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 Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th]

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Andre Lagunzad
Martin Lacina
Michael Drechsler
Steve Parker
Richard Wilks
Matthias Weber
David Jundt
Michal Janak
Pascal Kalide
Mick Chapman
Bruno Chacon
Jason Whited
Richard Coxon
Pascal Mikula
Alberto Ibañez
Jonatan Acerclinth
Yves Plaçais
Filippo Marazzi
Raul Jereb
Juha Bos
Javier Pérez Mato
Jason White
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Jason Whited
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Jason Whited

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Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th]   Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 10 Sep 2017 - 15:25

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Simon Wattman
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Simon Wattman

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Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th]   Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 10 Sep 2017 - 15:49

I would like the #46 ferrari Smile
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Javier Pérez Mato
Javier Pérez Mato

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Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th]   Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 10 Sep 2017 - 16:45

I've tried to fix the problem mentioned in room uninstalling and installing again rfactor with the mod, but it took more time than expected... Mad
Enjoy the race!
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Richard Wilks
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Richard Wilks

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Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th]   Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 10 Sep 2017 - 19:15

Noticed a bug in he Mazda refuelling time. Didn't want to get an unfair advantage, so i retired.

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Michal Janak
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Michal Janak

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Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th]   Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 10 Sep 2017 - 22:21

game crashed when session switch so noreplay here :urgence:
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Jason White
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Jason White

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Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th]   Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 10 Sep 2017 - 22:49

Results and points are up
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Juha Bos
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Juha Bos

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Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th]   Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 11 Sep 2017 - 6:56

Certainly not my best effort yesterday, especially with a crap first stint in which I had a few close encounters trying to find a way passed Pascal's 936 but I ran out of talent, but I suppose 3rd and 4th behind two Lancias isn't bad. A better driver would probably have managed to save 2nd place from the Plaçais family but in my case the Lancia just drove around me. :D

4th podium in the series, but still no win. Getting used to this now. :D

Well done to those who completed the race and the Group 5 drivers who gave plenty of room.
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th]   Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 11 Sep 2017 - 8:06

Jason and me saved the day finally after much trouble. The only stint we did with our setup was the first, from then on the game loaded the default setup with each driver swap and we were stuck with inadequate gearing, especially at the main stretch where we lost lots of top speed hitting the limiter :grrr: Being so uncompetitive meant cruising for the points and that is what we did, though in my last stint brakes started fading and then failed competely altogether. Handed the car to Jason for the last 20 laps and they were repared at the pits, so he brought it home and the attrition gave us some points.  :smil20: 

Grats to the winners David/Jonathan and podium guys, kudos to the Group 5 heroes who drove solo to the end :hello:
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th]   Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 11 Sep 2017 - 9:11

Did you assign your own setup as the default? If you did then very strange, never heard of that happening before
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th]   Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 11 Sep 2017 - 9:14

Yes, I sure did. Several times, before each stint.
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th]   Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 11 Sep 2017 - 10:35

Strange then :smil20:
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Jason White
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Jason White

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Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th]   Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 11 Sep 2017 - 12:57

Juha Bos wrote:
Well done to those who completed the race and the Group 5 drivers who gave plenty of room.

Yes, everyone did an excellent job being courteous and giving space (at least from my vantage point)  :top:
Hopefully this trend of heads-up, considerate driving will spread to other series (*cough* CART *cough*)
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th]   Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 11 Sep 2017 - 15:41

Welp, what a race, hm? Glad to finish 6th, well... we could've had a DNF since Arpad forgot where the starter button on the Porsche was! lol!


Well, being the car with the most power, I almost got into the lead; almost, because suddenly, a wild Jundt was blocking me from overtaking. Not the most conventional way to defend the approach to turn 1, but hey, he's a Lancia Group 6, so who am I to argue?
Then, I tried to keep Juha behind me but without success when I missed the braking on the last corner.. well.
Come the first driver's swap, oh, it's all like Kyalami again! Richard Wilks stood in our pit stall! Okay, nothing against Richard now, since he couldn't do jack against that either, but you gotta be joking me if you wanna tell me that Mugello has less than 18 pit stalls o.o
Anyways, Arpad is in the car, I'm watching, and then the infamous "How do i start the car"-pit stop.
We stood in the pits for 8 (EIGHT) minutes trying to get this thing started! I literally screamed "GO GO GO GO GOOO!" when Arpad finally got her to fire up again.
Well, by then, Jaques was in front of us, so I told Arpad to come in early, to just serve his 57 laps and then let me unleash the beast, because I wanted to catch that damn Lancia!

Long story short, I didn't quite manage to catch him, even though I managed to gain 3-5 seconds per lap.
In the end, I'm glad that we finished in the first place, after my misfortune at Monza, the Nürburgring and Spa-Francorchamps.

