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 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List

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Bruno Miranda
John Thim
Jason Whited
Mike Becnel
Guillaume Siebert
François Remmen
Mathieu Leclerc
Victor Alcocer
Mariusz Lebioda
Cláudio Augusto
Scott Urick
Brian Janik
Lewis Stephens
Jonatan Acerclinth
Mick Chapman
David Jaques
Richard Coxon
Grant Riddall
Greg Hunt
David Jundt
Chris Stephens
Jari Bruppacher
Bruno Chacon
Steve Parker
Ben Paulet
Frank Verplanken
Adam Hackman
Bob Holada
Peter Blom
Didier Conjeaud
Dana Schurer
Rob Swindells
Lee Simpson
Pascal Kalide
Gianluca Desposito
Jan Kowalski
Matthew Hull
Roberto Mello
Pascal Mikula
Ludovic Tiengou
Greg DellaCella
Alberto Ibañez
Raul Jereb
Michael Drechsler
David Sabre
Raymond Riddall
Austin Ogonoski
Dustin Lengert
Karel Marciniszyn
Richard Wilks
Bob Wilson
Jacob Fredriksson
Jason Fitch
Juha Bos
Ricardo Almeida
Martin Lacina
Petr Hlavac
Yves Plaçais
Michal Janak
Jean-louis Petillot
Steven Klein
Roger Leu
Jason White
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Bruno Chacon
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Bruno Chacon

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1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue 18 Apr 2017 - 1:48

Jason White wrote:
Frank Verplanken wrote:
Your enthusiasm is appreciated Bruno Smile. Be patient, you'll get a chance soon Wink.

If Bruno wants to be part of the Buick brigade at Indy, that could be fun. Shared setups and scheming to upset the thoroughbreds Smile

I'm persistent and I usually get to the end of the races.
If the Buick brigade will accept me, it will be my pleasure.
In fact, I want the peace of mind that I can count on an equipment, even if inferior, to be able to dedicate myself to work on it.
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Jason White
Racing Legend
Jason White

Number of posts : 14725
Age : 47
Location : Ferndale, MI USA
Registration date : 2011-12-25

1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue 18 Apr 2017 - 1:57

LOL if you want reliable equipment, the Buick V6 is the powerplant for you! :hihi:
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Jason Fitch
Pro Driver
Jason Fitch

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Registration date : 2015-04-18

1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue 18 Apr 2017 - 2:53

Jason White wrote:
LOL if you want reliable equipment, the Buick V6 is the powerplant for you! :hihi:

 Was that...did your eye just twitch when you said that with a straight face? lol!
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Jan Kowalski
Pro Driver
Jan Kowalski

Number of posts : 777
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Registration date : 2008-11-28

1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue 18 Apr 2017 - 7:00

Good morning guys lol!

#23 please :hihi:  :spy:
1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 23_Balla_LngBch
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Juha Bos
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Juha Bos

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1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue 18 Apr 2017 - 7:00

#8 March please. With a few spare engines if possible. :D
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Raul Jereb
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Raul Jereb

Number of posts : 1490
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1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue 18 Apr 2017 - 12:29

Jan Kowalski wrote:
Good morning guys lol!

#23 please :hihi:  :spy:
1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 23_Balla_LngBch

Slept well?

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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue 18 Apr 2017 - 14:08

Since Jan has the 23, I'll take the 55 (since, if I'm not wrong, the 55 moves to Tier 2 and I'm in there, right?)
Ooooor all the others move to tier 1, same thing :D
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Juha Bos
Racing Legend
Juha Bos

Number of posts : 1687
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Registration date : 2016-05-11

1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue 18 Apr 2017 - 14:21

Too early Pascal, it goes to Tier 1 at 16h52. lol!
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

Number of posts : 1189
Age : 24
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Registration date : 2016-01-04

1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue 18 Apr 2017 - 14:24

Juha Bos wrote:
Too early Pascal, it goes to Tier 1 at 16h52. lol!
God dammit meeeeeeeee!!! ;_;
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Jason White
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Jason White

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Registration date : 2011-12-25

1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue 18 Apr 2017 - 15:52

1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 55_Atchi_LngBch

March #55 is now open to to tier 1 of the waiting list
If it is still vacant 24 hours from now, it goes to tier 2.
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Michal Janak
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Michal Janak

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Registration date : 2010-03-25

1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue 18 Apr 2017 - 16:47

when i am interested to be on waiting list, which tier ? how big chances are there for average car (with egine capable to fiish 3h races)?
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Jason White
Racing Legend
Jason White

Number of posts : 14725
Age : 47
Location : Ferndale, MI USA
Registration date : 2011-12-25

1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue 18 Apr 2017 - 16:54

Michal Janak wrote:
when i am interested to be on waiting list, which tier ?  how big chances are there for average car (with egine capable to fiish 3h races)?

