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 That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor)

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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor) Empty
PostSubject: That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor)   That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor) Icon_minitimeSun 29 Jan 2017 - 12:09

So I got myself the F1 1969 Mod for rFactor and I wanted to test the Lotus 63 (you know, the one with 4WD). But this happened:

That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor) Grab_011

That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor) Grab_012

Basically the rear wheels go absolutely nuts. I don't know why this is or what causes this, but does anyone know a kind of fix for that?

BTW I got the mod (Version 1.01) from here: http://trippteamdownload.servegame.com:100/RFACTOR1/CARS/?search=1969
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor) Empty
PostSubject: Re: That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor)   That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor) Icon_minitimeSun 29 Jan 2017 - 12:48

The only real fix is to delete the mod altogether. Those were hurried and really bad done conversions from the F1 Challenge ones. Fixing that will take more work than doing the car from scratch. Sorry :smil20:
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Mathieu Leclerc
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Mathieu Leclerc

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That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor) Empty
PostSubject: Re: That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor)   That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor) Icon_minitimeSun 19 Feb 2017 - 13:07

it seems that you have rear wheel steering too !

it is possible on rF1 to have 4 wheel drive (rally car) and 4 wheel sterring (andros cars)

i know a league that wanted to do such modding

AutoCross France Online

i don't know if it works
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor) Empty
PostSubject: Re: That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor)   That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor) Icon_minitimeSun 19 Feb 2017 - 14:02

I have never tried that. I suppose that if you are able to link the steering arm to the rear wheels too it would work, but probably it will cause an error and the game to crash. In any case you would have both front and rear wheels steered in the same degree/angle, which is not how real AWS cars work (Rears steer less).
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Michael Drechsler
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Michael Drechsler

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That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor) Empty
PostSubject: Re: That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor)   That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor) Icon_minitimeSun 19 Feb 2017 - 17:07

My take is, its an issue with improper steering arm values. Problems that are so common with conversions where the guy(s) doing the stuff has no idea what he's actually doing.
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor) Empty
PostSubject: Re: That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor)   That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor) Icon_minitimeSun 19 Feb 2017 - 19:25

Quote :
Problems that are so common with conversions where the guy(s) doing the stuff has no idea what he's actually doing.

It's actually done so bad that having no idea won't sufffice. Such a mess must be intentional and carefully planned lol!
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PostSubject: Re: That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor)   That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor) Icon_minitime

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That weird F1 1969 Glitch (rFactor)
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