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 Formula One 1958 [RF1] by O.R.M.

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Mark Lynn
Steve Parker
Stig Bidstrup
Jim Carvalho
David Sabre
Pascal Mikula
Richard Wilks
Michal Janak
François Remmen
Alberto Ibañez
Jason Fitch
Gabriele Maruca
Michael Drechsler
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Giacomo Righi
Giacomo Righi

Number of posts : 4
Age : 51
Location : Lake Verbano, Italy
Registration date : 2022-02-27

Formula One 1958 [RF1] by O.R.M. - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Formula One 1958 [RF1] by O.R.M.   Formula One 1958 [RF1] by O.R.M. - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 3 Mar 2022 - 21:18

Understood... what a pity, though. After managing to make my router work to set up servers, I would have liked to make one for 1958, but if I don't spot an easy to find trackpack nobody will join. It's already hard to find people who like these beautiful cars...
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Giacomo Righi
Giacomo Righi

Number of posts : 4
Age : 51
Location : Lake Verbano, Italy
Registration date : 2022-02-27

Formula One 1958 [RF1] by O.R.M. - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Formula One 1958 [RF1] by O.R.M.   Formula One 1958 [RF1] by O.R.M. - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon 7 Mar 2022 - 8:54

Yes I think it's generally better, good job!! I got just a strange issue with the AIs, who seem to be able to brake as hard as if they hadn't brake power fading with long brakings... But I'm not a professional driver and I can't tell if it's just a mistake of mine or whatever. You can see it in the video.

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Formula One 1958 [RF1] by O.R.M.
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