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 Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)

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Jan Kowalski
Philippe Martinelli
Jan Titz
Konstantin Zubov
Sebastian Vignone
Raul Jereb
Vincent Beretta
Mick Chapman
Didier Conjeaud
Florkin Marc
Petr Hlavac
Alberto Ibañez
David Jundt
David Sabre
Jacob Fredriksson
Raymond Riddall
Greg Hunt
Gérard Ryon
Pascal Mikula
Emmanuel Haas
Jonatan Acerclinth
Yves Plaçais
Matthias Weber
Jason White
Michael Drechsler
Juha Bos
Michal Janak
Martin Lacina
Richard Coxon
33 posters
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeSun 6 Nov 2016 - 23:31

United States Grand Prix

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Round15
--> HOTLAPS <--

Event Schedule (all times given are CET):

Sunday November 13th

20h00 - Qualifying
21h00 - Warm-up and Drivers’ briefing
21h10 - Race start (formation/standing) 59 laps or 2 hrs

Server Password : hso78
A training server will be running 24/7 (same password).

Race Start Procedure

- Cars will be placed on the grid when the drivers click "race" 
- After the countdown is over, the field will do one formation lap, then re-grid for the standing start.

Behaviour on track

- as for all HSO races, it is required you use your real name both in-game and on the forum. Thank you.

- Chatting is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN in race session. It is allowed in qualifying sessions for technical issues only.

- Drive Through : If a driver has to do a drive through, even if there is no pit lane speed limit, he has to drive through the pitlane at 100km/h max (60mph). If he doesn't respect this, he will get a 30s penalty at the end of the race.

- Shortcuts : If a driver gains a position after shortcutting a turn, he is required to give it back as soon as possible. In the case where a driver would not do it rapidly, a 30-second penalty will be added to his total race time. In the event of abusive and intentional shortcutting, severe sanctions will be applied (up to definitive a ban from the league). To make sure you never shortcut a turn, try to always keep two wheels on the track.

- Respect the red condition at the end of the pitlane.

Application and Interpretation of the Regulations

The admins alone are qualified to solve any problems raised by the application and the interpretation of the present regulations.

One-off drives available
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) 1978_LaudaUSAE
#1 Niki Lauda USAE
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) 1978_ReutemannUSAE
#11 Carlos Reutemann USAE
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) 1978_ArnouxUSAE
#18 Rene Arnoux USAE
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) 1978_RahalUSAE
#21 Bobby Rahal USAE

Entry List:

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Uk David Sabre #1 Brabham-Alfa Romeo
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Poland Jan Kowalski #3 Tyrrell-Ford Cosworth
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Cze Miroslav Havlík #4 Tyrrell-Ford Cosworth
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Belgium Gérard Ryon #5 Lotus-Ford Cosworth
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Cze Michal Janak #7 McLaren-Ford Cosworth
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Belgium Juha Bos #8 McLaren-Ford Cosworth
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Italy Gianluca Desposito #9 ATS-Ford Cosworth
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Sweden Jacob Fredriksson #10 ATS-Ford Cosworth
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Switzerland David Jundt #11 Ferrari
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Belgium Marc Florkin #12 Ferrari
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Uk Raymond Riddall #14 Copersucar-Ford Cosworth
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Cze Martin Lacina #15 Renault
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) France Greg Goissen #16 Shadow-Ford Cosworth
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) France Vincent Beretta #17 Shadow-Ford Cosworth
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Usa Jason White #18 Surtees-Ford Cosworth
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Ukraine Konstantin Zubov #19 Surtees-Ford Cosworth
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Germany Jan Titz #20 Wolf-Ford Cosworth
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Uk Richard Coxon #21 Wolf-Ford Cosworth
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Argentina Sebastian Vign #22 Ensign-Ford Cosworth
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Canada David Jaques #25 Lotus-Ford Cosworth
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) France Yves Plaçais #26 Ligier-Matra
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Cze Petr Hlavac #27 Williams-Ford Cosworth
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Sweden Jonatan Acerclinth #30 McLaren-Ford Cosworth
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Uk Mick Chapman #35 Arrows-Ford Cosworth
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) France Philippe Martinelli #36 Arrows-Ford Cosworth
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Brasil Felipe Novaes #37 Merzario-Ford Cosworth
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) France Didier Conjeaud #55 Lotus-Ford Cosworth

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) 462

Last edited by Richard Coxon on Sun 13 Nov 2016 - 23:19; edited 9 times in total
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeSun 6 Nov 2016 - 23:32

#21 Bobby Rahal

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) 462
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Martin Lacina
Experienced Driver
Martin Lacina

Number of posts : 475
Age : 43
Location : Czech Republic
Registration date : 2016-02-16

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeSun 6 Nov 2016 - 23:33

Will be there.

