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 1974 IMSA Ontario 4 Hours - Entry List (Dec 11th)

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Honza Mild
Petr Hlavac
Yves Plaçais
Jason Fitch
James Knowles
Marek Liolias
Raymond Riddall
Arpad Vincze
David Jaques
Mick Chapman
Raul Jereb
Michael Drechsler
Gérard Ryon
Jean-louis Petillot
Pascal Mikula
Steve Parker
Axel Putra
Frank Waschke
Alberto Ibañez
Ben Paulet
Ludovic Tiengou
Martin Lacina
David Jundt
Dana Schurer
Michal Janak
Jan Titz
Juha Bos
Jason White
Richard Coxon
33 posters
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

1974 IMSA Ontario 4 Hours - Entry List (Dec 11th) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA Ontario 4 Hours - Entry List (Dec 11th)   1974 IMSA Ontario 4 Hours - Entry List (Dec 11th) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 11 Dec 2016 - 17:25

Just delete the grinding tranny plugin. Simple

1974 IMSA Ontario 4 Hours - Entry List (Dec 11th) - Page 4 462
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Petr Hlavac
Pro Driver
Petr Hlavac

Number of posts : 873
Age : 41
Location : Brno, Czech Republic
Registration date : 2015-01-11

1974 IMSA Ontario 4 Hours - Entry List (Dec 11th) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA Ontario 4 Hours - Entry List (Dec 11th)   1974 IMSA Ontario 4 Hours - Entry List (Dec 11th) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 11 Dec 2016 - 21:32

When I realized that the Alfa is a dog, it was too late. I was losing 1,5 seconds on the long straight even to my class opponents. When I found out that it's also thirsty and i won't make it on one stop (unlike everybody else), I just gave up. No fun, no motivation, no reason to go on.
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1974 IMSA Ontario 4 Hours - Entry List (Dec 11th)
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