In answer to the first question, you are tier 1 so #55 is yours if you want it.

It's a Cosworth, so it's one of the more reliable engines.
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Michal Janak
Racing Legend
Michal Janak

Number of posts : 1082
Age : 51
Location : Brno, Czech Republic
Registration date : 2010-03-25

1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue 18 Apr 2017 - 16:59

Jason White wrote:
Michal Janak wrote:
when i am interested to be on waiting list, which tier ?  how big chances are there for average car (with egine capable to fiish 3h races)?

In answer to the first question, you are tier 1 so #55 is yours if you want it.

It's a Cosworth, so it's one of the more reliable engines.

so I will take it
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Jason White
Racing Legend
Jason White

Number of posts : 14725
Age : 47
Location : Ferndale, MI USA
Registration date : 2011-12-25

1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue 18 Apr 2017 - 22:30

In answer to Raul's question, here is our plan for the Indy 500 one-off allocation and timing:

April 24 --> The day after the F1 race, we post the download link for the 1988 IMS track.  Drivers can test offiine at their leisure for one week.

May 1 --> The track officially opens (meaning the server is up), and the drivers on our Indy first-come first-serve priority list have one week to pick a one-off car.  After the one week, the remaining one-off cars will be open to anyone.

May 8 --> The remaining one-off cars are open to anyone.
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Pascal Mikula
Racing Legend
Pascal Mikula

Number of posts : 1189
Age : 24
Location : Classic Motorsport Hub
Registration date : 2016-01-04

1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue 18 Apr 2017 - 23:54

So you legit took me off the Indy 500 list.. Thank you very much. Thank you very f'ing much.. Pretty sure you're all feeling great now.
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Jason White
Racing Legend
Jason White

Number of posts : 14725
Age : 47
Location : Ferndale, MI USA
Registration date : 2011-12-25

1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed 19 Apr 2017 - 2:53

Pascal Mikula wrote:
So you legit took me off the Indy 500 list.. Thank you very much. Thank you very f'ing much.. Pretty sure you're all feeling great now.

No, actually we are bummed out.  We wish you could learn from past mistakes and drive better.  At some point, we have to say enough is enough.  You ruined two people's races in just a few short minutes on Sunday; these were people who had been practicing for two weeks while you just show up 20 minutes before the race.  These are not bots you are punting into tire barriers. These are real people who have real time invested in this hobby.  It is now up to you to convince us that you have made tangible improvement in your driving approach before we allow you to drive in this series again.
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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed 19 Apr 2017 - 3:43

OK Pascal, I'm going to say this just once so I really need you to read it carefully and to acknowledge you have fully understood all what I am saying.

- like Jason said, no we are not feeling great at all. You have forced us to take extreme actions which we have very seldom had to take in the 9 years of existence of the league. It's not something we even remotely enjoy doing, we hate it when it goes down to such extreme sanctions. But it's on you.

- HSO has never been and will never be a discriminating organisation : everybody is free to join, regardless of their origins, age, simracing level and experience. That means everybody is given a fair chance to fit into the group. Those who don't fit are out, period. Also, if you join a group of adults you are expected to act like one and should expect to be treated like one.

- you are on very thin ice as it is, and your tone in your last message and your public insults towards HSO on social networks do not bode well for your future here.

- there are two ways to behave at HSO : our way, or the highway. If being an HSO member and participating in our races is important to you then your only course of action is to apologize, improve your on-track behaviour and your off-track manners. Otherwise you're out. And out for good.

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Scott Urick
Experienced Driver
Scott Urick

Number of posts : 228
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Location : Ohio
Registration date : 2015-04-17

1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed 19 Apr 2017 - 7:18

Jason White wrote:
In answer to Raul's question, here is our plan for the Indy 500 one-off allocation and timing:

April 24 --> The day after the F1 race, we post the download link for the 1988 IMS track.  Drivers can test offiine at their leisure for one week.

May 1 --> The track officially opens (meaning the server is up), and the drivers on our Indy first-come first-serve priority list have one week to pick a one-off car.  After the one week, the remaining one-off cars will be open to anyone.

May 8 --> The remaining one-off cars are open to anyone.

Moving right along . . . . . . .

For any of the Tier 1 guys trying to decide what ride to grab, you can get a jump on testing by grabbing the Indy Track Pack from the USAC73 series last year! There is a version of the 1988 Indy track in there. As I understand it, NO!, that is not the track we are going to run. But if you want to get a feel for the different cars that will be available as one-off rides, it is far more than adequate as a testing venue! If the demand for rides remains as great as it has been (as in evidence from the on-going trolling for any ride that opens up), you will want to have your mind made up before the registration opens! Otherwise, just lace up your roller-skates -- the good ones will be gone.

