
Matias Estrela
Peter Blom
Jason White
Jan Kowalski
Raymond Riddall
Cezariusz Czlapinski
Adam Hackman
Jason Whited
Greg DellaCella
Jacob Fredriksson
Jason Fitch
Bruno Chacon
Alberto Ibañez
Steve Parker
David Sabre
Grant Riddall
David Jundt
Juha Bos
Lukáš Vydra
Richard Coxon
38 posters
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Jun 2019 - 15:43

You do.
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Brian Janik
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Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Jun 2019 - 16:37

Karel Marciniszyn wrote:
I will never again choose car by its number
I will never again choose car by its number
I will never again choose car by its number
I will never again choose car by its number
I will never again choose car by its number
I will never again choose car by its number
100xI will never again choose car by its number

:D  :D  :D

On the other hand...sooooo MUCH FUN to drive

Looks like a couple other cars available...
Perhaps you should flip Lord Hesketh the bird and take your chances wandering down the pitlane to ask for a seat
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Gilles Lalonde
Gilles Lalonde

Number of posts : 30
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Registration date : 2017-09-15

Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Jun 2019 - 17:56

Damn, can't figure if it's at 14:00 or 15:00 in the Montreal
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Michael Griffiths
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Michael Griffiths

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Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Jun 2019 - 18:08

5 hrs behind UK, 6 behind Paris? That's based on Toronto time tho. Wink

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Jason Fitch
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Jason Fitch

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Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Jun 2019 - 18:15

Gilles, if you're on Eastern time, I'm pretty sure you are, Official Practice starts at 2pm. So 1400
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Gilles Lalonde
Gilles Lalonde

Number of posts : 30
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Registration date : 2017-09-15

Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Jun 2019 - 18:17

Thanks Michael and Jason, I stopped counting -5 or -6 and went the dummy route, I asked Google for "CEST to EST Converter" and... it's racing time! Now!
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Philippe Martinelli
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Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Jun 2019 - 18:18

Je suis désolé mais je suis obligé de déclarer forfait pour les courses de ce soir...Sad

Je viens de faire quelques tours sur le serveur.

Mon vieux volant me fait des ennuies, cette fois c'est le potentiomètre de direction qui à lâché... :aie:
En pleine ligne droite j'ai des "parasites" qui donnent des coups de volant à gauche... affraid

Je n'aurais pas le temps de réparer avant 21 heures malheureusement.

J'espère que vous voudrez bien excuser mon absence de ce soir?

Je vous souhaite de bonnes courses et vous dis à la prochaine fois Wink
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Registration date : 2012-06-29

Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Jun 2019 - 18:56

Official server is now up, qualifying begins in 45 mins.  :conduit:
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Jun 2019 - 20:28

horrible lag
anybody else?
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David Sabre
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David Sabre

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Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Jun 2019 - 20:29

I lost the rear, sorry Dave Miller.
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
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Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Jun 2019 - 20:32

François Remmen wrote:
horrible lag
anybody else?

Nope, but i got a Disco.  :smil20:
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Jacob Fredriksson
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Jacob Fredriksson

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Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Jun 2019 - 21:45

Side-swiped at the start of race 2. Rolling Eyes

Please practice your spatial awareness skills ahead of the next 3-wide 30 car start. Everyone has practiced and wants to make the best of the evening. We can do better.
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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

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Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Jun 2019 - 21:50

Well usual start to every series,taken out in both races,the racing standard appears to be getting worse. :grrr: :grrr:
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Jun 2019 - 22:19

Results will be up tomorrow.  :hello:
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Petr Hlavac
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Petr Hlavac

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Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Jun 2019 - 22:19

Richard Coxon wrote:
François Remmen wrote:
horrible lag
anybody else?

Nope, but i got a Disco.  :smil20:

I got disconnected from Race1 and then again from Quali for R2. Strange, really strange with these disconnections lately...
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David Sabre
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David Sabre

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Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Jun 2019 - 22:41

A much better race 2 but I still managed to spin it at copse corner. :doh:

Congratulation to David Jundt. :clap:

Thanks for broadcast I'll catch up with it tomorrow. It look like lots of good racing.
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Cezariusz Czlapinski
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Cezariusz Czlapinski

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Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Jun 2019 - 23:46

First round of the 1973 British F3 started better than expected- winning pole position at Historic Simracing Organisation was way, way more than expected  affraid. As I've stated on the pre race chat- this was possible to great Novamotor engine and March 733 chassis and also due to small hardware upgrade Wink

Start to R1 was a failure- still need to find proper 1-2 gear ratio and get used to operate clutch pedal  Laughing
From my point of view there was no chance of attacking anybody, so I've kept my pace and tried to avoid mistakes.
Anyway 5th was a great place to watch battle for 3rd by Grant and Juha.

At Q2 David made flying lap with his Alpine resulting in a PP :clap:
Again, despite good starting position for R2 I've lost several places, but the worse was yet to come...

I've suffered a mechanical failure of the brake pedal approaching Copse Shocked

The pedal is being held in the released position by small nylon lace (that's a temporary solution due to mistake in design). At the start of the Race 2 this lace snapped and small gas filled spring-damper moved the pedal all the way backwards. Due to my right foot braking technique I couldn't reach for the brake anymore :doh:
Thankfully I did not ruined Race 2 as not having brakes could have ended worse pale

I parked my #20 March somewhere in the infield, jumped out of cockpit and rushed to kitchen drawer to find any kind of lace, string or chord.
Just 2 laps later I was ready to go, but the pedal moved backwards again, leaving me no other option but to switch to left foot braking to hold it for the rest of the race.