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) 744
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Michal Janak
Racing Legend
Michal Janak

Number of posts : 1082
Age : 51
Location : Brno, Czech Republic
Registration date : 2010-03-25

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeSun 6 Nov 2016 - 23:35


Status: back from retirement
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) 12_Villeneuve   :first: ,DNF, :third:
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Juha Bos
Racing Legend
Juha Bos

Number of posts : 1687
Age : 37
Location : Belgium
Registration date : 2016-05-11

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeSun 6 Nov 2016 - 23:50


Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA

Join the current HSO team as we move to ISO in 2020!
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Michal Janak
Racing Legend
Michal Janak

Number of posts : 1082
Age : 51
Location : Brno, Czech Republic
Registration date : 2010-03-25

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeMon 7 Nov 2016 - 0:01

can not see the server , is it running?

Status: back from retirement
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) 12_Villeneuve   :first: ,DNF, :third:
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeMon 7 Nov 2016 - 0:04

Michal Janak wrote:
can not see the server , is it running?

Patience  Wink

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) 462
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Michael Drechsler
Pro Driver
Michael Drechsler

Number of posts : 671
Age : 46
Location : Aachen, Germany
Registration date : 2016-03-11

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeMon 7 Nov 2016 - 0:08

No one-off McLaren this time around?
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeMon 7 Nov 2016 - 0:14

Michael Drechsler wrote:
No one-off McLaren this time around?

Nope, Giacomelli didn't contest any more races.

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) 462
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Michael Drechsler
Pro Driver
Michael Drechsler

Number of posts : 671
Age : 46
Location : Aachen, Germany
Registration date : 2016-03-11

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeMon 7 Nov 2016 - 0:20

Seems I missed something when I made my choice...

...open to capture take over a car if a) someone doesn't start and b) admins allow Smile
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Michal Janak
Racing Legend
Michal Janak

Number of posts : 1082
Age : 51
Location : Brno, Czech Republic
Registration date : 2010-03-25

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeMon 7 Nov 2016 - 1:13

Richard, watched your lap, superbly you fly thru curbs in chicane in esses, i every lap disturb car here

Status: back from retirement
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) 12_Villeneuve   :first: ,DNF, :third:
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Jason White
Racing Legend
Jason White

Number of posts : 14725
Age : 47
Location : Ferndale, MI USA
Registration date : 2011-12-25

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeMon 7 Nov 2016 - 4:17

Michal Janak wrote:
Richard, watched your lap, superbly you fly thru curbs in chicane in esses, i every lap disturb car here

Try softening the springs

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA
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Matthias Weber
Pro Driver
Matthias Weber

Number of posts : 520
Age : 40
Location : Remscheid, Germany
Registration date : 2013-08-06

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeMon 7 Nov 2016 - 8:54

I have to free my Surtees #19 for the last 2 races.

Wish you all a lot of fun!

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) 621
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Yves Plaçais
Racing Legend
Yves Plaçais

Number of posts : 1981
Age : 63
Location : Angers, France.
Registration date : 2008-12-18

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeMon 7 Nov 2016 - 10:33


Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) 58
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Jonatan Acerclinth
Racing Legend
Jonatan Acerclinth

Number of posts : 1837
Age : 31
Location : Gräv, Sweden
Registration date : 2012-12-10

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeMon 7 Nov 2016 - 11:23

I should be around.

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) 539

2019 | 1996 British Touring Car Championship :second: | Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) St_btcc96_03
2019 | 1995 Super Tourenwagen Cup  :first: | Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) St_stw95_22

If you are scared entering a corner, you are pushing to hard,
if you are bored entering a corner, you aren't pushing enough,
if you hit it perfectly, it will be better than love
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Emmanuel Haas
Club Driver

Number of posts : 90
Age : 48
Location : France
Registration date : 2016-02-13

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeMon 7 Nov 2016 - 12:47

My surtees #18 is unfortunatly free again but I will be present for the last race to finish this fantastic championship with you.

