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 Carburetion Day [May 19th]

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Michael Drechsler
Petr Hlavac
Raul Jereb
Alan Forster2
Jason Whited
Timo Vermeersch
Greg DellaCella
Brian Janik
David Jundt
Steve Parker
Mick Chapman
Michal Janak
Austin Johnson
Martin Lacina
Jacob Fredriksson
Alberto Ibañez
Juha Bos
Pascal Mikula
Jason White
23 posters
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Jacob Fredriksson
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Jacob Fredriksson

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Carburetion Day [May 19th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carburetion Day [May 19th]   Carburetion Day [May 19th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 20 May 2018 - 8:25

Michal Janak wrote:
i have set 33 visible cars but many cars in front after start was disapering or going straight into wall at turns, bit hard to decide if it is OK or crash actualy in front, how to splve this problem?

(noticed something like this in past in some races  - cart 88 i hav elast in memory)

same here, and I think same for everyone. When the field gets thinned out to around 20, there won't be an issue anymore. So you just have to deal with it for the first few laps. It is because rFactor's netcode limitations.
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Carburetion Day [May 19th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carburetion Day [May 19th]   Carburetion Day [May 19th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 20 May 2018 - 8:44

As Jacob said Michael. It happens because of rfactors limitations.

I agree with Austin, it's a 200 lap race, no need to be so aggressive. I won't beat about the bush, but we're talking about you Pascal. You were very aggressive with your defence. I saw you push Austin down to the grass and the way you was chopping my nose of was more unnecessary risks. We're not picking on you, just advising you, just calm down a little. It's a long race. Plus keeping yourself at the front will use more fuel.

Take this onboard if you want. But I feel if you don't, it may be a short race for you.
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Raul Jereb
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Raul Jereb

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Carburetion Day [May 19th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carburetion Day [May 19th]   Carburetion Day [May 19th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 20 May 2018 - 9:09

I want to check something...

Incar PIT menu offers two tyres to choose for change: LF and RT...

I just cant figure out and be sure are those "fronts" and "rears" or "lefts" and "rights"..

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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Carburetion Day [May 19th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carburetion Day [May 19th]   Carburetion Day [May 19th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 20 May 2018 - 9:12

LF is both left tires.
Rt is both right tires.

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Raul Jereb
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Raul Jereb

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Registration date : 2013-05-28

Carburetion Day [May 19th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carburetion Day [May 19th]   Carburetion Day [May 19th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 20 May 2018 - 9:24

Richard Coxon wrote:
LF is both left tires.
Rt is both right tires.



and LF and RT means what??? just curious!
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Carburetion Day [May 19th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carburetion Day [May 19th]   Carburetion Day [May 19th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 20 May 2018 - 9:34

Raul Jereb wrote:
Richard Coxon wrote:
LF is both left tires.
Rt is both right tires.



and LF and RT means what??? just curious!

LF - LeFt
RT - RighT

And talking about the defending stuff, I'd like to say that i acknowledged that my defending in case of Richard was harsh, and I apologize for yesterday. However, I must also say that complete dive bombing into 1 is also somewhat irritating, just saying.
Anyway, it's a long race and the first 190 laps don't really count at all. It's the last 10 laps that count.

Sent from Topic'it App
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Registration date : 2012-06-29

Carburetion Day [May 19th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carburetion Day [May 19th]   Carburetion Day [May 19th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 20 May 2018 - 9:52

I did that dive bomb to show you it is irritating, I agree. You had done it a couple of times to me so I did it to show you that it isn't ideal for the car your pacing.

But I'm glad you've taken the advice onboard and the criticism like a man. It is a good show of character and shows you are maturing into a man.
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David Sabre
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David Sabre

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Carburetion Day [May 19th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carburetion Day [May 19th]   Carburetion Day [May 19th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 20 May 2018 - 10:45

Steve Parker wrote:
only thing i learned from that test is that if people drive like that in the race there will not be many finishers,Dave have you got any mirrors on your car ?.
Yer, sorry mate. It all got a little crowded around there and we interlocked wheels (due to me drifting out), these crowding situations need to be avoided today.
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Registration date : 2016-01-04

Carburetion Day [May 19th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carburetion Day [May 19th]   Carburetion Day [May 19th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 20 May 2018 - 10:49

Richard Coxon wrote:
I did that dive bomb to show you it is irritating, I agree. You had done it a couple of times to me so I did it to show you that it isn't ideal for the car your pacing.

But I'm glad you've taken the advice onboard and the criticism like a man. It is a good show of character and shows you are maturing into a man.

I was more thinking about one or two moves Austin Johnson put on me to try and get past me, one of which resulted in damage to my car, if I remember correctly. But the result of them is the same.
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Jason Whited
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Jason Whited

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Carburetion Day [May 19th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carburetion Day [May 19th]   Carburetion Day [May 19th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 20 May 2018 - 14:11

Going to be a long, hard day for us at the back if some don't learn to work together.
Battling for a singular position right off the bat is only going to put us inferior cars far off pace and it's going to end up a lonely ride. We battle, we are losing time. We drive together, we can catch those that are quicker even (because, obviously, we are quicker)

...so, just putting this out there for those I might encounter...just give me some sort of sign we are "working together" and I'm game. (Just please, don't follow me so deeply into the corner that you take away my air, like I did to Michael yesterday - lesson learned - and I'll reciprocate the favor.

I'm pretty sure that we could even keep up with, maybe the back of the top 10 - 15 cars if done right.
I'm absolutely certain the top 10 -15 will be long gone in no time if we all just sit back there scrapping for P25 or whatever Rolling Eyes

:yaa: :yaa: :yaa: (preferably) :top:
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Raul Jereb
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Raul Jereb

Number of posts : 1490
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Registration date : 2013-05-28

Carburetion Day [May 19th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carburetion Day [May 19th]   Carburetion Day [May 19th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 20 May 2018 - 16:21

Pascal Mikula wrote:

LF - LeFt
RT - RighT

:doh: I was sure it has some engeniring codes.. what a waste of air...
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PostSubject: Re: Carburetion Day [May 19th]   Carburetion Day [May 19th] - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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