So being last car running was a success under that circumstances.

Here is a quick fix in 2 laps time :

Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Brake_10

Need to visit nearby laser workshop tommorow and rebuild brake pedal with the fixed parts. I was aware that one day the lace will snap, but never ever expected it to happen at the race day. As somebody wisely said- if something can fail it will fail in the worse moment possible :papy:
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Luis Almeida

Number of posts : 18
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Location : Porto, Portugal
Registration date : 2019-06-19

Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 24 Jun 2019 - 0:02

Not a bad debut in HSO, considering my late entry giving me not much time to practice. On race 1 spent 134 sec repair time after losing control after stepping on the grass while giving space to the drivers who were lapping me (had a previous spin at Beckets). Race 2 was quite clean, where I managed to finally do lap under 39, 1:38,6. At least I had plenty of fun.
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Honza Mild
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Honza Mild

Number of posts : 534
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Location : Czech republic, South Bohemia
Registration date : 2009-11-04

Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 24 Jun 2019 - 8:03

My hands are crap :D maybe car is weak ... maybe combination of both is terrible :D

BUT its soooooo fun to drive it. I really enjoyed this race.

First race was good i was better and better and my PB was 1,2 s faster than offline practice.
Race 2 was unlucky, someone pushed me at first lap off track from behind and my hope of similar result from first race was gone. Guys be more careful at first lap with field like this!!!!! :papy: great battes with Karel

Anyway i am excited to see broadcast tonight retroactively, because there was a lot of great actions all over field as i see from quick view at replay :conduit: :clap:

Thank you HSO for great racing, gratz to podium! Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 3108518133
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Peter Blom
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Peter Blom

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Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 24 Jun 2019 - 8:59

Well not a bad start at the quick Silverstone track in the GRD.

1st race
Qualified 9th I think but could not make a good start due to my gear settings (Same problem as Grant :D )
I was battling for 6th place a few laps until I made a mistake and went off. Stil finished a good 8th.
Massive respect for Grant, he was the only one who was really competitive in the GRD around here.

2nd race
Qualified 12th and again sluggish start but this time I lost even more time because i could not hear I shifted too quick so engine did not gave power :doh:   Going into the braking point for the 3rd corner we were 3 cars wide, enough space there, but Jason Fitch went all the way to the left ( he did not see us?) and crashed into me which resulted in a mighty spin. Happily no others were crashed out there, could have been a massive pile up.
After that I was 24th and was thinking of retirement but I kept on it with a nice pace and very soon I was overtaking all the way up to 9th so not bad either on this track which is not very good for the GRD

Thx admins and I will watch the broadcast
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 24 Jun 2019 - 11:20

Results are finally up  Embarassed We're aware that there is some issues with the images displaying and are looking into it.
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Jason Fitch
Pro Driver
Jason Fitch

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Location : Frankfort, IN
Registration date : 2015-04-18

Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 24 Jun 2019 - 19:28

Race 1...

Meh..... Juha had sent me a setup during Q that was a bit more stable than the one I'd been using. It felt good during Warmup, so I stuck with it. Got a decent start, spent the race just trying to hold on to someones slipstream, wasn't working. Just tried to take it easy for the first half, second half I'd gotten comfortable with the setup and tried to push it a bit in a few places, ended up with a couple of offs and on my lid once. I finished and frankly, that's all that really matters.

Race 2....

I had a MONSTER start, I went from 26th as high as 16th, before it came crashing down. As I approached Maggots, I had Honza beside me when a Blue car shoved it's nose in between us, as we were about to brake for Becketts said Blue GRD drove straight into the side of me and spun me off. So to refute the claims made in Mr. Blom's post. I was on your Right side, and I'm looking at the replay and myself and Honza are both pointed Down the track and you are pointed to the infield and about to hit me. I gave plenty of room, you either got loose or didn't see me down there and just drove into me.

I then spent the rest of the race trying to catch up, Was able to move up to 20th or so at the end. I did have 2 moments though, Lap 5, I arrived at Stowe to find a black car sideways in the middle of the track in slowing I lost the back end and hit a bollard head on, the car shot straight up into the air and came right back down. The second one was with a couple laps to go, I got loose in Woodcote and she rolled over and slid down the front straight on my lid. But I managed to continue and again, I finished and again, that's all that matters at this point.

We'll see how Oulton Park goes, at some point there's going to be a track where my horrifying lack of HP won't matter.
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Peter Blom
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Peter Blom

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Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 25 Jun 2019 - 20:37

Well Jason I watched the replay again and I see myself driving in a perfectly straight line staying in the middle of the road while you just go from right to the middle like nobody is there. Poor driving awareness in my eyes.

Looks like a job for the stewards then.
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Juha Bos
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Juha Bos

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Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 25 Jun 2019 - 20:46

The stewards prefer you follow the usual procedure if you're serious about a complaint: PM one of us. Wink
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Honza Mild
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Honza Mild

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Location : Czech republic, South Bohemia
Registration date : 2009-11-04

Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed 26 Jun 2019 - 7:38

Excellent broadcasting on YT, thank you gyus!!! cheers
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PostSubject: Re: Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd]   Rounds 1 & 2 - Silverstone GP [June 23rd] - Page 4 Icon_minitime

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