And on behalf of Arpad and me, also a very sincere Thank You to the Group 5 drivers who gave plenty of room to let us overtake. (Especially in the last 20 laps or so when I was basically giving everyone a Group C drift-show Laughing Well, I guess I was just pushing hard :D )
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Jacob Fredriksson
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Jacob Fredriksson

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Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th]   Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 11 Sep 2017 - 15:55

I had a lot of fun planning and racing this event with Juha and Jan. Really happy with my driving during the race, despite two spins (one which collected Michal, which was totally my fault, so sorry). I'm very proud of that all this effort paid off with a very nice third place for Juha and me, almost completely devoid of trouble. Just one lap behind the winning Lancia is a result to be very proud of, I think.
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Jonatan Acerclinth
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Jonatan Acerclinth

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Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th]   Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 11 Sep 2017 - 16:30

Well, not taking anything away from the LC1 being a damn fast car in the right hands (shown by David and both Plaçais Senior and Junior, think that is the situation between them) it's an increadibly disgusting car to drive...


Practice for this event was almost not present for me as I was at my Sisters wedding during last weekend and the week coming up to this, I travelled home across 12,5 hrs on Saturday.

But 3 or 4 weeks ago, I found a decent version of the circuit, which turned out to be the one being used, and spent 20 or 30 laps to get a feeling for the car and made a few tweaks which David later altered slightly after extensive testing on his part, which was welcomed but the car was still far from my liking (I just can't find a way to trust the ground effect downforce)...

I think I may have done another 25 laps tops on Sunday to get some kind of feeling for the car and found myself improve by a couple of seconds compared to my previous times so it was looking good, I just needed to find consistency.


When I jumped into the car the race was allready over 100 laps old and David had gained a neat little lead setting a blistering pace, a pace I wouldn't even get anywhere near to during my time in the car.

I watched David for a couple of laps to learn what gears he was using (which was needed), as I was, apparently, changed gears way too often.

I jumped into the car and found myself with about 23 seconds of an advantage to Jacob in one of the Fords. While I knew he was faster than me coming up to the event, the speed I found on Sunday "morning", gave me the speed needed to maintain and at times extend our lead.

Only major issue I ran into was when I was right behind (considering it's endurance racing) going into Turn3 and I took a bit of cerb and had a slow-spin, ending up on the racing line. Thankfully Michal took it easy and we could avoid disaster and I could get back going, loosing about 15 seconds in total from the misstake.

After this I set a very solid but careful pace keeping a look at the gap to the guys behind and making use of the LC1's streangt while all the Gr5 drivers were very, very curtious and kind with getting out of the way and always making it clear where they wanted me to go and I had a big gap so I could sit there and wait for a the little bit of time needed to understand the signals given.

Most of the race it was just a question of taking it easy and being consistent (I think I did around fifteen 51,7-51,9's in a row without traffic several times, so I'd say the consistency was there) and I was able to stay out of trouble.

I'd like to extend a small sorry to Pascal for holding you up slightly when I lapped you towards the end of the race, because I had Jan close behind who were a lap down but being very agressive on the brakes, I wanted a bit of breathing space and when you didn't simply let me go the lap before I got a bit forcefull in the double right hander, sorry for this.

Also, when I let you by, what was the reason that you allowed me back through when you were doing faster laps Jan? scratch

After 192 laps the #51 Lancia crossed the line to great cheers from David who was really worried about having a good result in our one run with the LC1, I hope that I did my job well enough, bringing the car home without a single dent in it (from my doing at least :hihi: ).

But neither mine nor David Jaques backs were happy after the race, we were both pretty much knackered I think.

Again, thank you to all Gr5 drivers who were very curtious and kind when being lapped and to all GrC drivers that I ended up lapping, you were all very kind as well.

Next weekend I think I'll take the time to celebrate the win properly with a Bitter/Lager/Ale of some kind, if I do I'll share a picture of it with you all.

For now, cheers and take care everyone and we'll see you all at the next event, a few of you I'll see on Sunday for the Mid Ohio 200 (I think it's a 200 at least...) Smile
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James Knowles
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James Knowles

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Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th]   Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 11 Sep 2017 - 18:18

Richard Wilks wrote:
Noticed a bug in he Mazda refuelling time. Didn't want to get an unfair advantage, so i retired.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

It may have been a "sympathy" bug Richard.... lol!
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Michal Janak
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Michal Janak

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Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th]   Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 11 Sep 2017 - 18:40

Jacob Fredriksson wrote:
I had a lot of fun planning and racing this event with Juha and Jan. Really happy with my driving during the race, despite two spins (one which collected Michal, which was totally my fault, so sorry). I'm very proud of that all this effort paid off with a very nice third place for Juha and me, almost completely devoid of trouble. Just one lap behind the winning Lancia is a result to be very proud of, I think.

i had bad feeling till end of the race that the incident was my fault, but you came too fast so i wasnt sure if i gave room the right way in right time,

making the room and leting so much faster GroupC cars wasnt so easy task, tryed usulay make room ASAP but tryed to lost minimal time too (it was the worst part of letting by - usualy cost some advantage to drivers in same group)
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Michal Janak
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Michal Janak

