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 Mod question (USAC 74) (OT)

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3 posters
George Roach
George Roach

Number of posts : 3
Age : 24
Location : UK
Registration date : 2018-02-27

Mod question (USAC 74) (OT) Empty
PostSubject: Mod question (USAC 74) (OT)   Mod question (USAC 74) (OT) Icon_minitimeSun 24 Jun 2018 - 10:59

So, i've got a bit of a conundrum and question for the moderators (mainly Jason)

I converted the USAC 74 Rf1 mod to AMS, just to play around. No plan to release, or share. Just for SP use. But, I had so much fun that I decided to come on here for a longshot.

TLDR: I'd like to talk about the possibility of further personal development to make the mod viable for AMS and chance of release later down the line.

I understand you guys have quite a negative stance towards this sort of thing but I thought i'd just try my luck because I enjoyed it so much Very Happy
Won't be offended at all if the answer is a straight no.

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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Mod question (USAC 74) (OT) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod question (USAC 74) (OT)   Mod question (USAC 74) (OT) Icon_minitimeSun 24 Jun 2018 - 11:02

George Roach wrote:
So, i've got a bit of a conundrum and question for the moderators (mainly Jason)

I converted the USAC 74 Rf1 mod to AMS, just to play around. No plan to release, or share. Just for SP use. But, I had so much fun that I decided to come on here for a longshot.

TLDR: I'd like to talk about the possibility of further personal development to make the mod viable for AMS and chance of release later down the line.

I understand you guys have quite a negative stance towards this sort of thing but I thought i'd just try my luck because I enjoyed it so much Very Happy
Won't be offended at all if the answer is a straight no.


If you haven't noticed, there is an actual AMS version in the works here in the HSO modding team, but we decided to run at least the Indy 500 this year in rFactor due to the team not yet being fully content with the turbo modelling. I think there's something about rF and AMS in the '74 mod readme, which is an entire seperate thread in the HSO Open section of the forum.
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George Roach
George Roach

Number of posts : 3
Age : 24
Location : UK
Registration date : 2018-02-27

Mod question (USAC 74) (OT) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod question (USAC 74) (OT)   Mod question (USAC 74) (OT) Icon_minitimeSun 24 Jun 2018 - 11:06

Pascal Mikula wrote:
George Roach wrote:
So, i've got a bit of a conundrum and question for the moderators (mainly Jason)

I converted the USAC 74 Rf1 mod to AMS, just to play around. No plan to release, or share. Just for SP use. But, I had so much fun that I decided to come on here for a longshot.

TLDR: I'd like to talk about the possibility of further personal development to make the mod viable for AMS and chance of release later down the line.

I understand you guys have quite a negative stance towards this sort of thing but I thought i'd just try my luck because I enjoyed it so much Very Happy
Won't be offended at all if the answer is a straight no.


If you haven't noticed, there is an actual AMS version in the works here in the HSO modding team, but we decided to run at least the Indy 500 this year in rFactor due to the team not yet being fully content with the turbo modelling. I think there's something about rF and AMS in the '74 mod readme, which is an entire seperate thread in the HSO Open section of the forum.

I'll take a look, cheers Pascal! Haven't been very active here and so did not know :top:
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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Mod question (USAC 74) (OT) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod question (USAC 74) (OT)   Mod question (USAC 74) (OT) Icon_minitimeSun 24 Jun 2018 - 12:13

Quote :
I understand you guys have quite a negative stance towards this sort of thing but I thought i'd just try my luck because I enjoyed it so much

Not at all. We would be against you releasing elsewhere the mod or parts of it saying its yours, changing physics and not saying it (So that people would think it was our work and blame us for what they do not like) or blatant stuff like that. But other than that, your welcome to post here your findings and impressions. We want to have it in AMS, it's just that we don't have yet a complete understanding of how the turbo works and we can't implement it the way we want - i.e. the way we think it worked on the real cars (Lag and some other details).
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George Roach
George Roach

Number of posts : 3
Age : 24
Location : UK
Registration date : 2018-02-27

Mod question (USAC 74) (OT) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mod question (USAC 74) (OT)   Mod question (USAC 74) (OT) Icon_minitimeSun 24 Jun 2018 - 12:57

Alberto Ibañez wrote:
Quote :
I understand you guys have quite a negative stance towards this sort of thing but I thought i'd just try my luck because I enjoyed it so much

Not at all. We would be against you releasing elsewhere the mod or parts of it saying its yours, changing physics and not saying it (So that people would think it was our work and blame us for what they do not like) or blatant stuff like that. But other than that, your welcome to post here your findings and impressions. We want to have it in AMS, it's just that we don't have yet a complete understanding of how the turbo works and we can't implement it the way we want - i.e. the way we think it worked on the real cars (Lag and some other details).

Thanks for the clarification Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Mod question (USAC 74) (OT)   Mod question (USAC 74) (OT) Icon_minitime

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