Next season, I hope there will be a new F1 championship with a Mod which will not be too old. I hope there will be a place for me and a full time car too, from the biginning.
For this championship, 13 possible races for me because I knew your league during the season and only 3 no participations. One for a little demotivation (Anderstorp) and 2 for hollidays with impossibility for me to drive (Monza and Watkins Glen).

Good race for all and see you at Montreal for the end of this season ... Smile

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) 745
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Jason White
Racing Legend
Jason White

Number of posts : 14725
Age : 47
Location : Ferndale, MI USA
Registration date : 2011-12-25

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeMon 7 Nov 2016 - 13:08

I will take Surtees #18 for this round Wink

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA
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Pascal Mikula
Racing Legend
Pascal Mikula

Number of posts : 1189
Age : 24
Location : Classic Motorsport Hub
Registration date : 2016-01-04

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeMon 7 Nov 2016 - 14:50


Hope I'll survive that one Smile

Owner of Classic Motorsport Hub - Your #1 Historic Sim Racing Network! Join @ https://classicmotorsporthub.boards.net  :hello:
2016 1000km of Kyalami Winner! Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) WEC1983_pAG1
2017 Grand Prix of Italy Winner!  Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) ASenna_01
2018 Indianapolis 500 Pole Position Winner! Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) USAC74_14
2018 Can-Am Challenge at Riverside Winner! Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) 7McLaren
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Jason White
Racing Legend
Jason White

Number of posts : 14725
Age : 47
Location : Ferndale, MI USA
Registration date : 2011-12-25

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeMon 7 Nov 2016 - 16:16

Matthias Weber wrote:
I have to free my Surtees #19 for the last 2 races.

Wish you all a lot of fun!

#19 will go through the waiting lists before it becomes a one off

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA
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Michal Janak
Racing Legend
Michal Janak

Number of posts : 1082
Age : 51
Location : Brno, Czech Republic
Registration date : 2010-03-25

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeMon 7 Nov 2016 - 17:55

Emmanuel Haas wrote:
My surtees #18 is unfortunatly free again but I will be present for the last race to finish this fantastic championship with you.

Next season, I hope there will be a new F1 championship with a Mod which will not be too old. I hope there will be a place for me and a full time car too, from the biginning.
For this championship, 13 possible races for me because I knew your league during the season and only 3 no participations. One for a little demotivation (Anderstorp) and 2 for hollidays with impossibility for me to drive (Monza and Watkins Glen).

Good race for all and see you at Montreal for the end of this season ... Smile

oposite to you, i pray for older mod (65,67, 72,73,75)

Status: back from retirement
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) 12_Villeneuve   :first: ,DNF, :third:
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Gérard Ryon
Pro Driver
Gérard Ryon

Number of posts : 798
Age : 68
Location : Antwerpen (Belgique)
Registration date : 2009-05-25

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeMon 7 Nov 2016 - 18:39

:hello: :conduit:
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Greg Hunt
Racing Legend
Greg Hunt

Number of posts : 4322
Age : 40
Location : HOSSEGOR
Registration date : 2010-03-25

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeMon 7 Nov 2016 - 19:18


Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) 849
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Raymond Riddall
Experienced Driver
Raymond Riddall

Number of posts : 329
Age : 62
Location : England
Registration date : 2015-08-03

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeMon 7 Nov 2016 - 20:32


Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) 731
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Emmanuel Haas
Club Driver

Number of posts : 90
Age : 48
Location : France
Registration date : 2016-02-13

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeMon 7 Nov 2016 - 21:05

Michal Janak wrote:
Emmanuel Haas wrote:
(...) Next season, I hope there will be a new F1 championship with a Mod which will not be too old. (...)

oposite to you, i pray for older mod (65,67, 72,73,75)

I prefer 80's and 90's but this season 78 is not finished ... Wait and see ... End of december if it is like the last year Smile I am impatient to know Smile

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) 745
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Jacob Fredriksson
Racing Legend
Jacob Fredriksson

Number of posts : 1047
Age : 35
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-01-15

Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitimeMon 7 Nov 2016 - 21:05


"I'm going for first!" "...the man's an animal..."
Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) 669
Happy and proud 1988 CART Champion! ~ 2017
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Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)   Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th) Icon_minitime

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Round 15 - Watkins Glen (Nov 13th)
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