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Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th]   Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 11 Sep 2017 - 19:56

post race report

this time i tryed the BMW Gr5 as i saa they are faster then Porsche 935, but i didnt try them both on same track. (in the Q and R i was shocked how the 935 is muuuuch faster on main straight)

Practice: this time i invested only les than 30 minutes on to make base setup

Qualification not too fast but didn make big head of it because race will be long and the Q is not so important, used the Q only for fine tuning of the setup for race

Race not much testing again (30minutes before race), only fill the tank, and add some presure to tires , no strategy, no fuel consumption calculation,

after start, the Porsches came easily on me before T1 but in technical part of the track they was slowing me down (it was about 1s per lap), it was very frustrating more than 1h to be held by car which was sooo slower in turns and sometimes braking on places where i wasnt braking at all but on S/F line they fly like a rockets , the White/purple one many times nearly stopped betwenn T2 and T3 preventing me to overtake him, many, many laps later i got to situation to get to side by side to him but i must then brake too late and slided on curbs in fast left downhill (?T6) , I started spin and he cant avoid me and we touched and ended in grawel

my main target (to finish before Filippo Marazzi Laughing ) was after 90minutes looked like only dream because He was more than minute ahead, but thankfully to superd low BMW fuel consuption (pitted for fuel only once at middle of the race but changet tyres 3 times) and some Filippos problems i ended 1 lap before him at finish of the race

1st bigger problem was at half of the race at 2nd pitstop, the car didnt started , tried some times ignition and starter button but after more than 20s drama thinking that it is end of the race the engine finaly fired up. As i saw i lost lap to Filippo i accelerated too early and got Stop and Go penalty :doh:

so i then push the car to the limit and maybe behind the limits so the tyres overheted an missed some brake points,

my worst part of the race came at aprox 5hrs , started losing concentration, had weird thoughts in head, so i found that i shiftet to 1st gear instead to 3rd at one corner, it :grrr: was then very hard to regain full concentration only for race and stay safely on black part of the circuit :conduit:

i was very tyred (almost cant hold left hand up) but very happy ti saw the checquered flag, 3rd finished solo race in row :champ:

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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th]   Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 11 Sep 2017 - 23:09

Pascal Mikula wrote:


Well, being the car with the most power, I almost got into the lead; almost, because suddenly, a wild Jundt was blocking me from overtaking. Not the most conventional way to defend the approach to turn 1, but hey, he's a Lancia Group 6, so who am I to argue?

Sorry I "blocked" you(I moved once), there were cars going 3-wide and I preferred to have the inside for T1 on the right, which was also the lane you were on.

But hey, it either would have A) lasted like a few turns or B) with me ahead as I was able to brake later and turn quicker :hihi:

I know I had taken the joker(thanks to Jonatan!) for this round and it stinged. Better than expected to be honest!

I actually thought we'd finish 2nd here as the Placais-Lancia seemed to be faster overall. But in the end, they seemed slower and Jacob's Ford seemed faster than what I thought! Not to mention the distance he managed to cover, I was slightly asking myself when Jacob would pit already for the first time.

My love for the LC1, open or closed, continues. I loved racing the Sivama car at Kyalami(which sadly ended in a disco or game crash) already, but this one was just as much fun. Car was very stable and I could pick my lines through turns, basically rolling at high speeds through corners because the car gripped so well.

Jonatan Acerclinth wrote:
which David later altered slightly after extensive testing on his part

Which basically consisted of doing a few laps to check basic handling, fuel consumption and boost settings. I think I've spent more time on the strategy than on the setup, which still wasn't much.

I kept improving over the event by just driving the same set, I didn't really do anything to it.

Anyway, everyone behaved nice and clean throughout the race. Funnily enough, both me and Jonatan were missing our headlights to thank people for letting us pass Rolling Eyes lol!

Jonatan did awesomly well and built on the advantage(really deserve that beer, I had mine already :D ). Nevermind that spin  in the first sector, I managed half-spin at T1 aswell Wink

Gotta thank David "Jakes" for being with us on TS, he "endured" it all for 6 hours while driving solo :top:

Congrats to all finishers, especially the other "solists" in their Group 5 cars!

:champ: :first: :champ: <- Me&Jonatan while David sneakily "holds" our trophy for us
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Filippo Marazzi
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Filippo Marazzi

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Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th]   Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri 3 Nov 2017 - 0:59

... a long time ago on a track... Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th] - Page 4 Icon_lol

good start and first laps so 9th position at lap 4, some spin in the first stint, dancing between 9th and 12th position;  
Michal  :langue: is more then a minute back at first refuelling lap 45;
a pair of spin during the second stint, racing between 9th and 13th position, and now Michal ahead of me  Mad , refuelling lap 91;
third stint between 8th and 10th position, many spin;
last stint position 8th, tired, many errors.
:flag: 8th position, third endurance race finish (Spa Rage ).
...but Evil or Very Mad  he is 7th.... Suspect that BMW, only one refuelling...possible fuel hide on board :spy:...

Congratulation to everyone :clap: , great event as usual
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Round 5 - 1000 Km del Mugello [Sep 10th]
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