In addition, if there is anyone who hasn't run at Indianapolis before, she is a fickle old girl. If you would like a primer on driving the track or some help with setups, I can put a room up with the track I mentioned above and provide some tips. I have tested most of the engine/chassis combinations available and I'm willing to watch how your car behaves for you and suggest adjustments. I have some time to do that over the next couple weeks, so just PM me when you would like to meet. And since I'm not going to just pass out setups, all I ask is you are able to join HSO's TeamSpeak and have two-way communication. (I'm not going to type in chat all night.)

Let me know.

Thoughts and prayers for Bob Wilson!
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Pascal Mikula
Racing Legend
Pascal Mikula

Number of posts : 1189
Age : 24
Location : Classic Motorsport Hub
Registration date : 2016-01-04

1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed 19 Apr 2017 - 8:13

Frank Verplanken wrote:
OK Pascal, I'm going to say this just once so I really need you to read it carefully and to acknowledge you have fully understood all what I am saying.

- like Jason said, no we are not feeling great at all. You have forced us to take extreme actions which we have very seldom had to take in the 9 years of existence of the league. It's not something we even remotely enjoy doing, we hate it when it goes down to such extreme sanctions. But it's on you.

- HSO has never been and will never be a discriminating organisation : everybody is free to join, regardless of their origins, age, simracing level and experience. That means everybody is given a fair chance to fit into the group. Those who don't fit are out, period. Also, if you join a group of adults you are expected to act like one and should expect to be treated like one.

- you are on very thin ice as it is, and your tone in your last message and your public insults towards HSO on social networks do not bode well for your future here.

- there are two ways to behave at HSO : our way, or the highway. If being an HSO member and participating in our races is important to you then your only course of action is to apologize, improve your on-track behaviour and your off-track manners. Otherwise you're out. And out for good.


Okay, you know what? Since I'm honestly very frustrated by the obvious risk of me missing out on the Indy 500 again, I firstly apologize for my behavior yesterday since, obviously, I've been filled with anger because of that. Also, I admit to being a hard learner as far as my driving is concerned. Yes, I had 20 minutes of online practice on Sunday. I've driven way too aggressively in the beginning of the Long Beach race but I acknowledged that on the spot when the incidents happened (I know, too late, but I think better late than never) and the first thing I did in my post after the race was apologize to everyone I caused trouble to, obviously including Alberto and Dana. And since Jason only quoted the first part of the first sentence of my post, I assume(d) that he only read that part (which is unlikely but his response to that made me think so).
So, the next two races I attend are Silverstone in F191 and the Nordschleife in the WEC Series. You'll see if I can drive more carefully.
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 38
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed 19 Apr 2017 - 8:25

It's one thing to acknowledge and apologize, and it's the easiest thing. The other and harder thing is to learn from your mistakes, which you obviously haven't so far and that is what the admins have decided to sanction because you've been behaving like this for over a year now.
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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed 19 Apr 2017 - 10:00

It's like Gui said : you've done the easy part Pascal, and it is a step in the right direction, but now it's up to you to translate that into facts on track and to attain, and most of all maintain, a higher standard of behaviour when you race with us, every time you race with us. Some of us admins think you can change for good, others think you can't. Prove the former group right and the latter one wrong, that's all we ask from you.

Now this conversation is over, this thread can go back to its initial purpose.
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Scott Urick
Experienced Driver
Scott Urick

Number of posts : 228
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Registration date : 2015-04-17

1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed 19 Apr 2017 - 18:51

Jason Fitch wrote:
Jason White wrote:
LOL if you want reliable equipment, the Buick V6 is the powerplant for you! :hihi:

 Was that...did your eye just twitch when you said that with a straight face? lol!

Boys and girls, this how to spot sleep deprivation in your colleagues. That and when you find them hunched over their favorite race car model, fondly stroking it and continually repeating, "My pretty, my pretty, my pretty . . . . .". Suspect
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Jason White
Racing Legend
Jason White

Number of posts : 14725
Age : 47
Location : Ferndale, MI USA
Registration date : 2011-12-25

1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeFri 21 Apr 2017 - 8:38

1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 02

Out of respect for Bob Wilson, we will be setting aside the #2 Lola for the month of May.  
After round 3 is completed, we will make the drive available for reallocation.
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1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMon 29 May 2017 - 20:30

Rest season waiting list Smile
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Raul Jereb
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Raul Jereb

Number of posts : 1490
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Location : Rijeka, Croatia
Registration date : 2013-05-28

1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List   1988 CART PPG Indy Car World Series - Entry List - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue 30 May 2017 - 21:20

Could I have it?
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